We have been exploring the season of Lent in our learning. We have discovered that Lent is a special time when we prepare for Easter by reflecting, praying, and making Lenten promises. We talked about what Lent means and how it helps people grow closer to God. Everyone came up with their own Lenten promise—something they could do to be kinder, more helpful, or more thoughtful during this time.

We also learned all about Ash Wednesday, the day that marks the beginning of Lent. We found out why people receive ashes on their foreheads and what this symbol means. As we looked ahead to Holy Week, we explored the important events leading up to Easter, including Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.

In our art lesson, we used pastels to create our own Good Friday artwork. The pictures shared show us carefully blending colours to make meaningful and beautiful artwork. Everyone worked so hard, and the results are fantastic!

Well done, everyone, for your thoughtful work this week.

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