This week in class, we explored the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Emma Chichester Clark, a new book for us this half-term. We read the story together, focusing on the character of Goldilocks—how she acted, her personality, and how she looked.
As a class, we worked in groups to brainstorm words and phrases to describe Goldilocks. We thought about her curious and mischievous nature, discussing how she entered the bears’ house without permission, tried their porridge, and tested their chairs and beds. We also described her appearance, considering details like her golden curls and bright clothing.
After gathering ideas, we wrote our first drafts, carefully putting our descriptions into sentences. We then drafted the text for a wanted poster. Then, we edited our work, checking for spelling, punctuation, and ways to improve our descriptions. Finally, we wrote our final drafts, which are now proudly displayed in our classroom for everyone to see!
It has been a fantastic week of writing, and we have all improved in using descriptive language. We are excited to continue developing our skills with more stories this term!