Good morning, Year 5!

Thank you for your fantastic work on the blogs yesterday. I really look forward to sitting down with my cup of coffee in the mornings and reading through your responses šŸ™‚

I am so proud of you all!

I am proud of your hard work on the tasks but I am mostly proud of how polite you all are in the blogs, wishing me a good morning and thanking me for the tasks.

You are all superstars!

Today’s English focus: Spelling and Handwriting

Please practise these spellings in your yellow home learning book as well as find the definitions (click image to enlarge):


ThisĀ websiteĀ helps to learn how to spell these words and has some games you can practise. If you find a great game that you think your classmates would like, please share it in the comments!Ā If you can, ask your sibling or parent to test you on the above words.
If you want some more ideas of how to practise your spellings you could:

Use the Look, Say, Cover, Write,Ā Check method to learn your spellings.

When you are writing these words in your home learning book, try to use neat, joined handwriting. Most of us have been typing on the blog but it is important to make sure we practise our handwriting too!


Can you write a paragraph or short story using more than two of these words? Letā€™s see who can include the most spelling words in their paragraph or short story! Please type this into the comment section below.

Also, please let us know which words you found trickiest to learn or if you came up with your own strategies or tips for learning them! Do share them with us!

Plan your sentences first in your Home Learning Book to ensure that it makes sense before publishing it on the blog! If you are looking for a challenge, you could visit theĀ Shakespeare Project.

Have you tried the Shakespeare Project? Please let us know in the comments

It is Wednesday so Miss Carruthers will kindly respond to the blogs for today. Thank you !Ā  Ā 

Good luck with learning your spellings, Year 5!

Mrs Avdiu xx


You can find a printable version of this blog here: Wednesday English blog

46 comments on “English – Spelling and Handwriting (Wed 10.6.20)

  1. Nika ?ļø says:

    Hello everyone!
    I hope that you are all safe and well.
    I am going to the hospital for an eye check so I will write on the blogs as soon as I get home!

    Nika ?ļø

    P.S. I will tell you all how it goes!

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Thanks for letting us know šŸ™‚

  3. Hello everyone, I hope you are all well. Here are my definitions and sentences:

    Convenience: Being able to proceed with something without difficulty (Also means a public toilet)

    Determined: Having a firm decision or choice on something that nobody can change.

    Filled with curiosity, the little boy peered out the window.

    He was determined to see what was behind the fence.


    The little boy ran up the stairs to look out his window. Filled with curiosity, he peered through the window. He saw that fence that he wasnā€™t allowed to go through. He was determined to see what was behind the fence. As he grew older, he began to develop some ideas on what was behind the fence. He was desperate to go through but he didnā€™t know when he could try to get through. One day, he said to his mother ā€œI am definite that there is something behind that fence!ā€ His mother just shook her head and walked away. He didnā€™t want to criticise his mother but he was sure that there was more to that fence.

    One night, he was conscious that he heard a mysterious noise coming from the fence and he went to ask his older sister. He knocked on her bedroom door when he heard her say ā€œCome inā€ he went to ask her. He told his sister everything and she just laughed and said that he was making this all up as there was no fence in the garden. There was a controversy over this and after a while his mother came and told him to go to his room. He was no happy about this but he had a plan to investigate. He decided to correspond to his Grandfather as this used to be his house. He wrote back saying that he was going to come round tomorrow, at his convenience, with the key to the other side.

    The next day, his Grandfather took him round to the garden. He put the key in the lock and pushed the door open to see…….

    I couldnā€™t decide wether there would be public convenience on the other side ?? or a cliff hanger.I hope you liked my short story, bye everyone have a nice day ?

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant short story Elsa! Well done for using all your spelling word ⭐
    (For some reason, this was sent to the spam folder. Thanks for letting me know that it wasn’t published so that I knew to go looking for it :))

  5. Hello Everyone!
    I hope you are all safe and well
    I miss you all so much and I hope to see you all soon ??
    For todayā€™s English task I have written down all the meanings of each word and I have chosen five words to write in five different sentences.


