English Task
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Well done for your reading and comprehension work yesterday. We will start our piece of writing based on this text on Thursday.

Today’s focus is:

Grammar Recap:

Adverbs are words that describe verbs.
The choir sang loudly.
They can tell you how, when and how often the verb was done.
He played quietly.
I never eat beans.

A noun phrase is a simple phrase built around a noun.
It contains a determiner and a noun.
A tree.
Some sweets.

An expanded noun phrase adds more detail to the noun phrase by adding one or more adjectives.
A huge tree.
Some colourful sweets.

Coordinating Conjunctions are words or phrases that join two parts of a sentence.
I went to the shop, and I bought some bread.
Other conjunctions that join two main clauses:

You can remember them as the FANBOYS joining words.

There are also lots of conjunctions you can use to join a main clause to a subordinate clause.

Ella felt cold       after              she swam in the lake.
main clause     conjunction       subordinate clause

These conjunctions can also go at the start of a sentence.
After she swam in the lake, Ella felt cold.


Task 1
Answer the warm up questions below. Before posting on the blog, read over your work to check punctuation and grammar.

Task 2
We are going to recap on coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions today.

Activity 1
Click HERE to learn more about conjunctions. Watch the videos and complete the activity and quiz.

Once you have completed these activities, write your own sentence with a coordinating conjunction.
Example: I was late so I ran to school.
Remember to use FANBOYS to help you remember the coordinating conjunctions.

Activity 2
Click HERE to learn more about subordinating conjunctions. Watch the videos and complete the activity and quiz.

Once you have completed these activities, complete the mini activity below on the blog.
Write your own ending using the following subordinating conjunctions for each of the sentences below:
We usually play outside because…
Colin never feels very well after…
Mum and Dad were pleased when…
The football match will be cancelled if…

Extension Task
You might like to practise writing your own sentences using coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.

43 comments on “English Task – 19.5.20

  1. 1. Mr Majeika raced into classroom fast.
    2. Ordinary Bicycle.
    3. Mr Majeika rang the bell so mr Potter would not suspect that he went on a magic carpet
    4. The conjunction is because.
    5. Is the rain going to pour soon?

  2. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Reuben! Next time you might like to have a go at the other activities too 🙂

  3. 1.Mr.Majeika raced into the classroom quickly.
    2.Mr. Potter stared at the ordinary bicycle.
    3.Mr.Majeika rang the bicycle bell so quickly that none even heard it.
    Mr. Majeika rang the bicycle bell so that everyone got out of his way.
    4.Class three were unhappy because it was the first day back after Christmas.
    5.Is the rain pouring?

    It was very late at night but my mum was still cooking.

    We usually play outside because usally it is sunny.
    Colin never feels very well after running.
    Mum and Dad were pleased when I got an A+ in geography.
    The football match will be cancelled if the wind and rain won’t stop.

  4. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Helena, great effort for having a go at using your own conjunctions in your sentences.

  5. MATTHIAS. says:

    Task 1
    Hello Miss Jones.
    1. Mr Majeika raced to the classroom rapidly.
    2.Mr Potter stared at -the ordinary- bicycle.
    3. Mr Majeika rang the bicycle bell so the people could move out of the way.
    4. Class 3 were unhappy ~because~ it was the first day back after Christmas.
    5. Is the rain pouring?

    Task 2
    Activity 1
    Last week I crashed my car so this weekend I will buy a new one.

    Activity 2
    1. We usually play outside because there is more space.
    2. Colin never feels very well after eating too much sugar.
    3. Mum and Dad were pleased when I passed my test.
    4. The football mach will be cancelled if there is a storm.

    The football match was cancelled and everyone went home looking glum.

  6. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Matthias, well done for checking over your work too!

  7. ????? ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ says:

    Task 1.
    1. Mr Majeika raced into the classroom quickly.
    2. The ordinary bike.
    3. Unhappy.
    4. Why is the rain pouring?

  8. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Angie, you may like to have a go at the other tasks next time 🙂

  9. Task 1
    1) Mr Majeika raced quietly into the classroom.
    2) the ordinary bicycle
    3) Mr Majeika rang the bicycle bell so the people would move.
    4) because
    5) Is the rain pouring?

  10. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Patrick!

  11. 1. Quickly
    2. The ordinary bicycle
    3. So that the people would move out of his way.
    4. Because
    5. Why is the rain pouring?

  12. We usually play outside because it is nice weather and it’s fun.
    Colin never feels very well after being sick.
    Mum and Dad were happy when their children helped them clean up.
    The football match is going to be cancelled if there is going to be a storm.

  13. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort for having a go at the extra additional activities Samuel. You have used conjunctions correctly.

  14. Activity 1
    I am good at sports but I am not good at table tennis.
    Activity 2
    We usually play outside because it is lots of fun.
    Colin never feels very well after eating lots of tomatoes.
    Mum and Dad were pleased when he won the race.
    The football match will be cancelled if it snowed heavily.

  15. Miss Jones says:

    Patrick well done for having a go at all of the tasks today 🙂

  16. Clémence ?? says:

    Task 1 :
    1. Mr Majeika raced in the classroom quickly.
    2. The ordinary bicycle.
    3. Mr Majeika rang the bicycle bell so Mr Potter thought the carpet was a bike.
    4. Because is the conjunction.
    5. Is the rain pouring?
    Task 2 :
    I told my little brother to stop turning on and off the lights because it could break them.

