Hello Class 4!

As you know, our new topic is Great Britain and we began by looking at some British history when we looked at the Tudors. Today we are going to design, make and evaluate our very own Tudor houses!

In order to build upon our design and technology skills we need to follow three processes…

1.) First we need to design our Tudor houses. When we design we think about what our final product might look like. We think about the colours and the materials that we will use to make it. We also think about how we will make it and make some sort of plan.

2.) Next we make our product (the fun bit)! We use our design plan and try our best to stick to it. Although, sometimes we might try to follow our plan and something does not work so we have to adapt it slightly and this is okay.

3.) Finally we evaluate our product. What went well and what would we change or improve next time. This is a chance for you to reflect on how happy you are with your final product. Does it look like your design? If not, why? Did you try something and have to adapt it slightly? Did you feel more adventurous and add more detail?

All three of these stages help us to build on our skills and improve for next time so it is important that we follow all three stages. Even though the making part is fun, we need to think and plan our design carefully to make sure our product is exactly how we want it to be.

Below is some information about Tudor houses. Have a read before you plan your design. You can click the images to make them bigger.

Now have a go at designing a Tudor house. You might want to use this helpful design sheet. If you don’t have a printer, read the design sheet so that you know what to include, then create your design on paper and send in a photo of it.

Tudor House Planning Sheet

Once you are happy with your design, have a go at making your own Tudor house using materials around your home. I know this may take a while so if you just want to design today and then make another day that is fine. Just send in your photos when you have finished and I will upload them when I receive them!

Here is an example of a Tudor house model:

Finally, after designing and making, evaluate your Tudor house model on the blog!

I look forward to seeing your designs and models!
Good luck!
From Miss Lee 🙂


46 comments on “Design and Technology – Thursday 11th June 2020

  1. I drew the design then made it!

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Wow that was quick! Can you send in a photo of your design?

  3. I have drew it and I will send you a picture ??

  4. Great thank you!

  5. Hi miss , I’m going to start looking for materials around my house to make my Tudor house I will send a photo in once I have completed it .

  6. Hi Albert!
    Good idea, I look forward to seeing your design and finished house!

  7. Hello miss lee. I have drew the design and now will make it. ???????????????????

  8. Hello Holly!
    I can’t wait to see your design and final Tudor house!

  9. I couldn’t find many materials But this is what I found (I’ve sent My picture to The office To pass on to you)

  10. I love the picture! What a great model you have made! It looks brilliant, well done!

  11. I will send you a picture when done!

  12. Greta I can’t wait to see it!

  13. I will send pic in now?????

  14. Great thank you!

  15. Hello miss lee. I have sent you a picture of my final house and have sent it to the school office to send to you.

  16. Miss Lee says:

    Hi Holly, I have got it, thank you so much for sending it in, it looks brilliant, I am very impressed!
    I will upload it soon!

  17. Amarissa???????????????????????????? says:

    Miss,has anyone’s pic went onto the website yet?

  18. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Amarissa!
    I promise I will upload them very soon!
    I am just replying to everyone’s English as I know some people like to respond to feedback straight away so that their work is ready for tomorrow’s blog!
    I do love your design though! You have included lots of the characteristics of Tudor houses, you are very talented at drawing!

  19. I have finished drawing my Tudor house.

  20. Miss Lee says:

    A fantastic drawing Ajay! Very talented!
    I think going over the pencil with the black fine liner looks really effective!

  21. how do you make it if you are at school?

  22. Miss Lee says:

    I am sure there are plenty of resources at school! Lots of card and paper!
    If you really can’t do it, draw and label your design and send in a photo of it!

  23. Mayowa(=^-^=) says:

    Hello Miss Lee I am not at home so I can’t make one.

  24. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Mayowa, please can you send in a photo of your design?
    Could you make a model from paper?

  25. Mayowa(=^-^=) says:

    I have done the sheet.

  26. Miss Lee says:

    Please can you send in a photo of it?

  27. Amarissa?????????????????? says:

    Hello miss
    None of our sheets are popping up on the website???????????

  28. Miss Lee says:

    Are you ready? I am uploading them now! 😀

  29. Raimundo says:

    I forgot to post a comment but I will send my work.

  30. Miss Lee says:

    I look forward to seeing it, thank you Raimundo!

  31. Hi Miss! I have drawn my design and I’m making it!

  32. Miss Lee says:

    That is great! Please send in a photo once it is done so that we can see!

  33. Hi Miss Lee! I have sent my design and model though email, thanks!

  34. Miss Lee says:

    It looks amazing! Fantastic work Clare! I can tell you followed your design carefully and the final product looks great!

  35. Can I do a whole village?

  36. Miss Lee says:

    Of course! That sounds amazing!

  37. Paolo ??? says:

    Hello Miss – our first experiment did not go well. We will try again!

  38. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Paolo!
    Oh no, I saw your email, the plan looks great! Keep trying, I am sure it will be magnificent once it’s completed!

  39. Miss Lee says:

    Martin a brilliant design! Thank you for sending it in! I can see you have included the beams outside which is characteristic of Tudor houses!

  40. Miss Lee says:

    Mayowa I love your Tudor villiage! What a great idea! I can almost imagine walking through it in Tudor times!

  41. Miss Lee says:

    Elisa a wonderful Tudor house! I am impressed that you have managed to add an opening and closing door! How did you make that?

  42. Stella it looks like you’ve been busy painting the beams and the roof on your Tudor house! Excellent work, thank you for sending in a photo!

  43. Sophie your model is looking brilliant! Well done! I like the windows and the fact that you’ve managed to make the top floor larger than the bottom floor, just as the Tudors did!

  44. Pablo, thank you for sending in your model, it looks amazing! I am glad you loved the activity! Well done!

  45. Elisa ?✨?? says:

    Hello Miss Lee!
    I am surprised that you asked! I did it with the scissors ✂ of course!?

  46. Hello Elisa!
    I wondered if there was a technique so that if anyone wanted to add a door to their house they could read your comment and follow the steps that you used!

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