This evening we have had a fabulous time at the disco! Thank you so much to the St. Vincent’s Parents’ Association for organising this brilliant event. It was a great way to celebrate the end of SATs and assessments this week but also a little bit sad as it is the final disco for Year 6. We danced, danced, ate hot dogs, danced, ate lollies and had lots of fun! 

8 comments on “Disco Dancing!

  1. Odelina year 1 says:

    I loved dancing at the disco and seeing my frends! We had so much fun!

  2. I loved the school disco and it was the bestest school disco I have went to in my whole entire life. My favourite part was when I won the dancing competition. My favourite dance partner was Zuri. I also loved eating hotdogs and also dancing with my Mom and my friend Uri. My Dad missed out on the party, so sad because he could have had to dance with us. My Dad actually wanted to go to the school disco but he couldn’t because he had to go to work.

  3. I loved dancing with all my friends and playing with the glow sticks!

  4. Phillyppe says:

    I loved the school disco and it was the best school disco I have went to in my whole entire life. My favourite part was when I won the dancing competition. My favourite dance partner was James J. I loved playing with the glow sticks!

  5. Louis y3 says:

    Thank you for organising the disco! I loved dancing in the competiton.IT WAS SO MUCH FUN

  6. Adelaide says:

    You all did amazing at the dance competition and your outfits were incredible.

  7. I LOVE the disco 🤩

  8. Loved dancing!

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