Our next topic in Year 5 will be Ancient Greece!

Many historians argue that Ancient Greece was one of the most influential periods in European history. The Greeks made important contributions to mathematics, astronomy, medicine and philosophy. Greece is also known as the birthplace of democracy.

Over the next few weeks we will dive into different aspects of the political structure, make our own Greek food, analyse past and present Olympic games, and so much more! Our English lessons will tie into our topic lessons so we can ensure we have deep knowledge of the gods and goddesses, as well as myths and poetry from this time.

What do you already know about Ancient Greece? What do you wonder about this time period? 

Share your thoughts below! Try to link your ideas to the politics and different city states. 

9 comments on “Ancient Greece

  1. Lowry 🏛🏺🇬🇷 says:

    1.The Greeks invented shock absorbers, sirens, flamethrowers,
    cranes, catapults, soldering irons, bricks, yo-yos, lighthouses, showers, public hygiene, forceps, thermometers, odometers, the Olympics, sundials, boxing, baby rattles, spinning tops, central heating, fire extinguishers, syringes, pontoon bridges, prisms, dolls, anchors, chewing gum, puppets, dice and lots and lots and lots more!

    2. King Pirus Of Greece once had a war with the Romans but he used elephants in his army, but the Greeks lost because elephants are scared of fire and pigs so the Romans set pigs on fire and sent them charging at the elephants.

    3. Hippocrates, the Greek father of medicine, thought that drinking wee was good for you.

  2. Emilia👍🏻 says:

    Ancient Greece believe in lots of different Gods and Goddesses such as Zeus, Poseidon,Hera and Demeter.
    They spoke Greek such as ellas which means Greece geo which means Earth and ergo which means work.It was in the Northen Hemisphere and is in between Italy and Turkey. It’s capital is Athens.It has the Mediterranean sea
    Ionian Sea and the Aegean Sea.Greece isn’t an island but it is surrounded by islands.Naples used to be a colony of Greece.I would like to know how the people lived in Ancient Greece and what they did?

  3. Ancient Greece believe in lots of different Gods and Goddesses such as Zeus, Poseidon,Hera and Demeter.
    They spoke Greek such as ellas which means Greece geo which means Earth and ergo which means work.It was in the Northen Hemisphere and is in between Italy and Turkey. It’s capital is Athens.It has the Mediterranean sea
    Ionian Sea and the Aegean Sea.Greece isn’t an island but it is surrounded by islands.Naples used to be a colony of Greece.I would like to know how the people lived in Ancient Greece and what they did?

  4. Catherine 🇬🇷 🏛 says:

    The Greeks were great thinkers, warriors, writers, actors, athletes, artists, architects and politicians. They invented many things like water mills, alarm clocks, umbrellas and more. The Greeks called themselves Hellenes and their land was known as Hellas.

    In ancient times, Greece wasn’t a single country like it is today.
    It was made up of lots of smaller states.These states were always squabbling and often went to war. Sparta and Athens fought a long war, called the Peloponnesian War, from 431 to 404BC. Only the threat of invasion by a foreign enemy made the Greeks forget their quarrels and fight on the same side. Their biggest enemy were the Persians, who came from an area around modern day Iran.
    The Greeks believed that gods and goddesses watched over them.

    These gods were a bit like humans, but they lived forever and were much more powerful. They felt human emotions, like love, anger and jealousy, and they did not always behave themselves. Every city in Greece had a ‘patron’ god or goddess. People believed patron gods protected them from harm. Some Greek Gods are Hades, Hera, Zeus and Athena.

  5. 1.About one third of the Greeks were slaves and absolutely NO slave were paid and were called Helots.

    2.Greeks actually called themselves Hellenes!It was the Romans who named the Hellenes the Greeks!

    3.It was the Greeks who invented the alarm clock! An engineer called Ctesibus created a system where pebbles would be dropped onto a gong.

  6. Ancient Greek Myth Facts!

    1)The greeks refer to the planets by their original gods rather than the Roman versions.
    2)The gods were worshipped in different ways in different cities.
    3)The greek gods share many traits with the gods of other ancient pantheistic religions.

  7. 1) The capital City of Greece is Athens, named after Athena the Greek goddess of wisdom.

    2) The national animal of Greece is the dolphin, which is actually a very clever animal and might be even more clever than humans.

    3) The Ancient Greek civilisation started in 800 BC.

  8. 1. Greece wasn‘t called Greece ! In ancient times it was actually referred to as Hellas.

    2.Athens has more theatres than any other theatre in the world 🌍 .

    3. Greek is made up of thousands of islands.

  9. Finley Year 5 says:

    1. My first one is the Greek Gods. As there is so many I will give you the most known. First there is Zeus, king of the greek gods. Zeus is like Thor because he controls lightning. Then there is Hera. She is Zeus’s wife, and Zeus is an atrocious husband. Athena is the Goddess of insight, and war. Hermes is the messenger of the gods and apears in many myths like Odyssey. He is one of my favourite because he is also the trickster god.

    2. The Ancient Greeks had some of the greatest minds in history. A shame about Ancient Greece is that the Romans stole their ideas and took all the credit. For example the Gods,the Olympics and their design.

    3. A great Ancient Greek mind was Pythagoras. He made the Pythagoras therom which is taught to every child at KS3. It is an equation for right-angle triangles that does A squared + B squared = C squared, e.g. A=3, B=4, C=5.

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