This week in Science, we have been continuing our topic of Sound with a fun investigation into looking at what pitch is and how it can be changed. 

Firstly, we found that pitch in relation to sound means how high or low a sound is and we looked at sound waves to match a high and low pitch. We also found out that a mouse’s squeak is a high pitch sound and the roar of a lion is a low pitch sound. We then got to start our investigation in seeing if the thickness or length of an elastic band would effect the pitch of it’s sound when plucked. 

To do this, we worked with our learning partners and firstly had to put on our safety goggles (safety always comes first) to make sure we would not get any injuries. Then we worked together to wrap our elastic bands of various lengths and thickness around the containers before taking turns to pluck the bands to listen to the sound produced. We worked out if each band was producing a low or high pitch sound and why this was. We then took turns to see if we could work out what band our partner had stuck by listening to the sound. Lastly, we wrote up our investigation and concluded our results. 

Well done Year 4 on your investigation! Would what you have done differently next time? 

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