    * Conscious= Aware to responding to oneā€™s surroundings and having knowledge of something.
    * Convenience= A state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty.
    *Criticise= Indicate the fault of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.
    *Develop= grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.
    *Controversy=Prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion.
    * Correspond=Having a close similarity match or agree almost exactly.
    *Curiosity = A strong desire to know or learn something.
    * Definite = Clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful.
    *Desperate=Feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
    *Determined=Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.


    *If you (criticise)someone it often leads to maybe a misunderstanding or a argument which is best not to get involved.
    * We are all trying to (develop)our learning even if we are at home, we are all trying to make sure we keep learning even if we are stuck at home.
    *Kelly was desperate to get home since her feet we hurting and she smelt discussing because of the science project at school.
    * Hannah had curiosity not like any other person in her family she was special she was unique.
    * Rebeca was determined to get her homework done since she wants to play with her friends after.

    I hope you all have a lovely day
    ~Elena ??

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for explaining the definitions for these words. Hopefully that’ll help you to remember them and then you can use them in your writing šŸ™‚ Great sentences! I hope you feel you can ask a teacher on the blog if you are stuck at home. I think you meant disgusting rather than discussing in your third sentence.

  7. Good Morning Everyone!

    Ben was desperate and determined to solve the latest controversy. He was conscious that everybody was arguing about it and this raised his curiosity. One person would criticise another and no oneā€™s views seemed to correspond at all. Ben did not want the controversy to develop so he set off to find more about why everyone was arguing.

    I hope you enjoyed my paragraph!

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Theo! Well done for using so many of the spelling words correctly šŸ™‚

  9. Hello everyone I hope you are all well and are having a good day I have practised my spellings and I am on to the challenge:

    Dear Diary

    You wont believe what happened a week ago. I was the only one on the plan that was conscious I was in desperate need of help but not even the piolet was awake. Although my parents have always been telling me to be determined when I am scared I couldn’t . My parents were in Milan thinking I was defiantly safe even though I wasn’t. I was on my way to London so I could develop my maths studies. They did this because I always controversy with my math books with what the answer is. Even though I was absolutely terrified I was curios where the plan would crash. Similar my sister was also having a bad time at that moment because her friend was moving country her best friend but mine was 1000 times worse. I was sure I wasn’t going to make it out so I started feeling sorry for when I criticise my sister. Then a miracle happened I survived I broke only two bones and was with my family again we agreed to never let me go on a plan again by my self after this but that was ok with this.

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for using the spelling words Claudia šŸ™‚ Carefully read through your paragraph – there is some punctuation missing that would make it easier to read. Check your spelling of defiantly and curios as well.

  11. Gabriella :) says:

    Hello! Hope you are all doing well! Here is my paragraph, hope that you like it!!!!!?

    Last night I heard a crash from my bedroom. It was definite that something had happened downstairs. In curiosity, I went downstairs to find that my couch ( that I had bought from Jenny Corkinā€™s Furniture shop) had developed into a soft train! Suddenly the train-couch zoomed out into the outside. I was determined it would come back, but it did not. And that was the last I saw of my Jenny Corkinā€™s couch.

  12. Miss Carruthers says:

    What an imaginative paragraph šŸ™‚ It would be very shocking if your sofa turned into a train! Well done for using your spelling words.

  13. Hello Miss Carruthers
    Yes I did mean disgusting

  14. Miss Carruthers says:

    That’s okay! Sometimes our fingers type out the words faster than our brains realise and then do the wrong word! That’s why it is so important to always proof read our work šŸ™‚

  15. .+*Ayako*+. says:

    Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. This is my work for today:

    The girl that lives down the street is very determined to win the long distance running race. She trains daily to develop her technique, muscles and build her strength. To support this exercise, she eats healthy food: vegetables, fruits, and protein. Desperate to win a gold medal, I have never seen anyone so determined as she is to win.

  16. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant work Ayako! I really like your last sentence and how you used “Desperate to win a gold medal” to start your sentence. Well done for using so many of your spelling words.

  17. *Desperate= feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.

    *Definite = Clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful.

    1. John was desperate to go home as it was cold.

    2. An example of definite is when you have a specific idea about what you want your house to look like.

  18. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Olivia, you’ve written very clear definitions and sentences.

