Well done to Madeleine for completing yesterday’s challenge the quickest. The answer is below:

Are you ready for today’s Maths problem? Use your Home Learning book if you need to do any jottings or working out.

I won’t publish any of your answers until the end of the day!

The first person to get the correct answer will be announced on tomorrow’s blog!

20 comments on “Daily Maths Problem – Tuesday 31st March

  1. Dear miss Carruthers,
    Here is my answer :

    Red White
    Pink Blue
    Green Grey

    Have a nice day,

  2. Madeleine Yr2 says:

    The red one is on the top left.
    The white one is on the top right.
    The pink one is in the middle on the left side.
    The blue one is in the middle on the right side.
    The green one is on the bottom left.
    The grey one is on the bottom right.

  3. Nadine y2 says:

    Dear Miss Carruthers,
    Here is my answer:
    Top Left: red
    Top Right: White
    Middle Left: Pink
    Middle Right: Blue
    Bottom Left: Green
    Bottom Right: Grey

  4. Red white
    Pink blue
    Green grey


  5. The answer is as follows:-

    Red square, white square
    Pink square, blue square
    Green circle, grey circle


  6. Top Left square – Red
    Top Right square – White
    In between left square – Pink
    In between right square – Blue
    Bottom left circle – Green
    Bottom right circle – Grey

  7. R – W
    P – B
    G – Gr

  8. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    1st square on left is red.
    2nd square on left is pink.
    1st circle on left is green.
    1st square on right is white.
    2nd square on right is blue.
    1st circle on right is gray.

  9. I found out that the square in the top left corner is white.
    The square below the white one is blue.
    The circle underneath the blue square is grey.
    I also found out that the square in the top right corner is red.
    The square underneath the red one is pink.
    The circle below the pink square is green.

  10. I think I found out the answer to the puzzle.

  11. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Marisa. I can see you have posted an answer. I will publish all the answers at the end of the day and you will see the answer tomorrow morning.

  12. Dear Ms Carruthers,

    Here is my answer:
    red white
    pink blue
    green grey

    Bye, Bo

  13. Dear Ms Carruthers,

    Hereby my answer:

    Bye, Bo

  14. Sophie Ma says:

    I have done the Maths problem today! It was really fun!

  15. I found this quite difficult

  16. Miss Carruthers says:

    That’s okay Jack. Sometimes it can be really hard to know where to start with problems like these.

    Can anyone give Jack, and everyone else who hasn’t completed it, a clue or hint? Where is a good place to start? Which one did you work out first?

  17. Top left square is red
    Middle left is pink
    Bottom left is green
    Top right is white
    Middle right is blue
    Bottom right is grey

  18. Top left square is red , top right square is white
    Middle left square is pink, middle left square is blue
    Bottom left circle is green, bottom right circle is grey.

  19. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    I found it quite easy. Where should I put the answer?

  20. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m glad you seemed to understand the problem. Can you give a hint for anyone who is still solving it?
    Post your answer on here and I’ll publish it later on.

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