This week, whilst we have been very busy preparing for our Nativity assembly, we have also been working hard to practice our handwriting!

In this week’s handwriting lesson we focused on the grapheme ‘n’ for ‘net’.

First, the children had a go at forming the letter correctly. We remembered to use our formation phrase: ‘down, up and over the net’ to help us write the grapheme.

Next, we used the picture clues in our handwriting work books to complete some words. There was ‘nest’, ‘nose’, ‘nuts’ and ‘nurse’. All of these words started with ‘n’!

For the final part of our handwriting practice, we wrote the letter independently and used it to trace and write the word ‘in’ which we have been practicing to read during our Shared Reading lessons!

Well done Reception, your handwriting is becoming more beautiful each day!

What did you enjoy about our handwriting lesson?

3 comments on “Handwriting in Reception

  1. Alexandra Y4 🥰😍 says:

    Great writing Reception!

  2. Very improved! 👍🏼

  3. Great writing Reception

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