Good morning Year 6!

It has been super talking to lots of you on the phone and I loved hearing about everything you have been getting up to! What was great to hear is how many of you have been cooking and baking (although it did make me feel rather hungry)!

So today, or over the weekend, you are going to be getting busy in the kitchen with your family.



Remember that whenever we make something in Design Technology, there are three stages.

  • Design
  • Make
  • Evaluate


So we have to do the same with our cooking!

Follow through the worksheet-click hereto find it

You can answer the questions in your Home Learning Book or on the sheet (if you have a printer).


  • Think about what ingredients and equipment that you will use.
  • Draw and label your design-what will your food look like on the plate?



In cooking and baking we normally follow a recipe to help us to create food that tastes delicious! A recipe offers ‘step by step’ instructions to follow.

There are no rules on what to cook, it is completely up to you and your family! Perhaps you would like to make a dish from another country?

*Remember to always ask for adult supervision when using kitchen equipment-knives are sharp and ovens and hobs are hot!*


Now comes for the best bit-tasting!

After tasting (and hopefully enjoying!) your food with your family it is time to evaluate your creation!

Look at the worksheet and think about the questions below:

  • What did you like about your food?
  • Did it look good?
  • How did it taste?
  • How could you make it even better?

On the blog below please share what you made and what it was like!

Then, please send in an A4 page with a drawing or photo of what you have made along with the recipe!

We can’t wait to see what you get up to!


Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy xx

Have a look at Sergio’s recipe here! Recipe 15th May

Have a look at Javier’s recipe here! Chocolate Bannana bread (2)

For a printable version of the blog, click here DT Friday

69 comments on “Design Technology (Let’s get cooking!)-Friday 15th May

  1. I cant wait to do this!

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    Great! What are you going to cook?

  3. Jeanne Yr 6 says:

    Good morning,
    I made a delicious chocolate cake with ganache. My whole family enjoyed eating the cake and what I loved most was the different taste the cake and the ganache had.

    Ps how do I send the picture?

  4. Miss Gorick says:

    Gosh that does sound delicious! I would love to see the picture. Follow the instructions on this link 🙂

  5. Sergio ;) says:

    This is going to be very fun!

  6. Any ideas about what to cook?

  7. Miss Gorick says:

    Hmmm…are you fancying something sweet or savoury?

  8. Something sweet?

  9. Miss Gorick says:

    Hmm what about blueberry muffins?

  10. Hello Miss. The links seem to be wrong. The printable blog button leads to the top of the page ans the worksheet one leads to the printable blog.

  11. Miss Gorick says:

    Ooops…thank you for letting me know! I have updated the links.

  12. Good Morning Miss Gorick,
    Throughout this term I have been making lots of different cakes, I have chosen to make a biscocho
    ( in english its called a sponge cake ) because its my grandpas favourite cake and its his birthday today.
    Right now its in the oven for 55 minutes, once its baked I will have to wait for it to cool down before I decorate it! I have decided to put some strawberries in the middle!
    I will take some pictures and right down the recipe.

  13. Miss Gorick says:

    Ooh that sounds delicious! I would love to see some pictures and read your recipe 🙂

  14. You’re welcome! Do you have any suggestions for what I could cook?

  15. Laetitia says:

    This is going to be fun!!

  16. Miss Gorick says:

    I hope you enjoy!!

  17. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    This is going to be amazing!

  18. Miss Gorick says:

    Enjoy! What are you going to make?

  19. ?Maryana? says:

    ?Hi Miss and everyone ,

    I am going to cook:
    A nicely spiced Salmon along with a rich homemade sauce (which I do not know the name of)

    Buttery and soft mashed potatoes and sweet vegetables.

    And for the drink will be freshly homemade Apple ? juice

  20. Miss Gorick says:

    Mmmm…you’re making my tummy rumble!

  21. I can’t wait to get started!

  22. Miss Gorick says:

    Great-I can’t wait to see what you are going to cook!

  23. Well Miss, I will start of by making a nice garlic, onion, oat cream sauce. Then I will make my penne pasta and season it with olive oil and salt. After that I will add my whole green beans and some tomatoes, then spread the sauce onto it. Can’t wait to taste!

    My equipment will be:

    A kettle for hot water.

    A pot.


    Frying pan for sauce.

    Chopping board and knife too cut.

  24. Miss Gorick says:

    Gosh that sounds delicious and very healthy!

  25. Aryan :D says:

    Hello everyone!

    Any ideas on what to cook??

