Today, Year 6 had a very interesting and helpful workshop led by Georgina and Iris from MIND.

As we have only four weeks left until the Summer holidays, Year 6 are facing a big change in their lives as they prepare to leave St. Vincent’s and move onto their secondary schools.

In the workshop, we talked about worries that children might have about being at secondary schools  and challenging scenarios that we might face.  We worked in groups to come up with our own solutions and suggestions for children who might be facing these worries and scenarios. We then shared our ideas with the rest of the class.

We ended by thinking about what we are looking forward to as we move onto the next exciting stage in our lives.

Thank you to Georgina and Iris for coming to work with us today. It helped us to understand that it is natural to have worries about such a big change and also to start thinking about some strategies to help us to cope with them as well.

26 comments on “Mind Workshop: Moving to Secondary School

  1. This workshop helped me a lot. I now feel a lot more confident about my transition from primary to secondary. After all, I will always be able to check in on Miss Siswick and Miss Heally after school!!!!

  2. Thank you Georgina and Iris, the workshop was very helpful 👍🏽😊

  3. I think this I very important to do before going to secondary school. You all probably now have more ideas of what to do if you are ever in a challenging place in secondary school when you leave in 4 weeks.

  4. Thank you Georgina and Iris for this lovely workshop I learnt a lot

  5. Sophia b yr6 says:

    I loved this workshop because I became more exited with going to secondary !

  6. I enjoyed this workshop as it prepared me for Y7.

  7. Madeleine Y6 says:

    It was very fun and helped me to not be nervous when moving schools.

  8. Hollirose says:

    this workshop was fun.

  9. I loved learning about changes to secondary school and I retrieved from the workshop that it is very important to stay calm and not to panic when changing schools and not to be shy and make friends.

  10. It was a very helpful workshop and I think I will be very prepared next year.

  11. It was very helpful to learn that there are other nervous people going into secondary school!

  12. Mila year 6 says:

    This workshop made me feel more calm about going to secondary school even though its going to be a big change for me.

  13. Adrien🥶 says:

    This was very workshop useful thank you to everyone who did it and organized it.
    Thank you.

  14. George y6 says:

    It was fun but sad because it was a reminder we are leaving.

  15. Isabella says:

    I loved this MIND Workshop it was very fun and I learnt a lot.

  16. It was extremely enjoyable and it was easy to understand as they gave us a simple video that made everything simpler.

  17. This was so fun and helpful to prepare for going to secondary school.

  18. I really enjoyed it and it was helpful.

  19. Sophia p says:

    This was very fun and helpful.

  20. It was very good at keeping my worries out and making sure I didn’t have to overthink them.

  21. I found this work shop very helpful because it made me feel a lot better about going to secondary school and it gave me a better idear of whats going to happen .


  22. I feel more confident now about the transition. My new school is close to st vincents so I can always come back!

  23. Catherine says:

    I really enjoyed the MIND workshop and I am so excited to leave the school and meet new people!!!!

  24. This workshop made me feel a lot more comfortable about moving to secondary school and it was very fun.

  25. Sophie yr6 says:

    This workshop was so useful because it helped me understand what I will go through during secondary school and what I might feel. Thank you Georgina and Iris!

  26. It was very helpful; thank you mind.

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