For our Autumn topic, we will be learning about pre-historic Britain and I’m extremely excited to get started on such a fascinating period of history. ‘Ancient Britain’ is divided into 3 ‘ages’ known as the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age and it’s amazing to think how much we’ve developed and progressed since then. Within the Stone Age, we’ll be looking at cave paintings of the paleolithic period, making comparisons with the Mesolithic period, studying evidence from the ancient village of Skara Brea and exploring Stonehenge and early farming. We will then discover how Britain moved from the Stone Age into the Bronze Age and then developed further into the Iron Age.

In your half termly homework, you will find wider curriculum tasks, some of which link to this great topic, posted on Google Classroom, and you will be able to use the skills and knowledge from the homework in our lessons!

To begin our topic, I would like you to have a look at the picture below and answer the questions in the comments:
1.   What do you think the people are doing in the picture?
2.   What are they holding and wearing?
3.   What would you like to find out about this picture?

I can’t wait to read them all and I am so excited to start this new topic with you!

7 comments on “Ancient Britain

  1. In this picture I can see people holding weapons which tells me that they are hunting or killing stuff. Some people are also cooking and they are wearing old-fashioned clothes.I would like to find out when this picture was made and what the people do in their daily life.

  2. I love this topic it was so fun and I learned so much

  3. In this picture I can see people harvesting food.The man in this picture is wearing animal fur and they are holding weapons.I would like to know what the man is going to do.

  4. 1. In the picture I can see some cows drinking from the river, people maybe cooking, and a man walking with a wolf.
    2. They are holding either tools or weapons, and they are wearing animal skins.
    3. I would like to know who painted it, as it is very descriptive.

  5. Ines G 🐬🥰 says:

    I think that the people in the picture are taking care of the animals and they are also cleaning bowls and taking care of the farm.They are holding stuff to clean the bowls and some to take care of the farm and are wearing cloths made out of animal skin.I would like to know about this picture that how do they make cloths out of animal skin?

  6. Lola-Lily Y2 says:

    The people are holding knives and axes 🪓. They are washing berries, making bowls 🥣 and building houses 🏘. I want to know who made this and how 🤔 old is this?

  7. I think they are settled in a village. One man looks like he is going hunting with a tame wolf. One woman is grinding grain. Another is cutting grain. I am excited for my assembly and the halfterm!

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