Hello Class 4!

I have really enjoyed catching up with most of you this week on the phone. I am missing you all a lot but it was wonderful to hear what you have all been up to. So many of you have been cooking and baking so today’s D.T. task is all about food!

Chef hats at the ready…

Your task today is to cook or bake anything of your choice with your family! Everyone in the school has this task today so if you have brothers or sisters you could make something together or even have a little cooking competition with them! Try to think carefully about what we learnt when Hakkasan came to visit us. They taught us about a balanced diet and the different food groups, just like on the chart below:

They also taught us about our taste buds when we tasted different foods, so think carefully about which tastes go together. For example, you wouldn’t put the salty samphire we tried into a delicious cupcake mixture… at least I hope you wouldn’t!

Be as creative as you like with your cooking or baking ideas! There is one rule… you must design, make and evaluate your cooking creations! Designing helps us to plan ahead and think about which foods and equipment we may need to use. Making helps us to practise important skills and learn new things (with adult supervision of course). Evaluating is the fun part… where you get to eat your creations and describe how it tasted and whether you would change anything if you were to make it again. Last night, while making my dinner, I decided to design, make and evaluate to show you an example…

Miss Lee’s Mustard Pork Chops and Homemade Chips…




  • potatoes, cut into thin chips, patted dry
  • 2 tbsp olive oil, plus 2 tsp
  • ½ tsp fennel seed, crushed
  • ½ tsp smoked paprika
  • green beans
  • 2 tsp white wine vinegar
  • 1 shallot, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 large fennel bulb, halved and very thinly sliced
  • pork chops


1.) Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Toss the potatoes with 1 tbsp oil and some seasoning in a baking tray. Spread out in a single layer and bake for 20 mins. Add the fennel seeds and paprika, turn potatoes and bake for 20 mins more until golden. Cut the carrots into batons, drizzle with a little olive oil and some honey, place in an oven dish and put in the oven at the same time you put the chips back in for the second set of 20 mins.
2.) Meanwhile, cook the green beans in boiling water for 5-6 mins. Run under cold water and drain well. Mix 1 tbsp more oil, the vinegar, shallot, sugar, 1 tsp mustard and some seasoning. Toss the fennel and green beans in the dressing.
3.) Rub the remaining oil on the pork chops and season. Pan-fry for about 7 mins on each side until cooked through. Drizzle over the remaining mustard dressing and serve with the chips, carrots and bean salad. Enjoy!



I really enjoyed making this meal and I would definitely make it again. It was quite quick and simple to make and it is healthy too! It has vegetables, meat for protein and the homemade chips are carbohydrates so it is a balanced meal. The meal tasted delicious, the carrots cooked in a drizzle of honey went well with the mustard dressing and made sure the dish was not too hot/peppery from the mustard. If I was to make this dish again I would cook the chips for less time as when I took them out when the timer went off they were a little bit over-cooked. Here is a picture of my dish (it looks a little bit different from my design but it tasted great)!


So, now it’s your turn…

1.) Design your dish, think about what you want to make and then either draw it on paper or on the computer like I did. Label your design clearly just as I have in my design. At the bottle of the page is the plate template that I used if you want to print it and draw your meal on that.

2.) Make your dish! Write out the recipe either on paper or on the blog. Or you might be following a recipe from a book or website, if so, send us a photo of it! Make sure you are working safely and with adult supervision. Kitchen tools can be sharp and ovens or hobs get very hot so you MUST have an adult with you to help at all times!

3.) Taste and evaluate your dish. What did you think of it? What did your family think of it? Describe the taste. What would you change if you made it again?

4.) Send in photos! I would love to see photos of your work, photos of your final dish and photos of you cooking too! Please send them all in and I will post them on this blog. Then, we will have a class 4 cookbook which we can use to make and try new things! If you are cooking with a brother or sister make sure you send photos of your work to both of your classes so that your classmates can see and try out your recipes!

5.) Be safe and have fun!

I can’t wait to see your creative cooking skills!

From Miss Lee 🙂




19 comments on “Design and Technology – Friday 15th May 2020

  1. Nina and Ella says:

    Recipe: biscocho
    Cooking time: 50 min

    1)4 eggs (250 g)
    2) butter (250)
    3) sugar (250)
    4) SR flour (250)
    1 lemon yoghurt (optonal)


    Turn the oven to 170°
    If you want to make a bigger cake you can add more eggs e.g 6 in total. Then whatever the total of the eggs wieght is the wieght of the flour, sugar and butter.

    P.S you could add some strawberrys.

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Sounds delicious, thank you for sharing girls!
    Are you going to make it? If so, please send a photograph!

  3. Steak ?

    1. Steak
    2. Pepper
    3. Salt

    First you season the uncooked steak with salt and pepper. Then you put the steak on the pan for a few minutes. I do it for this long because I like my steak medium rare. When your finished cooking the steak you can put it on a plate. After, if you have some vegetables you can cook them up in the pan that you cooked the steak in. I would use broccoli and add garlic to sauté and then place it on the plate that the steak is on. That is how I make steak.

    I will send a picture later

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Sounds very tasty! I also like my steak cooked medium-rare, the broccoli with sounds delicious too! I look forward to seeing the photo of it!

