Good morning, Year 5!

Well done with your grammar work yesterday. You will be able to apply these skills tomorrow in your big writing task.

Today’s English focus is: Spelling & Handwriting

Please practise these spellings in your yellow home learning book as well as find the definitions (click image to enlarge):

This website helps to learn how to spell these words and has some games you can practise. If you find a great game that you think your classmates would like, please share it in the comments! If you can, ask your sibling or parent to test you on the above words.
If you want some more ideas of how to practise your spellings you could:

Use the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method to
learn your spellings.

When you are writing these words in your home learning book, try to use neat, joined handwriting. Most of us have been typing on the blog but it is important to make sure we practise our handwriting too!

Can you write a paragraph using more than two of these words? Let’s see who can include the most spelling words in their paragraph! Please type your paragraph into the comment section below.

Plan your sentences first in your Home Learning Book to ensure that it makes sense before publishing it on the blog! If you are looking for a challenge, you could visit the Shakespeare Project.

It is Wednesday so Miss Coleman & Miss Carruthers will kindly respond to the blogs for today. Thank you both! 🙂 

Good luck with learning your spellings, Year 5!

Mrs Avdiu

You can find a printable version here: Spellings Wednesday Week 4

56 comments on “English – Spellings (Wed 13.5.20)

  1. signature – A person’s name written in a distinctive way as a form of identification.

    sincere – Free from pretence or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.

    1. The chef wrote his signature on a piece of paper.

    2.”She’d sounded sincere enough”

  2. Miss Coleman says:

    Thanks for your definitions and sentences Olivia. Can you challenge yourself and use some more of the spelling words in a paragraph?

  3. Hello everyone! I hope that you have all had a great day so far.
    Here are my definitions, hope that you enjoy:

    free from pretence or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.

    “they offer their sincere thanks to Paul”

    enough; adequate.

    “he had a small private income which was sufficient for his needs”.


    Thanking the soldier sincerely for his efforts, the General strode off and commanded his secretary to write a letter to the Prime Minister suggesting the soldier, John, get a medal as a symbol of his personal sacrifice and heroic actions. Hoping it was sufficient enough to convey his gratitude.

    The secretary handed the letter to the courier who put it into his rucksack and slung it over his shoulder, driving off. She marched back to the encampment where she would have to stomach another horrible meal and sleep with only a itchy woolen blanket for shelter from the glacial winds coming off the icy mountains.

  4. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Lavinia,
    I’m having a lovely day at the Hub thank you. I hope you’re having a great day too.
    Good definitions with examples and a great paragraph using so many of the spelling words. I like your description, ‘the glacial winds coming off the icy mountains.’ It makes me feel quite chilly!

  5. Miss Coleman says:

    Thanks for your definitions and sentences Olivia. Can you challenge yourself and use some more of the spelling words in a paragraph?

  6. Hello Everyone !!
    I hope you are all safe and well I also hope that you have all had a lovely day yesterday and that you will be having a wonderful day today !! For Todays English Task I am going to give you all 5 sentence with 5 of the spellings, and then I am going to be giving you the meanings and then I will be doing the challenge.


    1) My class was going to a epic water park, but this also meant that I had to give my trip letter to my mum, so she could say that I could go and that she could put her signature down on the paper.

    2) In Religious Education we have been learning about the different types of symbols that signify a different type of religion, like Christianity the symbol is a cross to remember when Jesus died for us to free us from our sins.

    3) John and Mary were driving through Oxford Circus ( which was always crowded) , they both heard this CRASH sound and they started to worry, so then Mary looked over John´s shoulder and saw what had happened …

    4) In WW1 and 2, (which was a very sad time for everyone) they used soldiers to help defend their country so that they would have more chance of wining.

    5) These days, my stomach had really started to hurt a lot and I have no idea why…!



    Signature: A person´s name written in a distinctive way or form to sign a document and a letter.

    Symbol: A mark or a character used to represent an object

    Shoulder: The upper joint in each of a persons armsand the part of the body between this and a person´s neck.

    Soldier: A person who serves in a army

    Stomach: It is one of the parts that is involved in the digestion of food.



    Chloe and Coco were walking down the street, when they heard a BANG, their heart was racing they did not know what to do. They ran to see if the person was in was in a lot of pain so they looked over a mans shoulders, and they were right there was a person lying they on their back with bruised and cut they were badly hurt.
    Coco was grabbing her stomach she was nervous about what might happen to the man that was hurt.

