English Task
Click HERE for a printable version of this task

Well done for your reading and comprehension work yesterday. We will start our piece of writing based on this text on Thursday.

Today’s focus is:


Verbs are doing or being words.
They play video games.

Adverbs are words that describe verbs.
The choir sang loudly.
They can tell you how, when and how often the verb was done.
He played quietly.
I never eat beans.

Commands give instructions or orders. They always have a verb that gives an order.
Put me down.
Stop that!

Exclamations show strong feelings. They don’t have to be full sentences.
That’s amazing!


Task 1
Answer the warm up questions below. Before posting on the blog, read over your work to check punctuation and grammar.

Task 2
We are going to recap on noun phrases and expanded noun phrases today.

Watch this VIDEO to explain noun phrases and expanded noun phrases further.

Complete Activity 1 just below the video on the BBC website.

Activity 2
Click HERE to complete the worksheet.
You might like to write the sentences in your yellow homework book and underline the expanded noun phrases. Once you have finished check your answers using the answer sheet (below the questions).

Extension Task
Can you write your own expanded noun phrase?








25 comments on “English Task: Grammar 12.5.20

  1. Task 1
    The children was shocked
    Sit down in your seats!
    Mr Potter was puzzled because the teacher was late for school!

  2. ????? ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ says:

    1 cup rolled oats
    1 cup coconut
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 cup plain flour
    1/2 cup sugar
    2 tablespoons golden syrup
    125 g butter
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1 tablespoon boiling water
    Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Gently melt the butter and golden syrup in a saucepan and heat, stir until combined. Put the baking soda in a cup or small bowl then pour in the boiling water.

    Pour this foaming mixture into the warm butter/golden syrup mixture and stir well – it will foam up. Now gradually add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients, mixing everything together well.

    Place walnut size pieces of the dough on a buttered or baking paper lined oven tray and then press down with the back of a fork to flatten.

    Bake at 175 degrees C for approx 17 mins.

  3. Miss Jones says:

    This must have been for the History task today Angie well done!

  4. Task 1.
    The children were shocked.
    Sit down in your seats!
    Flied, cried
    Mr Potter was puzzled because he didn’t expect the teacher to arrive at school on the magic carpet.

    My own expanded noun phrase: a gigantic, green monster!

  5. Good morning Miss!
    I uploaded a picture to the blog.

  6. English
    Task 1
    1. The children were shocked.
    2. Sit down in your seat.
    3. Loudly
    4. Fly- flied cry- cried
    5. Mr. Potter was puzzled because when he saw Mr. Majeika he didn’t know who he was.

    Task 2
    1. Flew, swiftly, bright , blue
    2. Delicious, mouthwatering
    3. Green
    4. Late, heath ,three
    5. Two, pink
    6. Bright ,orange
    7. Long , sparkly
    8. Angry
    9. Clearing,timid
    10. Warm

    The small round fish.
    The fluffy big rabbit.
    As I walked in I saw a magical forest.

  7. Matthias says:

    TASK 1
    1. The children were shocked.
    2. Sit down on your seats
    3. Melanie cried LOUDLY
    4. Try
    5. Mr Potter was puzzled because Mr Majeika was flying on a magic carpet

    TASK 2
    ACTIVITY 1 checked
    ACTIVITY 2 Done

    Extension Task
    I gobbled the mouth-watering garlic bread.

  8. Clémence says:

    Here is my own expanded noun phrase.
    The lavish window displays of grocer shops were common sight during WW1.

  9. Miss Jones says:

    Great work so far Class 3! You have thought carefully about expanded noun phrases 🙂

  10. Clémence says:

    The Children were shocked
    Sit down in your seats
    The bird flew away to Africa and the children cried.

  11. Penelope the birthday girl says:

    task 1 :
    1. The children were schocked.
    2.Sit down in your seats !
    3. Melanie cried LOUDLY
    4. cried – flew
    5. Mr Potter was puzzled because he saw a magic carpet in his school

    Task 2 : expanded noun phrases :
    -the excited sailor
    -the dark skies
    -terrible storm
    -friendly monster
    -the wet sailor

  12. Miss Jones says:

    Happy Birthday! Hope you’ve had a great day Penelope! 🙂

  13. Task 1
    1. The children were shocked.
    2. Sit down in your seats.
    3. Loudly
    4. Flied, cried
    5. Mr Potter was puzzled because the teacher was late.

    Activity 1 and 2 is done. I will send a photo of my work.

    Extension task
    The slimy frog comes from the spooky forest.

  14. Karolina says:

    TASK 1.
    Q1.The children were shoked.
    Q2.Sit down in your seats.
    Q4.fling crying.
    Q5.Mr Potter was puzzuled because Mr Majeka arrived on a magic carpet.
    TASK 2.
    Q1.Flew,swifty,bright and blue s sky.
    Q2.Delicious moth -watering,chocolate cake.
    Q3.Green bag.
    Q4.Late,three witches and heath.
    Q5.Two,pink cars.
    Q6.Bright orange.
    Q7.Long and sparkly dress.
    Q8.Angry customer.
    Q9. Clearing,Timid deer.
    Q10.Warm sunshine
    TASK 3.
    Q1.I have a pink shose.
    Q2.My mum has a shiny dress.
    Q3.The lazy lion.
    Q4.My friend has a cuddly dog.

  15. Miss Jones says:

    *pink shoes Karolina!
    Well done 🙂

  16. Gabriella says:

    1. The children were shocked
    2. Sit down in your seats
    3. Loudly
    4.fly-flied cry-cried
    5. Mr potter was puzzled because the new teacher was late for school and struggling with the follding doors

  17. Graceanne says:

    Task 1
    1.The children were shocked.

    2 . The correct words for a command but is sit down on your seat.

    3. Melanie Cried out loudly. Loudly as the words are circled.

    4. To make fly and cry in the past tense is
    Fled and cried.

    5. Mr Potter was puzzled because there were chips on the floor.

    Miss I am sending Task 2 to you ?

  18. Leonardo says:

    The children were shocked.
    sit down in your seats.
    Melanie cried loudly.
    fly>flew cry>cried
    Mr Potter was puzzled because there was a magic carpet.
    Extension Work
    The sleepy giant found some hungry boys to roast on a red fiery oven

  19. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Class 3!

  20. 1. The children were shocked.
    2. Sit down in your seats!
    3. Loudly
    4. Flew, cried
    5. Mr Potter was puzzled because Mr Majeika flew in on a magic carpet.

    I saw a cute,little bunny!

  21. Orla has completed the English work and we have uploaded it.

  22. Happy birthday Penelope

  23. Jiana Latif says:

    Task 1
    1.The children were shocked.
    2.Sit down in your seats!.
    4.Flew cried.
    5.Mr Potter was puzzled because Mr Majieka flew in with a magic carpet.
    Task 2
    Done on worksheet

    Task 2

  24. Miss Jones says:

    Well done for your English grammar work today Class 3, I can see you have worked hard. Keep up the good work 🙂

  25. Task 2
    1.flew,swiftly,bright and blue sky.
    2.Delicious mouth watering chocolate cake
    3.Green bag
    4.Late, three wiches and health
    5.two pink cars
    6.Bright oranges
    7.long sparkly dress
    8.Angry costume
    9.Clearing timind deer
    10.warm sunshine
    Task 3
    1. I ate a sweet and sour blueberry
    2.My little sister was complaining about the pink cotton candy

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