This week, we have been celebrating Hello Yellow.

The purpose of Hello Yellow is to show young people that they’re not alone with their mental health. Schools and communities come together to make World Mental Health Day brighter by wearing something yellow and donating to YoungMinds. 

We know that the world can be tough but we know that things can get better. We should share our worries with those that we trust.

One of the activities that we did was to doodle something that is important to us. This ranged from family and friends, favourite foods to football and football teams!

In class, we spoke about what mental health is and why it is important. We know that our mental health involves our feelings and that we should treat it as a priority, along with our physical health. Our activity was to write ourselves some affirmations. We know that these are simple ways to build confidence. These are inspiring messages to nurture positive self-talk and internal reflection. By using these messages, we can learn how to have positive feelings.

We were tasked with writing ourselves at least 5 positive messages, such as “I am important” and “I can be whoever I want to be”. This reminds us of our own self-worth and why we are all special and important.

What is one affirmation that you would share with somebody else?

One comment on “Hello Yellow in Year 5!

  1. Philippa Y5 says:

    I loved wearing yellow all day !It was so fun especially with my friends and classmates.Even when we went swimming!👍🎉

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