Where does the time go? We can hardly believe that we have been in Year 2 for four whole weeks. In the blink of an eye we have already come to the end of September. Our summer holidays are but a distant memory and school term is in full swing. Now that we have settled into class and our routines we have really hit our stride. This week has been excellent in terms of the work that we completed and the topics that we covered.

In English, we wrote stories from the point of view of a street cat who was alive during the Great Fire of London. This cat had a front row seat for all the most interesting events on that faithful day and even crossed paths with Samuel Pepys himself. To write our stories we first made a rough plan. We then made lists of verbs, adjectives and nouns that we could then use and finally we used the 5 Finger Story guide to help us in detailing the characters, setting, problem, events and then the ending of the story. Mr. Sheehan had such a good time when reading the stories that he gave each group a star.

In History class, the Great Fire of London theme continued but this time we discussed at length what come after the city had been ruined. Here we learned all about the glorious new city that King Charles II laid out with the help of the famous architect Christopher Wren. This new city was laid out with wide streets and was made of stone and brick to ensure such fires never happened again. We then made a comparison between the newly built St. Paul’s Cathedral and the one that was unfortunately destroyed by the fire. Can you remember any of these differences? Comment below!

In RE, we took time to discuss the importance of our prayer table in class and then we worked on creating beautiful pictures of the table in our books. In addition to this, we learned all about psalms and compared them to the story of creation.

In Maths class this week we took a head first leap into the world of addition and subtraction. Here we looked at different ways in which to add and subtract single digits up to and over ten, we created addition and subtraction fact families and wrapped the week up with adding by creating ten and adding again. Mr. Sheehan even showed us some “secret” tricks that we can use when adding.

Finally, a huge congrats to those in the class who completed the Summer Reading Challenge!

This is only but a quick round up of what we did this week. We very much deserve this weekend and look forward to seeing each other on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend!

2 comments on “Year 2, Week 4 – Update!

  1. I loved doing PE because it makes us strong and healthy and our coach is good at sports. I also really enjoyed writing because Mr Sheehan teaches us really well and he gives tip how to learn new things. I really like lessons with Mr Sheehan. Isabelle

  2. Alexandra Y4 🥰😍❤ says:

    Great PE skills! You all are learning so many wonderful things. Well done Year 2!

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