  19. Mathilde :) says:

    Hello everyone

    Dear Diary

    Last month was the worst summer holidays ever! It all began when I was in the park with my mom and my dad on my bike as I was riding around on a big hill I saw a giant blue butterfly! It was so pretty, then all of a sudden I hit a big curve and I came tumbling down the hill and on to a rock! There was not the slightest bit of convenience in this fall. I felt like it was definite I was going to die! Okay okay maybe I was being a drama queen, but I was desperate for help! Lucky I was still conscious. I donā€™t really remember what happened next I think I past out. The next day I woke up in hospital as my curiosity spread, I decided to ask my mom what happened. She said that I broke my leg! After that I was very determined to get my leg fixed. Finally the day came I could take the cast off! I was so happy, when I went home I had a yummy dinner and went to bed.

    I hope everyone has a great day ???

  20. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Mathilde! What a great paragraph that uses so many of the spelling words šŸ™‚ I wonder if it would be better to use Luckily rather than Lucky to start one of your sentences. What do you think?

  21. Hi everyone.
    Desperate: When someone is desperate they have to do something or they want to do something desperately.

    Definite: When something is definite they’re definitely going to do something and they agreed to it.

    Filled with curiosity, the bunny had to develop into the real world. She hopped around determined to get out of this horrid place, she was really desperate. Although, this bunny liked to criticise other bunnies her conscience throbbed in her aching cold soul.

  22. Miss Carruthers says:

    Oh that poor bunny! Well done for using so many of the spelling words šŸ™‚

  23. Good morning everyone, here is my paragraph for today’s blog.

    3 2 1 bang! The starter gun fired and the race was on.
    Night and day, Robert had been training for this moment, the moment of truth when he would finally prove himself to not be the skinny, curiosity-filled wimp that everyone thought he was. If he won the race, nobody would criticise him anymore, nobody would doubt him. His feet pounded on the track, one, two, one, two; he needed to win this. As drew near to the finish line, he started to feel dizzy but pressed on, determined to win. His mouth was dry, his head hurt, but he carried on, getting more and more desperate. Ten meters from the finish, he saw another racer catching up. He sped up, but that was a grave mistake. Two minutes later the medics were beside him, trying to bring him back to consciousness.

  24. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Zavan! You managed to make it a very exciting story and I wanted to see what happened to Robert!

  25. Hello everyone!ā˜€ļø
    Here are my sentences.āœØ

    1. In the English language there is a saying ā€œcuriosity killed the catā€ which means one should not be curious about things that could be dangerous.

    2. A baby can develop many skills just by observing grown ups.

    3. In order to protect the environment, we need to be conscious of how much plastic me use, how much water we waste, use of green energy and reducing pollution.

    4. I believe animals in captivity are very desperate to be set free to the wild.

    5. In the old days people didnā€™t have emails so they to correspond by letters.

    6. My brother is very determined to submit his homework on time otherwise he might be criticised.

    7. We wrote to the Council about the use of space near our house and we asked them for a definite answer at their earliest convenience.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day.?

  26. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant work Maia, these sentences show the meanings really well šŸ™‚

  27. Hi everyone I hope youā€™re all ok.

    1.) Conscious- To be aware of your surroundings and senses.

    2.) Convenience- Being able to proceed with something without difficulty.

    3.) Criticise- To blame someone or something about a matter.

    4.) Develop- Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced or elaborate.

    5.) Controversy- To hold up an argument against the law or the decided agreements.

    6.) Correspond- To have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly.

    7.) Curiosity- To develop an interest in something.

    8.) Definite- Clearly stated or decided.

    9.) Desperate- When youā€™re really in need of something.

    10.) Determined- Not going to give up when your doing something.

  28. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Iggy! You must have been determined to find out all the definitions šŸ™‚

  29. Sebastiao says:

    Hi everyone,
    I hope you are having a great day so far!?

    Conscious – To be aware of your surroundings and senses.

    Convenience – The state of being able to proceed without difficulty.

    Criticise – To blame someone or something about a matter.

    Develop – Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced or elaborate.

    Controversy – To hold up an argument against the decided agreements.

    Correspond – To have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly.

    Curiosity – To develop an interest in something.

    Definite – Clearly stated or decided.

