Hello Year 5,

I was so excited to try Scratch with you in the summer term. Don’t worry – I will give you the opportunity to try it from home!  Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.

Do you remember what the word algorithm means?

An algorithm is a series of written instructions that can be followed. What have you programmed computers to do?

Today we are going to be learning how to use Scratch to produce animations and games.

Please see this example of a fish tank animation. If you want to learn how it is made, click on ‘See inside’. There have been comments added to the code to explain how it works.

Today you are going to complete the animation.

As you may remember from having used Scratch in Year 4, the instructions are placed on the code area. You can respond to the questions by right clicking anywhere and clicking on ‘Add Comment’.

Start with the yellow fish, then move onto the Octopus.

You can add some more undersea creatures and make them move and animate (5 would be a good number). You could even add a Shark!

Play around and investigate the codes. How can you make it move faster/slower? How can you make it spin faster/slower?

Here are some Help videos:(please be aware that some of these links take you to YouTube. Make sure you have an adult nearby to help make sure it is the correct video and that you have turned off autoplay so that a new video doesn’t play at the end). Do you remember James (who often came in to help us with our computer problems)? You may recognise his voice in the videos! 🙂

Help Video: Scratch Tutorial

Help Video: Create a Fish Tank Animation 

Help Video: Create a Fish Tank Game 

How do I save my work?

The website version of Scratch does allow children (like you) to make an account with a username and password which gives you, the user, the ability to save projects online and work easily at home.  If you wish to use an offline version of Scratch, it can be downloaded on to your desktop so that once it is installed it does not need any usernames or passwords. Please ask for permission from your parents before making an account or downloading anything.  Scratch is completely free and you don’t even NEED to create a username or password but it is recommended if you wish to save your work in order to return to it at a later time. Projects can be downloaded and saved directly to your computer by choosing ‘Save to your computer’ from the file menu. Please ask your parents if it is okay to save any work – especially if the computer is shared with other family members or used for your parent’s work!

In the blog comment you are welcome to tell us about your creations and even share some of the coding you used so that others can try it!

Enjoy 🙂

Mrs Avdiu

10 comments on “Computing (Scratch)

  1. Hello Mrs Avdiu I tried to do scratch and used a link to help me. I found it very hard at first to get it to work but I did it in the end this is what I did. My main characters were a shark and a pufferfish but I also had a starfish lying around. The pufferfish said do u think a shark is going to eat me, then came a shark said yes I am going to eat u so the pufferfish swam away as quickly as possible and the starfish sat there laughing. I hope you liked my animation. Hope you are all fine.

  2. Wow! That sounds brilliant. Thank you Claudia – I am glad you enjoyed it 🙂 I am impressed with your perseverance.

  3. Wow! That sounds brilliant. Thank you Claudia – I am glad you enjoyed it 🙂 I am impressed with your perseverance.

  4. Miss Avdiu for the project on scratch are we allowed to do it on the My USO login ? because i’ve accidentally done it on there if that is ok?

  5. That is fine – as long as you’ve managed to have a go! How was it? 🙂

  6. Oh ok, i’ve finished it and i think it looks great!!

  7. Hi Mrs Avdiu
    I already have a scratch account and have made lots of projects on it. Making this one was really fun but I did it on an iPad. This was a problem because I wasn’t on my account and you can’t save if you’re not on your account on an iPad. I’ll try it again.

  8. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Ah that’s annoying! Well done Zavan. Please let us know what you created when you’re done.

  9. Do we have to complete it or can we start again and make our own?
    Thanks Mrs Avdiu

  10. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Theo. If you’re feeling confident then you can make your own from the start 🙂

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