    We usually play outside because we can get fresh air.
    Colin never feels very well after eating onions.
    Mum and Dad were pleased when I eat my vegetables?.
    The football match will be cancelled if there is rain.

  17. Miss Jones says:

    Good use of conjunctions Clemence! 🙂

  18. Task 1
    1. Mr Majeika raced into the classroom window.
    2. The ordinary bicycle.
    3. Mr Majeika rang the bicycle bell so Mr Potter wouldn’t know it was a magic carpet.
    4. because
    5. Is the rain pouring?

    Task 2
    Activity 1
    1. It started raining so I put my raincoat on.
    2. It was so hot so I went to the swimming pool.
    3. The cake was eaten and we baked a new one.

    Activity 2
    1. We usually play outside because it is lots of fun.
    2. Colin never feels well after the long bus trip.
    3. Mum and dad were pleased when I was in the gym.
    4. The football match will be cancelled if blue team will lose.

    Extension Task
    1. The pizza store was closed so I went to the cake store.
    2. I went to the trampoline and I had a lot of fun.
    3. We can’t get a chocolate bar but we could get an ice cream.
    4. We can’t go to Poland because the traffic is very long.

  19. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Chloe H, you have tried hard to create your own sentences using conjunctions, well done!

  20. Karolina says:

    TASK 1.
    Q1.Mr Majeika raced silently into the classroom.
    Q2.Ordinary bicycle.
    Q3.Mr Majeka rang the bicycle bell so loudly.
    Q5.Is it steel pouring?

    TASK 2.
    Q1.I like panting and singin.
    Q2.We usually play outside because we like the fresh air.
    Colin never feels very well after getting of the swing.
    Mum and Dad were pleased when I tidy up my room.
    The football match will be cancelled if the rain doesn’t stop.

    TASK 3.
    I went to the shop for some bread.
    I am from Poland and Mia is from Japan.
    Ania don’t like tomatoes,nor does she like peas.
    I don’t like riding a bike but I like roller skating.
    Would you like apple juice or orange juice?
    I like floweres because they smell nice.
    My sistre was suprised when she saw my painting.

  21. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Karolina, well done for having a go at using conjunctions in your own sentences 🙂

  22. Hello Miss Jones, I have uploaded my English Work for today.

  23. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Orla, I have read and uploaded your work. Don’t forget to have a go at joining your handwriting Orla 🙂

  24. English
    I like games but she likes books.

    We usually play outside because its sunny outside.
    Colin never feels very well after eating candy.
    Mum and Dad were pleased when they saw I got a certificate.
    The football match will be cancelled if we don’t behave.

    I eat my snacks when I get hungry.
    I wash my hands after I touch slime.
    I only exercise if I want to.
    I walked faster than usual so I would make it in time for the parade.
    The man and the dog walked through the park
    I like drinking fizzy drinks but she likes drinking water.

  25. Miss Jones says:

    Super effort Chloe K, well done for checking over your work for punctuation and grammar mistakes.

  26. Malgosia says:

    Q1. Mr Majeika raceed into the classroom relly fast.
    Q2.Ordinary Bicycle.
    Q3.Mr Majeika rang the bell so Mr Potter would not suspect that he went on a magic carpet.
    Q4.The conjuction is because .
    Q5.Is the rain going to pour soon.

  27. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Malgosia 🙂

  28. Gabriella says:

    1. Mr Majika raced into the classroom quickly.
    2. Ordinary bicycle
    3. Mr Majika rang the Bell quickly so that no one will notice.
    4. Because
    5. Why was the rain pouring.

  29. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Gabriella, don’t forget your question mark for answer 5!

  30. Graceanne says:

    Task 1

    1. Mr Majeika Raced into the classroom Quickly.

    2. Ordinary and bicycle

    3 Mr Majeika rang the bell Say that no one will notice.

    4. Because

    5. Why was the rain pouring?

  31. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Graceanne!

  32. Gabriella says:

    For the activity in got 3/5

  33. Gabriella says:

    For Activity 2 I got 3/5 again

  34. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks for letting me know Gabriella 🙂

  35. Graceanne says:

    Activity 1 Jones I’ve got everything like the questions were easy and I like the quiz

    Activity 2
    Miss Jones I got four out of 5

  36. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Graceanne.

  37. Miss Jones says:

    Well done for completing the English task Emi and thanks for your photo. Correct use of conjunctions 🙂

  38. Miss Jones says:

    Ethan, well done for completing your work today. It is so neatly presented! Great idea to use the FANBOYS reminder to help you with your sentences 🙂

  39. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Louis! Well done for writing your own sentences using different conjunctions.

  40. Miss Jones says:

    Sebastian good effort at completing your English task today! 🙂

  41. Jiana Latif says:

    Task 1
    1/ Mr Mejika raced into the classroom suddenly.
    2/the ordinary bicycle.
    3/Mr Mejika rang the bicycle bell so everyone knows he’s here.
    5/Why is the rain pouring?

    Task 2
    Activity 1
    I ate a chocolate cake so I don’t feel hungry again.

    Activity 2
    We usually outside because fresh air us good for you.
    Colin never feels very well after going to the dentist.
    Mum and dad were pleased when I ate all my vegetables.
    The football match will be cancelled if it rains.

    I made a cake so we can eat it.
    It rains a lot because the reason is spring.

  42. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Jiana ?

  43. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort with your grammar task Eugenia. You have used conjunctions correctly 🙂

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