Good morning Year 1!

If you would like a printable version of today’s maths, please click below.

30.4.20 Maths Shapes printable version

Maths worksheet pages

Workbook: 1A (Yellow book)
Chapter: 8
Pages: 141-145

Today we are going to be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.

Shapes have properties:

Watch this video to help you learn them! You can also play the quiz!

Have a go at a 3D shape hunt around your home. Click below for the sheet:

3d shape hunt








27 comments on “30.4.20 Maths

  1. I did it all even the challenge.

  2. Miss Travers says:

    Well done! You were very speedy today!!

  3. I did it with my dad and I watched the video as well. That was easy to learn throughout video

  4. Miss Travers says:

    Well done Junior! It’s great to see learning from the blogs.

  5. Good morning Miss Travers,

    I am very confident with my 2D shapes, but I found some of the words for the 3D shapes tricky to remember! I did well on the worksheets.

  6. Miss Travers says:

    Hello Flavia, Well done!
    The 3D shape words are a bit tricky – vertices (think of the pointy bits), faces (the flat or curved bit of a shape) and the edges (where the faces meet). Don’t worry about remembering all the names, you just have to be able to count the different parts of the shape.

  7. The cylinder is the odd one out because it has no vertices.
    The pyramid is the odd one out because it has no round face.
    The cone is the odd one out too because it has less faces than the others.

  8. Miss Travers says:

    Well done!

  9. Hi Miss Travers!
    I watched the video and did the challenge as well.
    I was able to identify properties of the shape , vertices, faces and edges. The names of the shapes are tricky.

  10. Miss Travers says:

    Well done Jaidee! They are a bit tricky! Have a look around your house to see if you can find any objects that are 3D shapes!

  11. It was quite easy but sometimes nI got confused between squares and rectangles, but now I know. I enjoyed the video I liked the stroppy sphere.

    Challenge my ideas are they were are 3D shapes, the cylinder and the cone were round based and the pyramid was squared based.

    I’m off to the park…

  12. Miss Travers says:

    Well done Jacob! I thought the video was good too!

  13. Hello Miss Travers,

    I did all the maths pages. It was harder to count the vertices, edges and faces of the 3D shapes because I couldn’t see the whole shape.

  14. Miss Travers says:

    Hello Jay, yes it is hard when you can’t hold the shape to count it. Have a look around your house to see if you can find any objects that are 3D shapes!

  15. Hi Miss Travers.

    These are my challenge answers and I have been doing the Maths No Problem.


    Spheres 2
    Cube 1
    Cuboid 1
    Cylinder 3

    Mastery with Greater Depth

    Which could be the odd one out and why?
    Cylinder. Because it doesn’t have any sharp bits and no corners

    Could each one be the odd one out?

    Explain your reasoning.
    Because if there were two pyramids and one cylinder the odd one out would be the cylinder.

  16. Miss Travers says:

    Super work!

  17. Dear Miss Travers.

    I have completed my Maths No Problem 1A Workbook pages 141-148 and emailed them to you.

    Exercise 1.

    I did a shape hunt around my home. This is what I found.

    A square box of tissues is a cube.
    A packet of biscuits in a tin is a cylinder
    A marble is a sphere
    A dolls house roof which is a pyramid
    An silver Christmas tree which is a cone shape
    A white cabinet which is a cuboid
    A swimming ring which is a torus.

    Challenge – Mastery

    The ball is a sphere
    The football is a sphere
    Crisps tube is a cylinder
    The tissue box is a cuboid
    The can is cylinder
    The beef stock box is a cube
    The Beans are a cylinder

    Mastery with greater depth.

    There are 3 shapes.

    1. A cone
    2. A pyramid
    3. A cylinder

    The odd one out is the Pyramid because it does not have a round base. It has square base.

    Each of them could be the odd one out because
    1. The cylinder does not have any corners.
    2. The cone has only 1 flat face at the bottom.

  18. Miss Travers says:

    Well done Isabella!

  19. Dear Miss Travers,

    I done all the Math No Problem page 141-145.

    I had fun doing the quiz and I done only one mistake in the quizzes.

    Cone and cylinder have circle based. Pyramid is square based. Pyramid is the odd shape.

  20. Miss Travers says:

    Well done Fabi!

  21. Aiden has already completed this work on the 09.12.19 according to his book ?

  22. Miss Travers says:

    Sorry about this – we have covered a lot of the Maths No Problem already so there will be lots of pages Aiden has completed. At this point of the year we review topics.
    I have uploaded some blank Maths No Problem worksheets (at the top of this blog page) so Aiden will be able to work from these. Hope these help!

  23. Dear Miss Traves,

    I had a hunt shape around the house and I find this shapes:

    Cuboids: parfume bottle, refreshment mint box, cereal box.
    Cubes: rubric cube, dice
    Spheres:ball game, moon light lamp.
    Square based pyramids: I couldn’t find any.

    I grouped the items from hunting into 5 groups;
    1- spheres
    2- cylinders
    3- cones

    Tennis ball is a sphere
    Football is a sphere
    Tissue box is a cuboid
    Crisp box is a cylinder
    Beans can is a cylinder
    Beef stock is a cube
    Cone and cylinder have round base. Pyramid has square base. I think pyramid is the odd one.

    I done all Math No Problem 141-145

  24. Miss Travers says:

    Well done! You have worked so hard!

  25. Thanks Miss, we have worked through the blank sheets.

  26. I made 3D shapes by putting 2D shapes together. It was easier to understand the properties of the 3D shapes and it was much easier to solve the challenge.
    The odd one out between the cone, the square based pyramid and the cylinder could be one of the two:
    1) the cylinder: as both the pyramid and the cone have a vertical on top;
    2) or the pyramid: as both the cylinder and the cone have a circle as a base.
    The cone could not be the odd one out as there’s no common characteristic between the pyramid and the cylinder.

  27. Miss Travers says:

    Great work Camila! Well done for naming all the shapes.

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