As part of our Year 3 science topic on Rocks, we explored fossils, what they are, and how they are formed. The children learned that fossils are created when a dead creature is buried by layers of sediment over a long period of time. Through this process, the remains of the creature eventually become fossilised. We discussed the significance of discovering different types of fossils and how they help us learn about creatures that no longer exist.

The class also learned about Mary Anning, a pioneering palaeontologist who made significant fossil discoveries that are now celebrated in museums around the world.

In our hands-on lesson, the children used plastic cups to represent the sea, plasticine for the seabed, and dog treats to symbolise the dead sea creature. They then packed paper towels tightly to mimic the gradual build-up of sediment over time. Finally, salted blue water was added to replicate the seawater. The children then used this model to demonstrate and record how an undersea fossil is formed.

One comment on “Year 3 Fossils

  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun. By my sister’s perspective it was an amazing lesson and also by the pictures I can see that you had a lot of fun!

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