Design and Technology

Click HERE for a printable version of this task

In the summer term, our Design and Technology focus is cooking and nutrition.

This fits in perfectly with our new class topic:
‘Food Glorious Food!’

During our cooking and nutrition topic, we will learn the following skills:

-I can choose the right ingredients for a product.
-I can use equipment safely.
-I can make sure that my product looks attractive.
-I can describe how my combined ingredients come together.

In our last Design and Technology lesson, we designed and made a healthy snack. Lots of you made some healthy smoothies and fruit salads that looked delicious!

Today your task is to design and make a dish of your choice. During our Geography lesson, we looked at food dishes around the world! You may even like to use one of these ideas or find a new dish. It can be sweet or savoury!

Remember when we make a product, there are three stages – Designing, making and evaluating. Today you will complete all three stages.


1. Design your food dish. You might like to look at a recipe book in your house or look to see what ingredients you have in your house to help you with your choice. Look at the design sheet below. You may like to print this sheet to work on or set out your work in this format in your yellow homework book.
Click HERE if you would like to print it.

2. Make your food dish. Remember to gather all of the ingredients and equipment you need. You can ask an adult to help you with this part.

3. Evaluate your food dish. Now you get to do the best part of the process, taste it! Before you do, remember to take a photo so that you can upload it to the blog!
Try your food dish and think about the questions on the evaluation part of your worksheet. Write down your ideas.

I can’t wait to see what you made!

25 comments on “Design and Technology Task – 15.5.20

  1. We are making Irish soda bread and cupcakes today. We have all the ingredients and are getting ready to wash our hands. I will post pictures later and I have done my design and method in my yellow book.

  2. Miss Jones says:

    Sounds delicious Ethan, brilliant I look forward to seeing your work and pictures later on!

  3. Design & Technology ?‍?

    Name : Honey comb
    Ingredients : Bacon, asparagus, spinach, honey, rosemary, eggs
    Equipment : Knife, rolling pin , frying pan, spatula
    Method: ?
    1. Make a pie crust.?
    2. Drizzle some honey.?
    3. Make scrambled eggs and put it on the pie crust. ?
    4. Chop some spinach and asparagus and lay it on the egg.??
    5. Cut some tiny pieces of bacon and put it on the spinach and asparagus ???
    6. Then bake it.
    7. Finally make your plate look beautiful
    8. EAT IT !!!!!!!!!! ?

  4. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Chloe K! This dish sounds tasty!
    Your picture didn’t upload correctly, if you would like to send it again I can add it to the gallery, thank you! 🙂

  5. I am going to make cookies I have never made food only one time before. I will post it tomorrow and I will write in my yellow book.

  6. Miss Jones says:

    Cookies sound delicious Patrick. I will look forward to hearing about how they turned out!

  7. Clémence says:

    I’m going to make sushi for tonight with my mum! I will send a photo to show you how it went!????

  8. Miss Jones says:

    Brilliant Clemence, I look forward to seeing your sushi! Remember to record your ideas in your homework book or on the design worksheet.

  9. Miss Jones says:

    Helena, thanks for sending in your recipe! I LOVE pancakes!
    Well done for writing out the method carefully so that others can follow it clearly 🙂

  10. Sebastian says:

    My brother and I are going to make cheesecake. I will write the recipe in my yellow book and send a picture when we are finished.

  11. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks for letting me know Sebastian, a cheesecake sounds delicious! Have fun making it, I look forward to seeing the finished result.

  12. Miss Jones says:

    Chloe H, your dish looks delicious. What did you make?! I would love to have the recipe, could you post it on the blog or send a picture of your plan? 🙂

  13. Matthias says:

    Hello Miss Jones,
    I am going to make lasagna with my mum but I don’t have time today so I might tomorrow.

  14. Miss Jones says:

    That’s okay Matthias, you can even do this over the weekend if it’s easier 🙂

  15. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks for the recipe Chloe H, your dish looks really easy to make and doesn’t require too many ingredients. Well done for planning it carefully.

  16. Thank you Miss Jones. I really like cucumbers ? and prawns ?.

  17. Miss Jones says:

    Me too! They are really healthy as well 🙂

  18. Hi Miss Jones.
    I made a nice fruit salad with some apples,pears and grapes
    in it and cream.
    I used a butter knife because it was safe for my fingers.
    Everyone in my house are fasting . So I think they will like it.

  19. Miss Jones says:

    This sounds lovely Jiana and great that you made it for your family! Well done ?

  20. Clémence says:


    Ingredients :
    Cooked rice with a few drops of mirin
    Bowl of water

    Equipment :
    Sushi mat

    First add the sheet of seaweed on the sushi ? mat. Dip your fingers in the bowl of water ?, add the rice ? on the sheet of seaweed, not to thick nor to thin. Very important : leave one cm at the top free of rice in order to stick properly when you will roll your preparation. Add the salmon/ avocado ? on the rice (leave some left overs). After roll the whole with the sushi mat. Next cut the roll of sushi with a knife ?. Make sure they are at least 2 cm large. Then add the sushi’s on a plate.
    Finally, enjoy eating !

  21. Miss Jones says:

    Great work Clemence! Your sushi looks delicious. You have explained how to make it so clearly!

  22. Miss Jones says:

    Super effort Emi, I like your ice lolly idea and you have used lots of fresh ingredients to make it healthy! Well done.

  23. Miss Jones says:

    Ethan your cupcakes looks delicious! I bet they were fun to make?! How did they taste? Well done for your effort.

  24. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Jiana, your fruit salad looks so healthy! Did your family enjoy it? 🙂

  25. Miss Jones says:

    Celestine your spaghetti bolognese dish looks delicious! You have written a really clear method to follow too. Well done.

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