    I hope you all enjoyed my English Work
    I have a great day :):):):):):):):):):)

  7. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Elena, I love your positivity!
    Thank you for the sentences, definitions and paragraph.
    T-Please can you read your paragraph again and check you haven’t missed out any punctuation?

  8. Hello everyone! I hope that you have had a great day so far! For today’s English task I wrote the meaning of each word and I even wrote a paragraph!

    Sacrifice = To give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations.

    Shoulder = The upper joint of a person’s arms.

    Sincere/sincerely = Free from pretence or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.

    Stomach = The internal organ in which the major part of the digestion of food occurs.

    Suggest =To purpose an idea that you have.

    Secretary = A person employed by an individual or in an office to assist with correspondence, make appointments, and carry out administrative tasks.

    Signature = A person’s name written by them. It is written in a distinctive way as a form of identification in authorizing a cheque or document or concluding a letter.

    Soldier = A person who serves in an army.

    Sufficient = ENOUGH!

    Symbol = A design representing something.



    Dearest Tom Marvolo Riddle,
    ‘Tis me, Dumbledore. I am very sorrow that I am not accepting you to teach at Hogwarts. I do suggest that you find a different place to work. I have a reason not to accept you. I have seen what you are up to, I have seen the symbol that your army puts up. The Death Eater Mark. When you came to me, that gloomy evening, you were pale, I was wondering if you have eaten. Have you? You were thin and white, and I think that it would be best that you get some food into that stomach of yours. I have seen the terrible crimes that you have done. It’s enough!

    I sacrifice my time by writing you this letter, as I know that you do not understand me.

    As I was saying, you can find a different job, you could possibly work as a secretary in the bank. You can even work at the Ministry. It has been taking me a long time to write this, my hand hurts, so does my shoulder which I have badly injured.

    Your sincerely,
    Albus Dumbledore

    (Signed with signature.)



    Hogwarts = a magical school for witchcraft and wizardry.

    Ministry= Ministry of Magic

    Tom Marvolo Riddle = a bad person.

    Albus Dumbledore = Headmaster of Hogwarts.


    I couldn’t find a way to add sufficient in..

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    ~ Nika ?

  9. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Nika, A fabulous effort with all the definitions. The work you have done is more than sufficient! I really like the Harry Potter theme-you have been very creative.

  10. My shoulder and stomach hurt a lot from all of Joe Wicks’ Hiit sessions. I sincerely suggest that you should only do one Hiit session a day and do stretches after every one. Joe has raised over £250,000 for the NHS and this figure is a symbol of his hard work.

    I have included some of the words in this paragraph but it is still real advice. Do not do more than one Hiit workout a day because it lowers you immune system!

    I hope you enjoyed my paragraph!?

  11. Miss Coleman says:

    Good morning Theo, I did enjoy your paragraph.
    Well done for using some of the spelling words to share this advice with us. Physical activity is so important, especially when we are spending lots of time indoors but we must always take care.

  12. Ms Robertson says:

    Hi Theo!
    I really enjoyed reading your paragraph – great use of some of today’s spelling words. I have also taken your advice on board. Thank you! ?

  13. Yes Nika I really like your paragraph
    I love Hogwarts ??❤️❤️??

  14. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you for giving positive feedback to your peers Elena.

  15. Thanks Elena! I loved everyone’s! They are all interesting!!!



  16. Gabriella says:

    It means being truthful and saying what you
    genuinely feel or believe.

    enough; adequate.

    My stomach doesn’t feel well.
    My signature is very complicated.

    “I suggest that we send a soldier to
    explain to the secretary what sacrifice
    we are going to make.” said a man (I couldn’t
    see him because the woman in front of me was so
    tall, all I could see was her shoulder.)

  17. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Gabriella,
    Thank you for the definitions, sentences and paragraph.
    T-Read you paragraph again and check that you have used full stop in the correct places.

  18. Good morning everyone!
    The soldier about to go in battle with a sufficient amount of supplies. Sadly injured his shoulder and his stomach and was brought to the hospital where he was told fill out a form with his signature on it. When he finished the form he gave it to the hospitals secretary who sincerely told him that maybe it was fatal. So the secretary suggested that maybe if he was to sacrifice his hair for the operation he could survive.

