Our class topic in Reception is ‘Traditional Tales.’ So far, we have been learning about the story of ‘Cinderella’ and ‘The Gingerbread Man.’

This week, we have been very busy planning and making Gingerbread Men biscuits!

In our Oracy lesson, we looked at a biscuit recipe and talked about the ingredients we would need. We read the instructions together so that we understood the important steps to take to make Gingerbread Men biscuits. We cut out and ordered pictures of the different steps involved. We learnt some key cooking vocabulary including mix, weigh, pour and sieve.’ We practised saying each instruction for each picture.

In our Writing lesson, we used each picture to help us write simple instructions of how to make the Gingerbread Men biscuits. We used a sound mat and word bank to help us with our spelling.

Today, we got to make the Gingerbread Men biscuits!

We recapped on the instructions we had written and then we went to the creativity room where we made our biscuits. We weighed out all of the ingredients and followed each step. We mixed all of the ingredients together and then rolled the dough and cut the Gingerbread Men shapes using the cutter. We put them in the oven to cook.

This afternoon we got to try our biscuits, they were delicious!

Reception, what was your favourite part of planning and making Gingerbread Men biscuits this week?

4 comments on “The Gingerbread Man: Planning and Making Biscuits!

  1. I liked making the Gingerbread Men biscuits. The biscuits were so yummy, I enjoyed eating them. I enjoyed learning all of the different words, I saw some tricky words. It was really fun cooking with friends. Thank you to my class teachers for deciding we could make the Gingerbread Men biscuits. 🥰🤩🤗

  2. Isabella says:

    I love making cookies from the Gingerbread Man, because he runs. I love making cookies and eating them at school. I had the best day ever at school! 🍪 👩🏽‍🍳

  3. I made some gingerbread men. Run, run as fast as you can. They were so delicious.

  4. I hope that we can do more baking in class. It was really fun 🙂

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