Our first topic in Year 4 for the Autumn term will be Ancient Rome and Roman Britain!

This is an exciting topic as we delve into looking at the impact the Romans had on Britain after they had invaded with their fierce and large army. The Romans stayed here for over 400 years and brought many interesting ideas with them. We will be learning about the impact they had on Britain, and the rest of the world. We’ll delve into the legend of how Rome was founded, explore how Rome went from a republic into the fearsome empire that ruled all over the world and look at the lasting impacts of Roman civilisation on the United Kingdom especially the early Roman technology.

For your homework this half term, you will have Wider Curriculum tasks which links to our topic. You will be able to use the skills and knowledge from the homework in our lessons on this topic!

Before then, I would like you to find out more about the countries that the Romans invaded as an empire. Use a child-friendly search engine such as Kiddle to answer the following questions as a comment below:

1.) What countries did the Roman Empire include? Some of them might have different names than you are used to.

2.) Do you know any interesting things that the Romans created/invented? If not, find 3 things the Romans built in England.

3.) What would like to learn about during our Romans topic?

I look forward to reading your answers! Have fun researching!ย 

Mr Garnet

8 comments on “Ancient Rome and Roman Britain

  1. Alexandra Y4 says:

    1. Albania, Austria, Algeria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, England, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Luxembourg, Moldova, Morocco, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Wales.

    2. Roman Numerals, Plumbing, heaters, Surgery, Concrete, Roads, Bound Books,Julian Calendar, Newspapers,Roman Arches ,The Post service and much more.

    3. I would like to learn more about the rise and fall of the Romans, how Boudica rebelled against the Romans and how they all became Catholics.

  2. Florence Y4 ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜› says:

    1. The countries that were in the Roman Empire were Belgium, Spain, Egypt, Austria and many more!

    2.The romans created a calendar that the modern day calendars are based on, concrete, and underfloor heating.

    3. I am mostly looking forwards to learning about all the Roman Emperors.

  3. 1) Some of the countries the Roman empire included were: Germany and Britannia.

    2) The Romans created bath houses the Colosseum and roads.

    3) I would like to learn about Julius Caesar, the Colosseum and emperors

  4. 1/ Roman Empire countries :
    Britannia, Gallia, Hispania, Italia, Dalmatia, Macedonia, Galatia, Mesopotamia and the coast of Africa.

    2/ The Roman engineers were great. They built roads, stone bridges
    to get pass the river, and aqueducts to carry water as well as baths:)
    In England, you can still see Roman walls ( London and Hadrian’s wall), temples (Mithras), villas (Chedworth Roman Villa, Brading Roman Villa) and theatre (Verulamium).

    3/ I would like to learn what happened when Germans invaded the Roman empire:(

  5. 1. Some of the countries in the Roman Empire were; Hispania (Spain), Gaul (France), Graecia (Greece) and Carthage (Tunisia), Hungary.

    2. Examples of Romans inventions include; sewerage systems, the calendar, mosaics and the library.

    3. I want to learn about gladiators,how the Germans ended the Roman Empire,about the roman emperors and Julius Caesar.

  6. Louis Year 4 says:

    1. The Roman Empire spanned over a number of countries including; Britannia (Britain), Aegyptus (Egypt), Africa, Graecia (Greece) and Hispania (Spain).

    2. Some of the Roman inventions include; concrete,roads,books and heating.

    3 I would like to learn about the Roman baths , the food they ate and how the Roman Empire ended.

  7. 1. The Roman Empire included France, Spain, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, parts of northern Africa, England, Romania, and more. At one point, one out of every four people in the world lived under Romeโ€™s control.

    2. Hadrianโ€˜s wall, aqueducts (a way to run water throughout the cities) and public baths.

    3. I would like to learn about their war machines and battle tactics, gladiators and their buildings.

  8. I’m so excited to learn about the Ancient Romans! I am also excited to learn about the different cities in Rome and the Colosseum.

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