English Task
Click here for a printable version of this task

Good morning Year 3. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine! Another big well done for your home learning last week. You are doing so well and I am so proud of you all. Keep up the good work!

…because we get to see each other via zoom!!

I am so excited to see you all and chat on a zoom call later today. We are starting our chat at 2pm until 2.30pm. For more information, ask your adult to check their emails from Miss Coleman.

Let’s get to our English work today!

Reading Blog
We have lots of GREAT book reviews on our reading blog, well done for posting on this!
If you have read any new books, we would love to hear all about them. Tell us more on the reading review blog HERE!

Today’s English focus:

We will continue reading a text, answer questions and complete some word work.

Our text is:
Rabbit & Bear – A Bite in the Night  by Julian Gough & Jim Field

This is our final week reading this text.

Last week, we continued reading Rabbit and Bear. You wrote some excellent postcards and included some good description.
This will be our last week of reading Bear & Rabbit.

Task 1 – Reading

Read pages 1-45 HERE. Complete the warm up questions below.

Complete your answers in your yellow homework book or post them on the blog.

Task 2 – Comprehension
Answer the questions below and infer your ideas.
a) On page 32, why does Rabbit say ‘It’s the end of the world?’
b) On page 34, what does the phrase mean ‘At least things absolutely, definitely can’t possibly get any worse?’
c) In your own words, describe the character of Castor Canadensis.


Task 3 – Word Work
(Complete this in your yellow homework book or on the blog)

Use THIS dictionary or your own to find out the meaning of three or more of the words below.


Can you write your own sentences using some of the words above?

I look forward to reading all of your work 🙂

40 comments on “English Task – Reading 15.6.20

  1. Task 1
    2.A monster rabbit
    3.b)fixes things
    4.Woodpecker is leaving because he is flying soulth for more parties and more fun.
    5.I think it is the tree trunks after the beavers cut them down.

    Task 2
    a) On page 32, why does Rabbit say ‘It’s the end of the world?’
    Rabbit said it because the water was rising and the trees were falling over.

    b) On page 34, what does the phrase mean ‘At least things absolutely, definitely can’t possibly get any worse?’
    It means that the animals thought the situation could not get any worse.

    c) In your own words, describe the character of Castor Canadensis.
    Castor Canadensis is mysterious, a bit rude and mostly focused on the dam.

    -Dam (noun)
    1 : a barrier preventing the flow of water
    2 : a body of water held back by a dam

    -Horrified (adjective) Very scared
    -Official (adjective) approved, known
    -Habit (noun) something that you do regularly, almost without thinking about it
    -Ruin (verb) to spoil or destroy something
    -Stunned (adjective) to shock or surprise someone very much
    -Shrugged (verb) to move your shoulders up and down to show that you do not care about something or that you do not know something

    Can you write your own sentences using some of the words above?
    I shrugged my arms when my mum asked me if I have seen her earings.
    I was horrified when I saw a colony of bees outside my window.
    My cats habits are: eating, sleeping and playing.

  2. Miss Jones says:

    Super effort Helena! Well done for completing all of the English tasks today!
    Great effort with your own sentences 🙂

  3. Hello Miss Jones.
    TASK 1
    1 scared
    2 A monster
    3 Fixes everything
    4. Woodpecker is leaving so that he doesn’t freeze in the winter
    5. The American beaver

    Task 2
    a) Because he thinks the monster would eat him
    b) Nothing can be worse as to what’s happening
    c) Castor is small and furry

    Task 3
    Dam: a barrier preventing the flow of water.
    Horrified: to cause to feel horror.
    Official: of or relating to an office.
    habit: an settled tendency or practice.
    Ruins: the remains of a building, typically an old one that has suffered such damage.
    Stunned: shocked.
    Shrugged: dismiss something as unimportant.

  4. Miss Jones says:

    Great work Matthias! Well done for completing everything 🙂 What is Castor’s character like?

  5. Task 1

    1. Scared
    2. A monster or the biggest rabbit
    3. Fixes things
    4. To go south
    5. The North American beaver

    Task 2
    a. The stream is rising and trees are falling.
    b. There is no way things can get any worse
    c. I think Caster Canadensis is someone to clever for his own smartness and is very selfish and careless of other people.

    Task 3

    Dam: a barrier preventing the flow of water.
    Shrugged: hunch up the shoulders usually to express doubt, uncertainty, or lack of interest.
    Stunned: to overcome with astonishment or disbelief.

