Good morning Year 6, 

Today’s focus is : Spelling and Handwriting

Today we’re going to practise some spellings and our handwriting. We’re looking at words from the Year 5 and 6 spelling (click here).

This website helps to learn how to spelling these words and has some games you can practise.

Have a look at the words below, practise writing them in your book and then, If you can, ask your sibling or parent to test you!

How many did you get right?

On the Blog, write a short paragraph or a short narrative including all of the words above.  Plan your sentences first to ensure that they makes sense before publishing it!
When you’re practising your handwriting, remember to start and finish your letters in the right place, sit the letters on the line and remember which ones are tall and which ones hang below the line.

As today is not my usual working day, Miss Carruthers will kindly respond to you on the blogs.

Good luck with learning your spellings today!

Mrs Avdiu xx

printer-friendly version: Wednesday spelling blog

32 comments on “English – Spelling & Handwriting (Wed 17.6.20)

  1. Laetitia says:

    Goodmorning miss! Here is my paragraph:

    Our secretary’s father used to be a soldier, until he sincerely injured his stomach and shoulder and resigned to be an artist. He only had a sufficient amount of money, and his signature piece was an abstract tree that suggested the world isn’t perfect. This was seen as a symbol of judgment, self-love and equality.

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Wonderful work Laetitia. 🙂 Did you test yourself on these spellings as well?

  3. ???Jade??? says:

    Good morning everyone,
    I have practiced all my spellings and have got everything right.
    Here is my paragraph:
    As secretary of the president I must often suggest that he puts his sincere signature on the piece of paper which allows the soldiers to have a rest.During this time of rest they will have sufficient amount of time to recover from stomach ache,Shoulder pain, broken bones, or wounds.It is clear that they are a big symbol to our country and we honor their hard work.

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Jade! Take care when you are typing to have a space after your punctuation, just like we would when writing by hand 🙂

  5. Aryan :D says:

    The solider grandfather is a secretary. He helped a lot of people during his time. But when his grandson got in a war and his arm was shot along with his stomach he was no longer to be a solider. His grandfather sincerely suggested him to become a banker so when the ex-solider became a banker he had a sufficient amount of signatures to sign and created a big symbol for his new company.

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Aryan! A great paragraph. 🙂 Have another re-read to check it makes sense. In your first sentence, do you mean soldier’s grandfather? Check your third sentence as it is very long!!

  7. Good Morning,
    I have completed the spelling and got all of them right.
    Here is my paragraph:
    The soldier marched as his stomach and shoulder hurt. The hospital secretary put bandages on the soldier and he asked if they were sufficient but he then said,” i suggest you put more”. When he sat down to put the bandages on he noticed a toy monkey in his bag which had a symbol with a signature on it. It was his grandfathers. He sincerely loved him.

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Javier! Don’t forget to make sure that you write I and not i when you’re typing. 🙂

  9. Good morning,
    I’ve practiced the spellings and got them all right,
    Here’s my paragraph:

    His secretary was sincere and all but was not sufficient enough to be a soldier. Although his shoulder and stomach hurt a bit, the doctor still suggested he was alright. His signature was also a symbol that he was ready.

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for getting all your spellings right 🙂 Great paragraph!

  11. Sergio ;)☺ says:

    Good Morning,
    I have practiced the spelling words and got them all right!
    Here is my Paragraph:

    Where the secretary sits in her office , there is a symbol with her signature.I suggest this is so people know who she is. In my opinion she is a sincere person. One day, she broke her shoulder and also had a stomach ache .She didn’t have enough money to pay her bills, so her son decided to help her and became a soldier.

  12. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Sergio! I’m glad you got all the spelling words right 🙂

  13. Hello
    Here is my paragraph:
    My secretary, who is a soldier, keeps telling me to put my signature on the papers. However, he hurt his shoulder. I asked if there was sufficient bandages and he replied yes. My stomach started gurgling so he suggested I go to eat enough food to last me the time to find the @ symbol.