  26. Miss Gorick says:

    Hmm…are you wanting something sweet or savoury? I’ll have a think!

  27. Aryan :D says:


  28. Aryan :D says:

    Something Sweet

  29. Aryan :D says:

    Mmmmm… they seem delicious.

  30. Aryan :D says:

    I’ll write the ingredients and my mum will buy them ;p

  31. Miss Gorick says:

    Great! I look forward to seeing what you create.

  32. Good morning everyone,
    Today, I’m making Vanilla Cakepops! ☺️

  33. Miss Gorick says:

    Mmmm delicious!

  34. I’m nearly done! I’ve changed a bit to:

    Instead of penne spaghetti, and also I made the suce with the beans, and also added some lemon in it and a hint of vegan veg stock. Also I only used garlic.

  35. Miss Gorick says:

    Ooh I think the lemon will be a delicious addition!

  36. Hi miss.

    I’m going to make some homemade tortillas out of corn flour and sunflower oil. Then I’m going to get started on the tomato salsa with sausage. I’ll need to blend the tomatoes whilst the sausage is in the oven and then mix it together in a saucepan. Then I’ll plate it with tortillas on the bottom and my salsa on top.

    Tools I need:


    7 fingers.

    My brain.

    A plate.

    Sauce pan.

  37. Miss Gorick says:

    I’m glad to her that you will need your brain…although don’t put it in the blender by mistake!

  38. My meal is also vegan!

  39. I’m also going to add cheese onto the top.

  40. Don’t worry miss, my brain is saved for dinner!

  41. I also can’t forget the seasoning.
    Gordon would never forgive me!

  42. Miss Gorick says:

    Oh you certainly cant Alfie…don’t worry I won’t tell Gordon!

  43. ♡ Haleema ♡ says:

    I’m not exactly sure yet what I’m going to make, but I want to make something called a Mandazi, they are kind of like doughnuts!

  44. Miss Gorick says:

    Ooh now they sound good!

  45. ?Laetitia? says:

    Hello miss! I was just wondering, can I make a salad because I don’t know if that counts as cooking.

  46. Miss Gorick says:

    Of course! It is completely up to you what you create. What are you going to put in your salad?

  47. Hi,
    I am really excited about doing this and I actually had the same idea as Jeanne i’m Doing a double layered chocolate sponge cake filled with chocolate ganache and garnished with berries on top.

  48. Miss Gorick says:

    Mmmm that sounds delicious! I look forward to seeing that

  49. ♡ Haleema ♡ says:

    If I don’t make Mandazi’s, I’ll probably a stir fry or something.

  50. Miss Gorick says:

    That sounds great!

  51. Good morning everyone!I have made a waffle!it is sprinkled with fresh berries,and drizzled with traditional Canadian Maple syrup!I will send the photo in!

  52. Miss Gorick says:

    Mmm delicious!

  53. Hi,
    I am going to be making homemade chocolate chip banana bread.

  54. Miss Gorick says:

    That sounds delicious! I can’t wait to hear how you get on 🙂

  55. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    I am going to make sourdough bread and I already have my starter ready and i will send in some photos of it later on if it works out.

  56. Miss Gorick says:

    Good luck Elly! I made one yesterday and it’s nearly all gone already!

  57. I made chocolate cake with Nutella and cream.

  58. Miss Gorick says:

    They sound delicious and very sweet!

  59. I going to make chocolate muffins then!?

  60. ?Maryana ? says:

    Hi everyone
    Today I am going to cook my salmon dish
    I am really excited ? ?☺️?

  61. Miss Gorick says:

    I hope it went well Maryana!

  62. Miss Gorick says:

    Thank you to Alfie, Sergio, Ethan, Jade, Chiara and Eliza for sending in your recipes and photos!

  63. Miss Gorick says:

    Thank you to Aryan, Javier, Sergio, Charles and Elly for sending in your recipes and photos of your creations! They looked delicious and made me very hungry…???

  64. ?Maryana? says:

    Mistake Miss I am actually cooking today!
    Also I just starting seasoning my salmon!!!!!!!!
    I will send the photos after

  65. Miss Gorick says:

    I look forward to to seeing your creation! I’m sure it was delicious ?

  66. Hi Miss
    I sent in the photos

  67. ? Maryana ? says:

    Miss did you see the photo’s

  68. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Maryana! I have just seen them-thank you so much (although you have now made me feel rather hungry!). I will upload the photo to the blog so all can see 🙂

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