  19. Miss Coleman says:

    Good morning Tommaso, thanks for your paragraph. I hope the soldier survives!

  20. You’re welcome ????❤️❤️??????

  21. Hello everyone hope you are all ok and enjoying yourselves I have practised the spellings and definitions and am going to do the challenge


    When I woke up I found a letter from my doctor next to my bed saying you can go back to work now sincerely Dr Milly and a smiley face. I was so happy because I hade hurt my stomach and my shoulder really badly because I sacrificed my self for and old lady that nearly got hit by a car and had to go to hospital. When I was walking to work I saw soldiers walking by for I live near Buckingham Palace. When I got to work everybody was so happy to see my especially my secretary. My secretary suggested I sign a form with my signature and the company’s symbol I did and it all went back to normal. For it was all a big dream.

  22. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Claudia,
    I hope you’re okay too. Well done for completing the challenge. I’m glad your paragraph has a happy ending.
    T-It’s easy to make mistakes when typing so try to read back over your work and correct any ‘typos’ (typing errors).

  23. Hi everyone! I hope you are all well. This is my work:

    Signature: a person’s name written as a form of identification in a document or concluding a letter.
    soldier: a person who serves in the army.

    The symbol of peace is a dove.
    Emily fell over and hurt her shoulder.

    Three weeks ago, the secretary in the office with blonde hair and blue eyes, had a stomach ache. I suggested he should go and see a doctor. After his visit to the doctors, he was advised to stay in bed to recover from the nasty bug that he had picked up. Also he had to take time off work and sacrificed time with friends, to stay in bed. Thankfully, he returned to work shortly afterwards.

  24. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Ayako, thanks for your definitions, sentences and paragraph. I hope that you are well and I am pleased that the character in your paragraph is too!

  25. Hi Everyone,
    These are some of the definitions.

    sacrifice=giving up something valued for the sake of something else
    regarded as more important or worthy.

    shoulder=The upper joint of every persons arm.

    sincere=Free from pretence or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.

    stomach= The internal organ which digests food.

    suggest= consideration

    The secretary of the English army told one of his soldiers (Matt) that the training wasn’t sufficient enough for his level and he had to have harder training. The only way to move him up was to have his signature but Matt declined as he didn’t want to go to do the hardest training. He told the secretary that he didn’t want to sacrifice his life and he just wanted to live a normal life.

  26. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Marco,
    Thank you for your definitions and paragraph.
    At this unusual time I think we all appreciate normal life even more!

  27. Sebastiao says:

    Hi everyone,
    I hope you are having a nice day so far.
    These are my definitions for the spelling words.

    – Sacrifice – The act of giving up something for another person.
    – Shoulder – The upper joint of both arms.
    – Sincere – Deeply and strongly felt.
    – Stomach – Part of your body that digests food and breaks it up.
    – Suggest – Say something to help with something.
    – Secretary – Assistant employed to carry out administrative tasks.
    – Signature – A person’s name written in a distinctive way.
    – Soldier – A member of the army who fights in wars.
    – Sufficient – Enough of something.
    – Symbol – A drawing to represent a word or something else.
    This is my Paragraph:

    Earlier this decade, Dan made a sacrifice to be a soldier and serve for the army. During the long years he spent there his stomach always ached. In his last year, he was appointed secretary of the general until he had to suggest that he had done sufficient for the army and that he had the right to leave.
    Have a nice day everyone! ??

  28. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Seb,
    Thank you for the definitions and your paragraph, which uses the spelling words appropriately.
    I hope you have a nice day too!

  29. Hi everyone I hope you’re all doing well.

    Sacrifice – Something offered in the act of sacrifice.

    Shoulder – The joint of the upper forelimb.

    Sincere/Sincerely – Saying what you believe or how you feel in a kind way.

    Stomach – The internal organ which digests food.

    Suggest – Put forward something for consideration.

    Signature – A persons name written in a distinctive way.

    Soldier – A person who serves the army.

    Sufficient – Enough; adequate.

    Symbol – A shape used to represent someone or something.

    I am a secretary in an office, I go there 24 7 and it is tiring. I can’t get coffee because it’s really bad and gives me an awful stomach ache. Sometimes I get so tense because of the soldiers next door are screaming left right, left right ( My work is next to Buckingham Palace.) Then my shoulder starts aching for no reason at all. To sum it up, my life is terrible!