  6. Miss Jones says:

    Super effort Julian, good answer for Task 2c – why do you think this?

  7. 1c) Scared.
    Rabbit thinks a monster ate the trees.
    2b) Fixes things.
    Woodpecker is packing because she needs to fly south for the winter.
    A beaver.

  8. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Ophelia, have a go at Task 2 to share your ideas.

  9. English
    1. ( C ) scared
    2. a big monster rabbit.
    3. ( B ) fixes things.
    4. Woodpecker is leaving because she’s going south for the winter.
    5. The beaver made the crunch sound.

    Task 2
    1. Rabbit said it was the end of the world because he thought the monster would eat every single tree in the woods.
    2. It means Rabbit thought that nothing else more worst than woodpeckers tree falling down into the river was going to happen.
    3. He’s very serious ,meaningful ,smart and an experienced worker.

    Task 3
    Word Work
    dam : a dam is a wall built across a river to old to hold water back from flowing.
    horrified : if you are horrified in in something you are surprised of something happening that you wouldn’t suspect would happen.
    official : official means you are doing the real thing.
    habit : a habit ids when you are used to doing that you mostly do.
    ruin : if you ruin something you mess up something.
    stunned : if you are stunned you are amazed.
    shrugged : if you shrug your shoulders go up to your head.

    Rabbit was horrified when he saw Castor Canadensis come out of the bush.
    ” The monster ruined the forest ” said rabbit.
    After you do rehearsal you do the official play.

  10. Miss Jones says:

    Super effort Chloe K! Well done for writing your own sentences using the word work words.

  11. Warm up
    1.Rabbits knees began to tremble because he was scared.
    2.Rabbit thought a giant rabbit ate the trees.
    3.Bear believes breakfast fixes things.
    4.Woodpecker is leaving to go south for winter so he doesn’t freeze.
    5. It sounds like a rabbit crunching a carrot.

    Task 2-Comprehension
    1.Because the stream is climbing the hill and all the tres are falling over.
    2.There saying nothing can get worse than woodpecker losing his tail feathers and probably freeze with an extra cold bum.
    3.He’s a little bit rude, clever at building new things and annoyed that animals are all asking questions.

    Word work-
    Dam- a barrier preventing the flow of water.
    Horrified- to cause the feel of horror.
    Official- A person who enforces the rules in a game or sport.
    Habit- a usual manner of behaviour.
    Ruins- To damage beyond repair.
    Stunned- To overcome with disbelieve.
    Shrugged- To draw or hunch up the shoulders.

    1. When i saw my blog work I shrugged.
    2. I built a dam to prevent a flood.
    3. I found an Egyptian ruin.

  12. Miss Jones says:

    Super effort Ethan, well done for completing all tasks! 🙂

  13. Hi miss! I’m so excited for the zoom call
    I’m just saying that my name is Reuben Y3 on zoom so you can accept me!
    Task 1
    1. Scared
    2. A monster
    3. Fixes stuff
    4. Wood pecker left to the south so he wouldn’t freeze in the winter.
    5. The beaver.
    Task 2-
    On page 32 why why does rabbit say it’s the end of the world?
    Because the stream is climbing the hill and all the trees are falling over.
    On page 34, what does the phrase mean ‘At least things absolutely, definitely can’t possibly get any worse?’
    It means nothing can get more worse.
    Castor is a sad and lonely beaver and he have no friends.
    Task 3
    1. a barrier preventing the flow of water
    2. A body of water held back by a dam
    Complete or collapse or destruction.

    1 : a costume characteristic of an occupation, rank, or function
    2 : a usual manner of behavior or thinking
    3 : a way of behaving that has become fixed by being repeated often compare
    to draw or hunch up the shoulders usually to express doubt, uncertainty, or lack of interest

  14. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks for letting me know Reuben, I am looking forward to chatting too!
    Well done for completing all of the English tasks today. For question 2c, remember to expand on why you think this. What clues does the text give us?

  15. 1) Rabit’s knees were trembling because he was so scared
    2) monster
    3) b
    4) Woodpecker is leaving because it is cold so he is flying south for the winter.
    5) I think the monster rabbit made the crunch sound.

    Task 2
    a) Rabbit said ‘it’s the end of the world’ because all of the trees are being eaten.
    b) The phrase ‘at least things absolutely, definitely, can’t possibly get any worse’ means it is so bad that rabbit thinks it can’t get any worse.
    c) Castor Canadensis is bossy, smart, rude and hairy.