  5. Dear Miss Lee,

    We sent everything by email. I have described my recipe on the yellow book.
    Have good weekend everybody! ?

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Great! I haven’t received it yet but I am looking forward to seeing it!

  7. Hearty Tuna Pasta Bake (For Sis People)

    . Pasta [250]
    . Mushroom [One packet of small Button]
    . Cheese [225g of grated cheese]
    . Bacon [8 slices roughly chopped]
    .Tuna [435g]
    . Sweet Pepper [One whole pepper chopped into bite size]
    . One Onion [Chopped finally]
    . 2 x 400g tins Chopped Tomatoes
    . 2 knobs of Butter


    Heat the oven 180C

    . Boil the pasta until it is semi soft. Do not over cook the pasta.
    . Cut the button mushrooms in half and fry them in the knob of butter until brown. Once done take them out and place them in the oven proof dish.
    . Using the same pan, partially fry the bacon. When cooked take out and place in the oven proof dish as mushrooms.
    While the pasta is cooking, add the chopped sweet pepper, onion and tuna to the oven proof dish.
    . Add the cooked pasta to the oven proof dish with the tin tomatoes and give it a good stir.
    . Sprinkle the cheese over the top of the dish and bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

    Serve and enjoy 🙂

  8. Miss Lee says:

    Sounds delicious! I will have to try and make this myself!

  9. How are you everybody? I’m great! And I’ve been really busy this morning so I’m going to be doing this task on Saturday. I’m going to be sending in the photo on the weekend of me cooking and of my lovely dish. I hope me and my family can try out many more of delicious meals. Oh and I will also send the picture of my recipe.

  10. Miss Lee says:

    Great, good idea doing it at the weekend if you don’t have time today! I can’t wait to see what you make!

  11. My brother and I are going to make a cheesecake.
    My mum says its not very healthy. But its friday.

  12. Miss Lee says:

    We all deserve a treat sometimes! I made some chocolate cupcakes the other week! 😀

  13. Raimundo says:

    Steak ?

    1. Steak
    2. Pepper
    3. Salt

    First you season the uncooked steak with salt and pepper. Then you put the steak on the pan for a few minutes. I do it for this long because I like my steak medium rare. When your finished cooking the steak you can put it on a plate. After, if you have some vegetables you can cook them up in the pan that you cooked the steak in. I would use broccoli and add garlic to sauté and then place it on the plate that the steak is on.

  14. Hi Miss Lee! Your dish sounds delicious!
    Heres my recipe:
    Cinnamon rolls ingredients:
    • 1 cup milk
    • 1/2 cup butter, softened
    • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1 envelope (21/4 teaspoons) instant yeast
    • 1 egg

    • 1 cup of brown sugar
    • 1/3 cup of butter
    • 3 tablespoon of cinnamon powder

    1. Combine warm milk and yeast.
    2. In a separate bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, egg and butter.
    3. Mix and knead the dough, form it into a ball. Place it in a greased bowl and cover it with a damp towel. Let it rise for an hour.
    4. While the dough rests, make your filling by whisking together brown sugar, ground cinnamon and butter together in a small mixing bowl until combined.
    5. Once the dough is ready , turn it out onto a floured surface. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough out into a large rectangle. Then sprinkle the dough evenly with the filling.
    6. Then tightly roll up the dough and give the final seam a little pinch so that it seals. Use a piece of dental floss or a knife to slice off into 12 equal pieces.
    7. Place each cut of the cut cinnamon rolls into a greased baking dish.
    8. Heat the oven to 350 ° F and bake it for 15 -20 minutes, or until the rolls are golden and cooked through . Remove and let cool on a wire rack for at least 5 minutes. Enjoy

    I helped my mom mix the ingredients and a bit of kneading. It is our first time to bake cinnamon roll. I think it’s delicious and yummy although it’s not the best food to eat. It still is a wonderful dish ??. I find it a little too sweet so maybe next time we can put less sugar. My mum will send a picture ?.

  15. We are cooking something tomorrow as today it is very busy. We will send it then.

  16. Mayowa `(*∩_∩*)′ says:

    Hello Miss Lee,?

    I sprinkled with parmesan cheese on the bread sticks. I also made chocolate sauce ?.

    Chocolate sauce:
    Melt chocolate in microwave then add milk if you want or leave to cool down.

    Bread sticks and chocolate sauce is very nice and yummy
    (づ ̄@  ̄)づ I will most definitely have it again?.

  17. Miss Lee says:

    They look fabulous! I will upload the photograph! I am glad you enjoyed them! Did you share with your family!

  18. This is my favourite meal : Veal with rice:

    1. Put oil in the pan with garlic cloves. Wait until it is hot, and then put the veal. Turn it around so it is cooked in both sides.
    2. Put oil in a pan with a bit of garlic. Add white rice to the oil mix and stir so it gets the flavour of the oil and garlic. Then add water 2 to 1. So if you put a cup of rice, then you need to add double of water. Wait until the rice has taken all the water.
    3. Put the veal and rice in one plate. Add some of the sauce of the veal to the rice.
    4. For veg I like to eat row carrots and cucumber .

  19. Miss Lee says:

    This sounds delicious! Please send a photo in when you make it so we can see!

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