  30. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Iggy,
    Thank you for the definitions and your paragraph, whihc uses the spelling words well. I would miss coffee if I couldn’t have it too!

  31. Violette says:

    Hello Miss Coleman and Miss Carruthers,

    I hope you have a great week so far and a great day!!!!!! ? 🙂

    This is my paragraph:

    A man was prepared to sacrifice his life to become a soldier. An early morning, when he was awakening, he heard persons knocking at everyone’s door. Unknowing what was happening, the young man was going at his window, when his stomach started to gargoyle! So, as fast as possible, he went in his dining room to get a delightful breakfast. The men were here for a war! All the men needed to do their signature on an, old dust, yellow paper. Ten days later, soldiers arrived in France. The young man started to get frightened. The day J was arriving!!!!! ☹A bright Sunday, the young man got a friend, who was also scared, but the next day it was the day J !!! ☹ The day past very fast. When the young waked up, he followed the others to get protection. In the horrible war the young man got shot in the shoulder!

  32. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Violette, Thanks for your paragraph suing lots of the spelling words but what a sad ending!
    T-check spelling of words in the past tense ‘past’ and ‘waked’

  33. Good morning Miss Coleman and Miss Carruthers, I wrote two paragraphs. I hope that is ok.

    School had finished and Frank was walking home with his friends. As they passed by the old sweet shop, Sam noticed a symbol on the wall that he was sure hadn’t been there a minute ago, but he ignored it. A few blocks down, he saw one again, and this time, he called Frank and Hiro over to help decipher it. When they got back to the sweet shop, Hiro suggested that the symbols were hieroglyphs and, at the bottom, there was a signature. They all agreed, and Sam even remembered that his history book in his bag showed how to translate hieroglyphs. Eagerly, they opened it, but when Frank started tracing the symbols, he felt a weird feeling in his stomach and told the others. They sat down and started to help him, but it was no use, the pain grew worse and worse, until finally, with a flash of blue light, the world spun into darkness…
    Frank woke up to hear voices muttering around him, “I think we have enough to sustain us for a few days but after that we’ll need to find or buy some more food.” “ That’s right. I think we we’re in Egypt, Ancient Egypt, so we will also need some of that food for sacrifice or the locals will kill us.” It was then that Frank realised that when he had touched the hieroglyphs, he, Sam and Hiro had been magically transported to Ancient Egypt. “Quick, a soldier is coming, hide!” called Sam’s voice, and they all ducked under a wooden table. The soldier entered the room and the friends could hear the soldier talking to someone else, “I sincerely hope that you stay secretary to the pharaoh, but you won’t be able to if you keep this up.“ “ Trust me. It’s going to work,” the other person replied. “Fine, if you think it will, then be it your way but I’m not sticking up for you, you know.” and without another word they left.

  34. Miss Coleman says:

    Good afternoon Zavan, Thanks you for writing two paragraphs-that is definitely okay and they are brilliant. I really enjoy reading your writing.

  35. Hello Miss Carruthers and Miss Coleman,
    Here is my English for today, where all of the words in capitals are the words that we are meant to use. My paragraph is a diary entry.

    Today the SECRETARY of State wrote a letter to everyone in the country and he even signed it SINCERELY with his own SIGNATURE! He wanted to thank NHS staff who have made amazing SACRIFICES and families who have painted rainbows on their houses to spread the SYMBOL of hope. He promises he will find a way to secure a SUFFICIENT amount of P.P.E (he SUGGESTED that we could buy some from neighbouring countries.) He said we all must SOLDIER. He added thanks to the doctors who treated the Prime Minsters bad STOMACH and SHOULDER when he was in hospital last week.

  36. Hello everyone this is what I did for the challenge.

    My great grandad, who was a soldier during the Second World War, served as a R A F pilot. He was prepared to sacrifice his life for the freedom of his country. He told me interesting stories about him flying in the nights. Although it was nerve – wracking he felt butterflies in his stomach because he loved flying. On his 100th birthday he received a letter from the Queen with her signature, congratulating him on his long achievements. He was very proud of it and took it as a sincere symbol of appreciation. I suggested to be his secretary and share his extraordinary strong life with everyone.

    I hope you enjoyed reading my paragraph about my wonderful great grandad.
    Have the loveliest of lovely days ever.

  37. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Maia,
    Well done for completing the challenge. and using lots of the spellings in your paragraph.
    My grandad was 100 years old in November and he loves his card form the Queen-it is still displayed on his sideboard!

