We have had a wonderful first week so far in Reception! It has been lovely welcoming everyone into Reception and meeting some new friends!

Everyone has worked together in class to think about how we can make our classroom a happy and caring place to learn. Together we created some class rules such as sharing, being kind and trying our best. During circle time we talked about how important it is to follow these rules.

We made a special class charter display in class to help remind us of our important class rules. Each of us made our own portrait to show that we will all work together to make our classroom a happy place!

In Religious Education we have been learning about the creation story and created portraits of ourselves and displayed these to remind us that God made us and loves each one of us.

As part of ‘My Place in the World’ week we created a map of our courtyard and worked really hard to place each picture to match its place in the EYFS courtyard where we play. We also spoke about plants and how God made them for us to care for and look after.

Throughout the week we have been making friends and joining in with many different activities such as writing, counting, drawing, reading stories and singing songs!

Well done Reception for settling in so well. I am very proud of you all!

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