    Desperate – When you are really in need of something

    Determined – Not going to give up to do something

  30. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for finding out so many of the definitions šŸ™‚

  31. ā˜†Angieliā˜† says:

    Hello everyone, hope you all had an amazing morning,ā™”
    for the work today I’ve done the definitions and sentences in my yellow book? so i’m going to do the challenge.

    My mum and I were packing up for an amazing holiday, that i was really determined to go to!! When we arrived in the plane, you will never guess what had happen to us. We all got stranded on an island, and apparently the pilot got shot on the chest and died sadly. We were all frightened and desperate to go home but it was to far. I was definite that something was coming out because i heard some rustling from a far away distance. We were there for about
    1 week or so (I couldn’t remember) but all the people were so friendly to us I don’t know how but something didn’t feel exactly right. I was so conscious for some reason. During the night something woke me up a sound. Up in the sky i saw something, something strange was going on. Oh my gosh!! It was a helicopter! in the sky I-I-I couldn’t believe it we where going home after all!! I instantly had woke my mum up and we were so exited to finally go home, and that’s my story on how i survived the plane crash.

    Hope you all enjoyed reading my short story stay safe and keep washing your hands?? Have an amzing rest of the day!!!???

  32. Miss Carruthers says:

    A great short story! Well done Angieli šŸ™‚ Remember to make you I a capital, and not i.

  33. Hello everyone!
    I hope that you have all had a nice day so far!
    Here are my definitions, examples and sentences,
    hope you enjoy:


    prolonged public dispute or heated discussion.


    There was a controversy about the location of a restaurant.


    have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly.

    I correspond with my pen pal by exchanging letters.

    As the clock chimed midnight, he lay fully conscious in his bed developing a plan.
    Determined, he tossed the duvet off and wriggled out of bed, floorboards breaking the silence.
    Tension building, he twisted the doorknob, the door creaking slightly as he went.
    Curiosity eventually got the better of him, so he made a swift detour to confirm whether the house was as asleep as it seemed.

    For convenience sake, he tossed his coat over his shoulder, picked up his shoes and tiptoed briskly towards the landing.

    Heart in throat, he gingerly proceeded down the stairs missing the fifth step, knowing the noise it made was enough to wake the whole house.
    He could almost jump for joy he was so happy, all he had to do now was open the front door… unless….

    ” Where do you think you’re going?” ………….

  34. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant work Lavinia! Your example sentences show the meaning well, and your challenge was full of suspense! Well done šŸ™‚

  35. Dear Miss Carruthers,
    Here is my paragraph containing all the words.
    At breaktime, Nigel and Nicholas started a CONTROVERSY which amused the people around, especially Jane. Nigel CRITICISED Nicholas as he hadn’t asked for a new football net at his previous school council meeting. Swallowed whole by CURIOSITY, Stephen and Rebecca arrived to discover where the DEFINITE cries were from. At that point, the big argument began to DEVELOP when Nicholas slapped Nigel across his face. Nigel kicked Nicholas in the shin and then a fight took place. In a matter of seconds, the two boys were rolling on the floor, biting and kicking and punching. Both were DETERMINED to give the final blow and then the situation was DESPERATE. Everyone was shouting: ” Stop! Stop! Try and make your opinions CORRESPOND!” Nigel and Nicholas ignored them and weren’t CONSCIOUS that it could become dangerous. When the lunch bell rang, the audience of the fight ran inside. They weren’t especially fond of the CONVENIENCE food the school gave them but they didn’t want to be discovered watching a fight by the terrible Miss Sutloc.

  36. Miss Carruthers says:

    Oh dear, what a dramatic turn of events! Well done for using all of the spelling words šŸ™‚

  37. Nika ?ļø says:

    Hello everyone!
    I am finally back!
    The eye check was really good and my eyes are fine so I won’t be needing glasses any time soon.
    I really enjoyed todayā€™s task, and so to challenge myself, I wrote the meaning of each word so that I do not forget the definition. In addition, I wrote sentences with all of the words in them too.
    Conscious means aware of and responding to oneā€™s surroundings.
    Convenience means the state of being able to proceed without difficulty.
    Criticise means indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a bad way.
    Develop means become more mature or become more understanding.
    Controversy means a public disagreement or hatred.
    Correspond means have a very close similarity.
    Curiosity means a strong desire to know or learn something.
    Definite means stated clearly.
    Desperate means feeling or showing a hopeless sense.
    Determined means having a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.

