Year 6 are very busy preparing their ‘Top Secret’ Production for you all.

We have been rehearsing in class and in our Music lessons  and everyone has also been learning their lines and the words to many, many songs at home!

Yesterday, we  performed our dress rehearsal for Foundation Stage and Year one and today we rehearsed all day and everyone did a fantastic job.

It is a longstanding Year 6 tradition that the production is a surprise for the audience so we  won’t reveal the name of the production until the very last minute. Until then, we’re going to keep you guessing!

23 comments on “‘Top Secret’ Production Progress!

  1. I am so curious of what the production is. My top 3 guesses are Peter Rabbit, Wind in the Willows and Willy Wonka. This year they are very good at keeping the secret of what the production is.

  2. George y6 says:

    It is secret guys … It is fun tho

  3. Madeleine says:

    It was very fun rehearsing the production.

  4. It is super awesome that nobody has figured it out yet!

  5. We won’t let you discover what it is.

  6. Loving the production PETER RABBIT

  7. My guess is the Teletubbies – I don’t know, though.

  8. I am having a lot of fun doing the show and I have enjoyed our first show.

  9. i am having so m,uch fun practicing the show and i cant wait to reveal it to the ks2 and the parents

  10. It was really fun to rehearse in front of people but for now keep guessing.

  11. It was really fun and I can’t wait to perform our TOP SECRET production

  12. This was so much fun because we got to really understand how it works and how shows turn into incredible productions.

  13. Layla yr6 says:

    I love rehearsing that I honestly think that I enjoy rehearsal more then the actual performance!!!!1

  14. I love doing the production and I can’t wait to perform it.

  15. Hollirose and Izzy says:

    I think it is ##### ###### …. uh now guess what it is.

  16. The three rabbits are such good characters. I’m a fox so I get to be evil.

  17. sophia p says:

    This looks fun even though I wasn’t there.

  18. I love playing the part of Peter Rabbit

  19. Practicing for the production is so fun and I really have good thoughts about how the production is going to be. I’m sure if I practice a few more times we could do it on our own.

  20. Sophie Yr6 says:

    I really enjoy practising the production and Im so excited to perform it!

  21. I have so much fun playing the part of miss ##########. I can’t wait to do the production!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Sophia B YR6 says:

    I love doing the production and I HOPE no one finds out what the production is…..

  23. Catherine says:

    I love the production and I can’t wait to showcase it to everyone.

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