  38. Hello everyone,
    I did the spellings and here is my paragraph (it uses all of the words) :

    The Queen’s Private Secretary wrote a letter to a highly ranked soldier. It was handwritten and signed ‘Yours Sincerely’ with his signature at the bottom.

    The letter covered the following points:
    1) If we were to head into battle now, do we have enough weapons?
    2) It also suggested for the army to train some more men to join the troop.
    3) The Queen wanted to thank all the soldiers for their sacrifice at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace.
    4) The Queen would like to reward Sergeant Durrell with a medal as a symbol of his bravery in battle. She was amazed to hear that despite being shot in the shoulder and stomach he had carried on fighting.

    Goodbye everyone, I hope to see you all soon!
    Yours sincerely, ( It was one of the words !!! )

  39. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Regan, that’s a very clever ways of using all the spelling words!
    Yours sincerely,
    Miss Coleman

  40. Hi everyone.
    Sacrafice- When somebody sacrifices themself they sacrafice their life for somebody else to keep their’s.
    Signature- A signature is a mark that people draw on contracts to prove they’ve done something.

    My stomach lurched at the sight, what would I do, it was terrible, I had to follow them…

    The soldier stood with his moustache filled with yucky marmalade and mucky marshmellows, that were a couple of years old.

    The sincere soldier who a broken shoulder ,who was a sufficient worker ,who’s stomach suddenly jumped. She had to sacrafice herself. She steadily moved her hand ,onto the contract and drawer her signature.

  41. Hello everyone, I hope that you are all enjoying your day so far. Here are my definitions:
    * Sacrifice: Sacrifice means to give up something for the sake of other people or or things.
    *Symbol: A symbol is a letter or character that is use to represent something.


    Ten years ago, Leo decided that he was going to sacrifice himself and become a soldier in the army. He knew that it was going to be dangerous but it was a symbol of his gratitude towards his country. After all of the many years of war, his shoulder always ached and his stomach was always spinning. He then sincerely suggested to his leader that he thought that they should change his secretary, his leader agreed and he asked Leo to be the new secretary! Leo signed the contracts making the war come to an end, but he used his leader’s signature instead.

    I hope you enjoyed, have a nice day!

  42. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Elsa,
    I did enjoy reading your work. Thank you.

  43. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Sara,
    Thanks for your definitions and sentences.

    T-check the spelling of sacrifice

  44. Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a fantastic day so far!! 😀 Here are my definitions:

    *Sacrifice: Giving up something for a person or thing.

    *Soldier: A fighter or a person in the army.

    *Shoulder: An upper joint on your arm.

    *Stomach: An organ where it mostly digests all of the food in your body.

    *Suggest: Giving an idea to someone


    As Mika walked down a busy, crowded street her stomach started to hurt. It hurt even more each time she walked. As she finally got home, Mika told her family about how bad it hurt. Her mother tried to look for some medicine from her hospital that might have made Mika feel better. Like she always does, Skip, Mika’s cat, joyfully strolled in and peeked over mother’s shoulder and pounced off it! All of the medicine fell and smashed all over the kitchen floor! ” OH SKIP!!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!?” Mia, Mika’s sister screamed. ” NOW THERE IS A HUGE MESS!! No treats for you then!!” Their father was a soldier in the army so he couldn’t come to help Mika with her stomach ache. Father had received a phone call from mother about what had happened to Mika and he was shocked!! Their father had to sacrifice his job by sneaking away from the army cabins and take one of the stomach medicine for Mika. He post it to her and her family and in about a few hours the medicine had arrived!! Mika took the medicine and she was finally better in a week from taking the medicine! “YAY!” she shrieked as she jumped up and down. Finally they all went out for a stroll in the park..

    Thanks for reading my paragraph and I hope you liked it!! 😉 😀

    ~Fun fact~
    * I kind of linked it a little bit to my life because I have a cat called Skip and she is VERY naughty!

    I hope you all have an amazing day!! Bye!!


  45. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant definitions Kayla. I love your story that you wrote using the words. I hope your cat Skip doesn’t make as much of a mess as the one in the story.

  46. Hi everyone,? hope you all are doing well here is my sentences for todays grammar.
    Sacrifice: Means that you give up something(valued) to help someone or a religious offering to peace.

    Signature: Means that you sign a contract, buying a new house or car.