  14. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for using so many of the words Charles 🙂
    Check your 3rd sentence, it should say if there were sufficient bandages, because bandages is plural. was would be used for a singular noun.

  15. GABRIEL:p says:

    I’ve done it,
    this is my paragraph:
    Dear diary,
    Yesterday, I finished drawing a painting of a soldier with an arrow through his stomach and a broken shoulder, to symbolise and suggest that war never ends well. Tomorrow I will put my signature on it, and go to a gallery opening to sincerely tell the spectators what think about war. Right now my secretary is reminding me to rehearse my speech, bye.

  16. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Gabriel! Well done for using so many of the spelling words 🙂

  17. My new secretary, who was a decorated soldier. She suggests that if the shoulder and stomach rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise it would create a strange symbol of an alien. I do not trust her because she is not sincere. She has a very strange signature which looks unusual. However, I have sufficient time to deal with her.

  18. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Anahi! Check your first sentence:
    My new secretary was a decorated soldier.
    My new secretary, who was a decorated soldier, and then continue the sentence to give more information.

  19. Elly (●'◡'●) says:

    Good Morning Miss Carruthers,
    Here is my paragraph,
    How about we go to the secretary of the school to find out where the bathrooms are. When we got to the secretary she also told me if my hair is over my shoulders would have to be tied up and she also asked us to sign our signature. She asked this just in case I had a stomach ache.

  20. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Elly. Check your first sentence, is it a question? What punctuation does it need ? 🙂

  21. I have finished my Spelling practice
    HERE is my paragraph:
    Our secretary dressed up as a soldier with a broken shoulder.
    He didn’t have sufficient amount of money, so I suggested he goes to live with his mummy. His signature looked like a stomach to symbolise him being hungry.

    Hope you liked it!!

  22. Miss Carruthers says:

    Excellent Nina! Well done for using so many of the words 🙂

  23. The secretary came in standing sharp with her shoulders straight. She looked like a navy soldier in her camp jump suit, as she strode through the building carrying the symbol for free passage. Her stomach felt rather uncomfortable after her wild lunch, as her boss told her ‘I suggest you take a small rest.’

  24. Miss Carruthers says:

    What would count as a wild lunch?! Great paragraph Ethan! 🙂

  25. Hello Miss Carruthers,I have practised the spelling words and am now going to write my paragraph,Here it is:

    The soldier had a sufficient secretary who’s shoulder was as large as her stomach!he suggested for her to go to the doctors so they could put her in the Guinness world record book.then everybody started asking her for her signature this is a Sincere symbol of popularity .

  26. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Ariella! Don’t forget your capital letters at the start of each sentence 🙂

  27. Jeanne Yr 6 says:

    Here is my paragraph:
    I sincerely suggest that if you are to become a sufficient soldier for the army you need to get used to your secretary and also a gun. If you do finally sign for the army you will learn all the symbols.

  28. Miss Carruthers says:

    Wonderful Jeanne, well done 🙂

  29. Elly (●'◡'●) says:

    Hello Miss Carruthers, here is my improved paragraph:
    We were looking back at last years photos when my memories came rushing to me. Whilst looking at a photo, I noticed the person in the photo was my school’s new secretary. I still remember injuring my shoulder badly, whilst running in the hallway to get to my lesson. I was with a sincere friend and she was the one who helped me get help when I hurt myself. The homework for the first day was to create a model of a soldier using clay, we made a soldier as we were learning about WW1. Since my shoulder was hurting whenever I moved my arm, my mum helped me make the model to keep the pain of my shoulder low. The next day I had a tummy ache which was a symbol that I had caught the flu from my classmates. This meant my mum had to go and sign her signature at school to report my absence

  30. Miss Carruthers says:

    Wow Elly! I only mentioned the missing question mark, but you have massively improved your paragraph, adding more detail and description. Really well done 🙂

  31. I know a soldier who has a very nice signature and usually get stomach pains. His name is soldier Tom I suggest you speak to him if you need a shoulder to cry on he is very considerate

  32. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Maryana 🙂

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