In Year 1 we have been focusing on writing number sentences within our Maths book.

We have been remembering to only use one square in our books for each digit, which has been a tricky skill to master! We have been using our blue maths books to consolidate Year 1’s learning of addition and subtraction, whilst practicing how to lay out number sentences correctly.

To support Year 1’s learning, the children were provided with ten frames and counters. In Year 1 we are now focusing on numbers to 100, so having physical objects on our tables can really help the children to see the answers to some very big questions! Each table worked so well together, working together to place the first amount on their ten frames, and then share the counters for either their addition or subtraction questions.

Everyone did very well at presenting their work correctly, and use the resources to support their learning whilst using very high numbers. Year 1 have really consolidated their understanding of number sentences, and can use the mathematical symbols for addition and subtraction whilst independently writing their own number sentences! Well done!

3 comments on “Maths: Addition and Subtraction Number Sentences

  1. I loved learning about number additions and subtractions. It was really fun to learn about them and now I know a lot more.

  2. Alexandra Y3 ⚽⚾πŸ₯ŽπŸ€πŸπŸˆπŸ‰πŸŽ±πŸŽ³ says:

    You look like you have been working very hard, Year 1.

  3. WOW year 1 you guys are getting so good at this. You are probably all experts now!

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