Good morning Year 6!

Yesterday, you created a Stop Frame Animation on the computer which included one or two characters and a problem that was solved.


Today, for DT, can you try and create one of your characters, with resources that you can find at home?

It could be a model of the character using blocks, Lego, cardboard boxes, toilet roll…! Or it could be simple puppet using paper, straws and lolly pop sticks.

If that doesn’t appeal to you, in your Home Learning Books draw a design of your stage-what would it look like? What special effects/lighting/mechanics would you need to include?


Take a photo of your designs and send them in! Have fun 🙂


Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy xx



19 comments on “Design and Technology

  1. I have really enjoyed this task, i made a puppy as my animation was about a dog, for fun i also made a bunny!

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    That sounds great Lola!

  3. This project looks rather fun! Can we also make a stage for the puppets?

  4. Miss Gorick says:

    What a brilliant idea Charles, of course!

  5. Good morning Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy!
    I really enjoyed this task, I drew a background of my animation since i did not have materials to make one of my characters.

  6. Miss Gorick says:

    Good morning Jada-it is lovely to hear from you 🙂

  7. I think I am going to make the people from my dance mini movie!

  8. Miss Gorick says:

    That sounds great!

  9. Hello miss! I just wanted to know if we have to label the drawing of the theatre.

  10. Hello miss! I don’t have materials either, but I am drawing a stage and I am wondering if we have to label it.

  11. I also made a robot with help from my sister!i think I sent it to you through the upload files to the teacher link!

  12. Oh,and also there was a performance yesterday by the national theatre company which was:twelfth night and there is going to be another one next week which is Frankenstein.They will do a live stream on YouTube every thussday at 7 o clock I think!last week was treasure island!

  13. Miss Gorick says:

    That’s great! I enjoyed Jane Eyre with my family ‘live’ from the National Theatre!

  14. Good afternoon Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy. I have decided to draw a stage conveying snow covered trees in the town at winter. I have decided to do this because I like the scene.

  15. Miss Gorick says:

    That sounds great Haleema 🙂

  16. ?Timothy? says:

    This will be fun!

  17. Miss Gorick says:

    Please upload your photos!!

  18. I really enjoyed the task.

  19. Mrs Healy says:

    I was so excited reading all you great ideas it made me want to do some craft . I think I might try to make a stage from a shoe box .

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