In design and Technology this half term Year 1 have been focusing on designing, making and evaluating smoothies!

We started the process by designing our own smoothies, to do this we look at pre existing smoothies. We looked at their packaging, flavours and more and then in groups designed our own smoothies. The children created smoothie names, picked their fruits and then spoke about the steps they would need to take to create the smoothies.

Today in our groups we created the smoothies. Mrs Hope very kindly went to the shops and purchased all of our fruits for us. We then washed our hands and put on our aprons. Once we had done this we got into our groups and got started. Each group had chopping boards, knives and their fruit. The children used their knives so carefully and worked amazingly together as a team. When all of our fruit was chopped we began to blend! Mrs Hope helped the children with the blender and each child had a turn.

When all of our smoothies were ready the taste testing began, each child tried their smoothie and thought about what they liked and what they would do differently next time. We also had a very special visitor to taste test – Miss Carruthers came along and loved all of the smoothies so much.

well done Year 1 you worked so well together and create some absolutely delicious smoothies. Good job,

One comment on “DT: Making smoothies!

  1. This looked really fun Year 1! I hope you all enjoyed it!

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