Subordinating Conjunctions 

On Monday, we focused on ‘coordinating conjunctions’ and today we are going to look at subordinating conjunctions!

A subordinating clause is a part of a sentence that adds additional information to the main clause. A subordinating conjunction is simply the word/words that is used to join a subordinating clause to another clause or sentence.

There are three main categories of subordinating conjunctions:

Time : after, before, as soon as, while, when, as, until

Cause : because, since, as,

Condition : if, provided that, as long as, unless


In your home learning book copy out the sentences below and add in the correct subordinating conjunction:

1.     Take the cake out of the oven __________________ the timer goes off.

2.    Don’t cross the road on a sharp bend ___________________  it is dangerous.

3.   _________________ you put the lego bricks together check they are the right colour.

4.   __________________ the kettle has boiled, pour the water into a cup.


Below, please write out two sentences which include a subordinating conjunction. One sentence should start with a conjunction and one sentence should include a conjunction in the middle of the sentence.

38 comments on “Daily SPAG-27th March

  1. Since I was a baby,I’ve had this blanket.

    You can watch the television as long as you to go bed in 10 minutes .

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    Great work Sergio

  3. Although it is a great responsibility having a dog, it always gives you company.
    I went to the shops because we needed to buy food.

  4. Miss Gorick says:

    I would love a dog!

  5. I want to rest my head in my pillow because I am sleepy.
    After doing exercise I have a shower because I am sweaty.

  6. Miss Gorick says:

    Well done Javier 🙂

  7. 1. If you play baseball in the house, you might break something. – The conjunction is ‘if’.

    2. Be careful when putting the oven timer on because if you leave it on for to long, you could start a fire. – the conjunction was ‘because’.

    Just a note: As I was sick I didn’t get an exercise book, so what I’m doing is writing all the stuff from the home learning pack onto paper, then ripping the pages out and putting them in a folder. I have labelled all of them. I am also doing the same for the blogs, but I just started doing this for the blog. So from the 27th on, I will be putting the blog answers in the folder. I’m doing this because I’m guessing if I had the exercise book, if we go back in school I would give it in. I hope you approve of this.

  8. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Ethan! It is lovely to hear from you-we missed you at school 🙂 I’m so glad that you are now managing to complete your Home Learning Pack and of course it is OK to use paper. If you have any other questions, just let me know 🙂

  9. Hi Ethan, glad you are feeling better.

  10. I love macaroni cheese, although I have an obsession for potatoes.

    I went for a walk, because I needed some exercise.

  11. Miss Gorick says:

    I thought your answer might mention potatoes!

  12. I have never had a Samsung because they are my arch – enemies!

    I am happy, provided that the WiFi doesn’t go ou!

  13. Miss Gorick says:

    I could’ve guessed that your answer mentions technology!

  14. Before bed, I read my book.

    I would like a new computer because my old one broke.

  15. Miss Gorick says:

    I would also like a new computer!

  16. i am sleepy so i will rest my head on a pillow

  17. Miss Gorick says:

    Thank you Paloma-remember your capital letters! (I)

  18. While her sister is working, she’s reading her book.
    She wished for a puppy even though she already has 3 rabbits.

  19. Miss Gorick says:

    I’d love a puppy! Great work Anahi 🙂

  20. Good morning!

    Please put your pen down unless you haven’t finished.
    I’m going to the shops because we need some more bananas.

  21. Miss Gorick says:

    Good morning Antonia (well Good Afternoon now!) thank you for your comment 🙂

  22. You cannot watch to much TV because it is bad for your eyes.
    I am going to make some food before I go to bed.

  23. Good afternoon

    I have been in quarantine SINCE last Monday.
    I talk to my friends AFTER I do my work.

  24. Good day Teachers(and everybody else)!

    1) You can have the muffins ,AS LONG AS you finish your veggies.

    2) SINCE you got amazing test results ,in will reward you with £25.00!!!!!!!!!

  25. Good afternoon Miss Gorick and Miss Healy!

    I cannot go out because I havent finished my SPaG.

    After eating dinner we have apple crumble and custard

  26. Miss Gorick says:

    Good afternoon Nina, thank you for your comment!

  27. Jade year6 says:

    Hello teachers,
    I really like Christmas but I prefer my birthday.?

    You can have a goldfish as long as you are going to look after it.??

  28. Miss Gorick says:

    Hello Jade, thank you for commenting!

  29. Good afternoon, Miss Gorick and Miss Healy, I hope you are having a wonderful Friday!

    1. They will not pass the math exam unless they work harder.

    2. If you play tennis in the house you might break something!

  30. Miss Gorick says:

    Good Afteenoon Lola and Happy Friday to you!

  31. Good afternoon Miss Gorick and Miss Healy,


    the test above:

    1) when
    2) as
    3) while
    4) as soon as

    the two sentences:

    After lunch I have to do my homework.

    I can’t play on the nintendo every day as it is bad for your eyes especially when you are young.

  32. Good afternoon Miss Gorick and Miss Healy,


    the test above:

    1) when
    2) as
    3) while
    4) as soon as

    the two sentences:

    After lunch I have to do my homework.

    I can’t play on the nintendo every day because it is bad for your eyes especially when you are young.

  33. Miss Gorick says:

    Gaspard! It is great to hear from you 🙂 We have missed you at school! Thanks for commenting

  34. Mrs Healy says:

    Great to hear from you Gaspard.

  35. I felt so tired because I had an extreme weekend

    I brush my teeth but before that I get dressed

  36. Miss Gorick says:

    Great to hear from you Timothy!

  37. ?Laetitia ? says:

    Before i started the test i had to set the timer.
    She was supposed to walk to the house, unless it rained.

  38. I think I’m going crazy because I can’t go outside.
    Since my brothers know my code for my safe, which isn’t safe anymore, I keep finding my ‘safe’ empty.

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