    Shoulder: Means the upper joint of each person’s arms and the part of the body between this and the neck.

    1) When anyone getting married they will have to make a (SACRIFICE).

    2) My mum and dad have planned to move houses so they will have to use their (SIGNATURE).

    3) Danny fell off his bike so he broke his (SHOULDER) and he recovered in about 6 weeks (I searched it up if that is fine fine??)

    Hope you have enjoyed reading my work (sorry if i posted it a bit late) also, stay safe and keep washing your hands ????

  47. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for writing your definitions and sentences! Great work!

  48. Hello everyone. Here are my answers for the grammar and the paragraph. ?


    Stomach: Where all the food you have eaten goes to and gets stored.

    Suggest: To hint an idea of something.


    1) Before I go to sleep, I sometimes get a stomach-ache because I might have eaten too much or eating bad things.

    2) If you are to adopt someone, you would need to sign your signature to show you agree on it.


    In a restaurant, a soldier from the military had sacrificed his time to meet up with his secretary to discuss and suggest a few things. The secretary brought some papers for the soldier to sign his signature. But before signing it, his stomach started to hurt and that made him have a headache too then he was in such a pain he had to sign it the next day.

    I hope you enjoyed reading my work. Have a lovely rest of the day.?

  49. Miss Carruthers says:

    Hi Renee, wonderful work! Well done for using so many of the words in the challenge. Hope you have a lovely day as well!

  50. Hello Miss Carruthers and Miss Coleman,
    Here is my English for today,where all of the words in capitals are the words that we are meant to use. My paragraph is a diary entry.
    Today the SECRETARY of State wrote a letter to everyone in the country and he even signed it SINCERELY with his own SIGNATURE! He wanted to thank NHS staff who have made amazing SACRIFICES and families who have painted rainbows on their houses to spread the SYMBOL of hope. He promises he will find a way to secure a SUFFICIENT amount of P.P.E (he SUGGESTED that we could buy some from neighbouring countries.) He said we all must SOLDIER. He added thanks to the doctors who treated the Prime Minsters bad STOMACH and SHOULDER when he was in hospital last week.

  51. Miss Carruthers says:

    What a fantastic paragraph Erin, very topical but also managing to use all the words from this week. Excellent work!

  52. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Erin,
    Thank you for your very topical paragraph.There are so many people to thank at the moment. Well done for using so many of the spelling words.

  53. Hi everyone,

    1. Sacrifice is when you sacrifice something for someone else.
    2. A symbol is representing something with a sign.

    1. I bumped my shoulder on a tree at Regent’s Park.
    2. On Monday I recognised the symbol on the school sign.

    On Friday I went on the 24 bus and met a soldier on there that spoke to me and my family. After we got off the bus we were going for something to eat but unfortunately for me my stomach and shoulder hurt, so my family took me home to chill on my comfy sofa. Tomorrow I will be going with my class to a red carpet event and I hope to get lots of signatures from celebrities.

  54. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant work Dylan. You’ve thought carefully about the definitions and wrote an exciting paragraph to include many of the words.

  55. Hello Miss Carruthers and Miss Coleman,
    Hello year 5!

    Here is my paragraph:

    David left his home early that morning. He glanced over his shoulder, knowing he was probably never going to see his house again. David was making a great sacrifice for the planet Spacetime. Recently, Shadow Guards had been fighting off attacks from Alienroam, creating a kind of war. Now, they needed soldiers and David had volunteered to become one. Sincerely, he would have preferred to work as a patroller like his father. However, his friends had been so insistant that he finally gave in. His mother had suggested that he stayed at home, but David wanted to do something useful in life. When he arrived to the Job Listing building, the young man’s stomach lurched. He opened the door and a secretary greeted him. Four panels showed different directions; David followed the one saying “Soldiers”. He ran up a flight of stairs and entered a square room. A lady handed him a sheet of paper and told him “Write your signature here please. That will be sufficient”. The future soldier did what he was told and then noticed a grey symbol next to the date: a man dragging a heavy ball attached to his foot. David grew suspicious but didn’t say a thing… The woman walked to a small office and David knew his life would change for ever.

  56. Miss Carruthers says:

    Hello Jeanne!
    What a wonderful paragraph using all your spelling words. I really like some of your other vocabulary choices, like insistent and lurched, and you added a lots of suspense. I’d love to know what happens next!

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