Today, Year 5 were given a wonderful opportunity to take part in a Primary Engagement day at Lords Cricket ground hosted by Middlesex County Cricket Club. The plan was to watch Middlesex CCC play Yorkshire CCC and take part in activities throughout the day. We arrived to see the two cricket teams warming up but unfortunately that was that for the match as rain put a stop to the match.

Our day wasn’t ruined though because we still had our activities to look forward to and we had a selfie challenge to complete. The selfie challenge was to take photos of ourselves in front of a range of locations across the ground, which we had to track down ourselves and the first activity was a carousel of games and challenges such as ball skills, batting practice and team games.

With a bit of time to spare between activities (because of the postponement of the match and rain), we took advantage by visiting the Cricket museum and we got see all sorts of original cricket memorabilia through the years. Our lunches were eaten in the stand and although there wasn’t a match to watch while we ate our sandwiches, it was still a lovely view of one of the most famous Cricket grounds in the world.

After lunch, our afternoon activity was to play a cricket match, in the Lords’ indoor centre, of our own. We separated into two teams and had lots of fun batting and fielding, counting our runs and finding out which teams scored the most. It was a lovely day, despite the rain, and we were very fortunate to have such a great opportunity to engage with such a great sport!

2 comments on “Lords Cricket Primary Engagement Day

  1. I loved going to Lords cricket ground it was so much fun

  2. Olivia g says:

    I had so much fun!

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