This week in Reception, we had a fantastic time learning about number bonds to 10!

The children took part in several activities to apply our learning of number bonds. To help us with this we first learnt a number bond song which uses part whole models to demonstrate number pairs that make 10.

For our first activity, we used special counters that were two different colours to help us make different combinations of number bonds.

We shook the counters in a cup and tipped them out onto the table, then sorted the counters into groups by colour. We placed then placed each colour group into a ten frame to help them figure out the number bonds, such as 2 red counters and 8 yellow counters making 2 + 8 = 10. The children did this several times to make a range of number bond pairs.

For our second activity, we played a treasure hunt game outside. There were number cards spready out all over the courtyard. We worked together with our friends to find matching number bond pairs which make 10! 

It was really fun to experiment with different combinations and discover all sorts of number bonds, reinforcing our understanding of how numbers can combine to make 10.

What was your favourite part of our Maths lessons this week?

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