    – Suzan wasnā€™t even CONSCIOUS of what was happening.
    – For the CONVENIENCE of other students, the university decided to give the learners English textbooks.
    – ā€˜Why do you always have to CRITICISE other people for the error that you have made?ā€™ asked Paul expressing his CURIOSITY.
    – I want to DEVELOP into a great actress.
    – John had been placed in the centre of a CONTROVERSY because of his actions.
    – The two women described in the book CORRESPOND to the two ladies in front of us.
    – ā€˜That is the DEFINITE answer, Riley!ā€™ said Emily a bit too forcefully.
    – Sophie was so DESPERATE to get some more chocolates.
    – ā€˜I am DETERMINED to be heard, even though I am really tiny! ā€™ said Coco proudly.
    I hope that you have a fab day!


    P.S. Please tell me if I had some spelling mistakes…
    Oh and, I really enjoyed reading all of your stories, especially Zavan’s…

  38. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Nika, glad you’re all okay šŸ™‚
    Excellent work! Your definitions are very clear and you have used them correctly.
    I’m glad you have been reading your friends’ stories.

  39. Hello everyone,
    Here is today’s English work and I will test myself on the spellings in yellow homework book.

    Conscious means aware of something.
    Convenience means the quality of being easy to use or of making it easy for you to do something.
    Criticise means to say that a person or thing has faults or weaknesses.
    Develop means to create or improve something gradually over the years.
    Controversy means a long argument or disagreement.
    Correspond means to agree or match.
    Curiosity means a strong desire to know or learn something.
    Definite means clearly stated ;exact.
    Desperate means extremely serious or hopeful.
    Determined means full of determination; with your mind firmly made up.

    The headmaster, who is full of CURIOSITY but also compassionate and sympathetic ,was CONSCIOUS that there might be bullying going on in her school. She didn’t know for DEFINITE but was DETERMINED and DESPERATE to find out. Bullies would CRITICISE the other kids and use some powerful words which was extremely hurtful; they were inferior to the younger kids. She was also aware that their have been long CONTROVERSIES in the playground and her and her teacher’s CORRESPONDED that they needed to teach the bullies to be kind. Soon after, the bullies DEVELOPED a better and kinder way of living.

  40. Miss Carruthers says:

    What a happy ending to your story! Be careful though, a headmaster would be a man (you would use he) and a headmistress would be a woman (using she in the rest of the story). Or you could say headteacher which would be either šŸ™‚

  41. I have also posted on the reading blog what I have been reading.

  42. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Regan! I’m sure Mrs Avdiu will be excited to find out what you have been reading šŸ™‚

  43. ?ā†’Reneeā†? says:

    Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying your day so far. ?
    Here is my challenge. ?

    Itā€™s December and I was on my way to my friends in Australia (where it is summer). But I was quite conscious on jet lag because it will be winter in London but summer in Australia and we’ve got different time period. I would also stay awake because of how long it would take because I was so desperate and very determined to see them. But at the same time, my head was full of curiosity because most of the houses in Australia are quite big and so Iā€™m wondering what their house would look like (I bet it’s really big)ā€¦

    After a really long flight, we finally got there! Itā€™s really hot here (which is very good) ?. But I’m jet lagged now because it’s supposed to be winter in London and there are different periods of time ?. Now I am very definite we will have lots of fun in the sun. ?

    I hope you enjoyed reading my paragraph ?.
    Have a lovely rest of the day! ?

  44. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Renee! Check your second line – I think you are conscious of jetlag rather than on. Great work!

  45. Violette says:

    Hello everyone,

    This are my defination:
    1* Curosity :A strong desire to know or learn something.
    2* Determined: Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.

    My mum always told me that my character corresponded well with my personnality, I was curious and determined to find out evrything. I liked to controversy and criticise everything, it was like I was desperate to do it, but I wasn’t conscious of it.

    I hope you liked my sentences!!!?

  46. Miss Carruthers says:

    I did! Well done Violette. I’m sure you are very curious šŸ™‚ Check your spelling of evrything – I think it might have been a typing mistake!

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