Over the last few months, St Vincent’s have been taking part in an exciting project led by Schools to Market. Schools to Market is a food education programme that gives pupils an opportunity to learn about food growing, farming, product creation, and marketing.

After weeks of learning and preparation, today was the day Green Team sold their scrumptious Beetroot, Apple and Ginger Chutney!

Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 members of Green Team took all of the wonderful chutney that Green Team made (with the help of Year 2 sourcing ingredients from their farm visit) to Whole Foods Market in Piccadilly Circus.  We were given a table outside the shop and tasked with selling as much chutney as possible to the people shopping.

We first had to set up our table so that as many people as possible could see what we were selling. We decorated our table with posters we had made to attract customers. Each of the chutney jars had labels on that were made by year 2 to show the ingredients and price. We sold each chutney jar for £2.50 – a real bargain price!

Green Team worked fabulously as a sales team. They each took it in turns to have different roles – some people floated around the outside area, encouraging people to buy, others were at the table to collect money and give change.

The children all worked so hard and we sold out of all the chutney that we had brought! We made £59 cash profit and we are waiting to hear how much we took via card payments!

It was a very successful day and Green Team showed excellent entrepreneurial skills!

The money we raised will be used by Green Team to further develop our green spaces in school.

7 comments on “Schools to Market: Green Team sell Chutney!

  1. Alexander Y3 says:

    Thank you so much for this trip!!
    I really enjoyed this trip because there was a chance for me to sell my own handmade food. We had a very successful trip and sold out all our Chutneys!

    Good luck to those who come on this trip in the future!!!

  2. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    Well done green team! 👏

  3. I loved making the chutney ! It was so fun! Selling it was as well!

  4. I was very excited when we sold the chutney. We had so many customers. Some people just donated money! We had sold out earlier than expected. We were very proud of ourselves.

  5. I love the chutney SO much I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw all those pictures!

  6. Well done Green Team !
    The chutney looks very good .
    Hope you had fun.

  7. Well done green team! We are so proud of all the chutney you made and how much you sold. Even the green team members in our class smelled like chutney when they came back.

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