After the fun of the pyjama disco last night, we were all quite sleepy when the teachers woke us up this morning! But we had a lot to do and had to packed up and tidy our dorms before our first activity. This took us longer than usual as it was pouring with rain again. After sorting everything out so we were ready for another soggy activity, it actually stopped raining!

We went down to the ponds to do some pond dipping. It was lots of fun to find out what insects and fish live in the pond. We found a small stickle back fish and learnt than the males have a red stripe whereas the females are smaller. We collected a lot of pond skaters. We learnt that they can live out the water as well and some jumped out our trays! A few people found dragonfly nymphs. They live for a few years in the water and then turn into dragonflies. Someone even found a dragonfly case, this is what the dragonfly leaves behind as they turn from a nymph to the dragonfly. One group found a baby newt, which looks a little like an axolotl because they have external gils. One group even found a water scorpion. We spotted the two pincers at the front and the tail, but it’s a bit different to a usual scorpion!

As Sayers Croft was used in WWII, we went into the air raid shelter. It was very dark and quite creepy! Then we did a trail around Sayers Croft and saw what all the buildings were used for during the war. We even went into a real air raid centre and imagined what it would have been like for the boys who were evacuated here in the war.

We enjoyed our final Sayers Croft lunch and have all agreed that we’re going to miss the food here!

And now we’re heading to the coach to come back to London. We’ve had a great week and made lots of fun memories, but we’re looking forward to seeing everyone back in Marylebone! See you soon!

14 comments on “Our last morning at Sayers Croft

  1. Miss Coleman says:

    Fabulous photos! I’m glad you’ve had such a great time but we are really looking forward to welcoming you all back.

  2. Thank you Year 6 for a wonderful week in Sayers Croft. It was lovely to have the chance to get to know you all and what an amazing class you are! I loved the way you were always ready to try new things and how supportive you were to each other. I hope you are all enjoying being back home and having a good rest. I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Sayers Croft assembly.

  3. Welcome back year six 6️⃣. We missed you

  4. I loved the pond dipping. It was amazing! It was one of my favourite activities.

  5. I was so sad to leave Sayers Croft. It was such a good experience and I really enjoyed it.

  6. This was a very fun experience and I really enjoyed it! I hope we can do it again another time.

  7. Valentina y6 says:

    Sayers Croft was so fun!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Sebastian Y6 says:

    This was my favourite thing to do at Sayers Croft. I loved pond dipping. I even caught a dragon fly nymph.

  9. I had lots of fun in Sayers Croft and my favourite part was were we went rope climbing in the woods. My second favourite part was were we went into the woods when it was dark with our small groups.

  10. Tomi YEAR 5 says:

    We discovered some crazy creatures and some of them looked like evolved grasshpoppers

  11. I had lots of fun in Sayers Croft and my favourite part was were we went rope climbing in the woods. My second favourite part was were we went into the woods when it was dark with our small groups.

  12. Alexandra Y4 says:

    I hope you had a great time!

  13. The best activity was the challenge course and the zipline.

  14. The disco was so fun but everyone was shouting so loud about which songs to pick. CHAOS

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