Here are the wonderful photos from our Primary Shakespeare Company Festival performance of Act 2 of Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’ 

Year 4 worked really hard to learn all of their lines, movements and songs so that they could deliver a fantastic performance.

Well done everyone, they look absolutely brilliant! You really caught the emotions of the play in wonderful detail.

We enjoyed watching you perform at the amazing LAMDA Theatre and it was a cracking performance…I hope you all enjoy looking through these photos with your family and friends!

Thank you to our wonderful director Bex for all her help in directing the performance and the amazing staff at the LAMDA Theatre for looking after us!

4 comments on “Year 4 Perform At The Primary Shakespeare Company Festival

  1. Madeleine year4 says:

    It was so fun , I really enjoyed it!

  2. I hope your Shakespeare performance went really well! It’s always so much fun to do a performance but the Shakespeare performance makes you have a lot more fun! I hope you enjoyed it year 4!!!

  3. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    What fantastic photos! I bet you all enjoyed yourselves performing on stage. Well done Y4!

  4. Thank you so much Mr Garnet for our opportunity it was incredibly good . I loved it as it was dark and we where performing at a REAL THEATRE.I loved it so so much thank you.

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