In P.E. this week, we continued focusing on the fundamentals of Physical Education. For today’s lesson we practiced running and stopping.

To warm up, we learnt that today we would be taking a safari through Africa. We discussed the different animals we might see such as lions, elephants and flamingos. First, we learnt some actions such as tiptoe past the snake, run from the lion and walk really tall like a giraffe. Mr Kersys then shouted out the different instructions as we travelled around the hall into space with safari music playing in the background. It was a really fun warm up and we had lots of fun pretending to encounter these animals!

Next, we went on an elephant walk. We travelled through the savannah as a herd of elephants who often walk in straight lines and hold each other’s tails as they walk. The leader elephant walked first and led the herd who held onto each other’s shoulders without letting go! The elephants went slowly at first and then went faster and faster trying not to lose contact with one another and slowing down if we needed to.

For our final game we played watch our snakes. The aim was to get to the other side of the hall by running forwards as fast as you could, but if Mr Kersys shouted ‘watched out snakes!’ everyone had to freeze. If you moved, you had to go back to the beginning. We learnt that to stop quickly you had to use small steps. Everyone loved competing to be the first one across the finish line and tried really hard to stop running as quickly as possible without moving.

Well done Reception, it was such an active P.E. lesson.!

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