Last week we began our new RE topic of Desert to Garden, following Jesus’ life throughout key events that lead to Easter Sunday. Throughout this topic we will learn about the importance of Lent and key events such as Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, and Holy Week. This topic will teach Nursery so much about how special and important Jesus’s life was and how we can still remember him today.
We began with a special RE circle time, where we introduced the topic, and began to learn about the time of Lent. We talked about how the colour of Lent is purple, as it also was for Advent. We reminded ourselves that Advent is a time of waiting for Jesus to be born at Christmas, as Lent is a time of waiting before Easter (that we will be learning more about very soon). During the special time of Lent, we wait for Easter and think about ways we can be more like Jesus by trying to do some things less, or some things more. This is because Jesus had to spend a very long time in a desert, to show his love for and faith in God. During Lent we make promises to be more like Jesus, showing kindness and love to those around us. Some people make promises to eat less yummy foods such a sweets or chocolate, as we are lucky to receive lots of these at Easter, thinking of Jesus as he did not eat or drink anything when he was in the desert.
Nursery made beautiful Lenten promises, decorated with such love and care. Everyone then told me what they were promising for Lent, to help them be more like Jesus.