This morning Year 3 performed a brilliant assembly on their topic of Ancient Egypt.

They taught us all about the gory mummification process and the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb by Howard Carter. All the children performed excellently to such a big audience and we enjoyed their wonderful singing as well!

We hope you enjoy watching the assembly. Well done Year 3!

Please contact the school office if you need the password.

9 comments on “Year 3 Assembly

  1. Mr. Kersys says:

    Well done Year 3! What a spectacular performance from you all! I’m so, so proud of how well you did and I can’t believe you performed to so many people!

  2. Nicolas‘ grandparents from 🇦🇹 says:

    Congratulations! We really enjoyed seeing your assembly in person today! Well done!

  3. Gabriel 🙂 says:

    This assembly was very exciting and I loved preparing it! I liked doing the ancient Egyptian topic and writing my name in hieroglyphs like Howard Carter would write Tutankhamun’s name.

  4. Heloise Y5 😉 says:

    Dear Year 3,

    I absolutely loved your assembly!!! I loved the songs, the costumes the humour, Oh I simply can’t explain everything! You were so fabulous I nearly died of laughing when Louis said ”Watch it! You nearly took my brain out!”

  5. Alexandra Y3 😊😂⚽⚽ says:

    I loved being a priest and operating on a mummy. This was possibly my favourite assembly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I loved doing the assembly! It was so fun!

  7. Florence Y3😎😛 says:

    This was my most favourite assembly to perform! I loved our scene because we did a lot of acting.

  8. charles year3 says:

    I really liked learning about ancient Egypt! I really liked learning how to prepare a body for burial .

  9. Alexander Y3 says:

    This subject was very creative!!!

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