    Task 3
    Stunned = surprised
    Official means approved by someone in authority
    Habit means you repeat it again and again

  16. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Patrick! Now can you have a go at writing your own sentences using some words in task 3?

  17. sebastian says:

    Task 1
    1 a) scared
    2. A giant monster rabbit
    3. b) fixes things
    4. Because he is flying South for the winter otherwise he will freeze.
    5. A beaver.

    Task 2
    a) Because the trees were falling down and the stream was rising up. So rabbit thinks that the world will flood and they won’t be able to breathe any more.
    b)Rabbit is getting more relaxed and the writer is just exaggerating that nothing could go wrong. But actually something does.
    c) Castor is a bit mean. He doesn’t talk to the other animals ver nicely. He is very bossy.
    d) Habit: something that you do regularly or often;
    Horrified: to be shocked or disgusted
    Official: approved or done by someone with authority

  18. Clémence says:

    Miss, I did all my work on the blog and I accidentally deleted it instead of sending it ???

  19. Penelope says:

    Task 1 :
    -on page 8-9 :
    1. c)scared .
    2. Rabbit thinks a monster ate the tree
    -on page 10 :
    3. b) fixes things
    -on page 14-15 :
    4. Woodpecker is leaving because he’s going to the South where it’s hot
    5. I think it was a giant monster size Venus fly trap

    task 2 :
    on page 32 :
    a) Rabbit says it’s the end of the world because all the trees are falling .
    on page 34 :
    b) the phrase means that something is wrong but nothing more wrong can happen
    c) Castor Canadensis has teeth as big as knifes and a paper as long as a branch from the biggest tree

    Meaning :
    -stunned : when you are impressed about something
    -Dam : a dam is a construction that holds back water and rises its level to form a reservoir
    -Shrugged : when you raise your shoulders in doubt or ignorance

    Sentences :
    My Mum has the habit to do yoga every suday morning
    I shrugged because i didn’t know what 80 X 50 was
    i was stunned by the beauty of the sea

  20. Miss Jones says:

    Great work Penelope! You have described Castor’s appearance well! 🙂

  21. 1. Scared
    2. A monster.
    3. Fixes things.
    4.He is leaving to South for Winter because it is warmer there.
    5. The Beaver.
    Task 2
    Because the stream is climbing the hill and all of the trees are falling down.
    It means nothing can get worse.
    Beaver is sad, alone, he has no friends or anyone to talk to he is lonely.

    Word Word
    Dam- a barrier constructed to hold back water and raise its level, forming a reservoir used to generate electricity or as a water supply.
    Horrified- filled with horror; extremely shocked relating to an authority or public body and its activities and responsibilities.
    Official- relating to an authority or public body and its activities and responsibilities.
    Habit- a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
    Ruin- the physical destruction or disintegration of something or the state of disintegrating or being destroyed.
    Stunned- so shocked that one is temporarily unable to react; astonished.
    Shrugged- so shocked that one is temporarily unable to react; astonished.

  22. Miss Jones says:

    Super word work Chloe H, well done.

  23. Hello Miss Jones
    It was so nice to see everyone today.
    I hope you enjoyed my English.

  24. Miss Jones says:

    Yes it was lovely Orla! Well done for completing your English work! 🙂

  25. Miss Jones says:

    Well done for completing your English work Emi 🙂

  26. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort with your English work today Louis.

  27. Miss Jones says:

    Great work Celestine 🙂

  28. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Sebastian 🙂

  29. Karolina says:

    Hello Miss Jones
    I m really sorry Miss Jones I done all my english task today but I have problem with my ipad today and I can not found and sending all my work .I try doing again.

  30. Miss Jones says:

    No problem at all Karolina! 🙂

  31. Rabbits knees began to tremble because he was scared
    Rabbit thought a gaint rabbit was eating all the trees
    Bear believes that breakfast fixes things
    Woodpecker is leaving because birds fly south for the winter and woodpecker is a bird
    I think the crunch sound would be a beaver.

  32. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Jiana.

  33. Gabriella says:

    1. Rabbit knees became to tremble because he was scared.
    2. Rabbit thinks a monster aye the tree.
    3. Bear believes that breakfast fixes everything.
    4. Woodpecker is leaving to south for more parties and fun.
    5. The carrot made the Crunch sound.
    Task 2
    6. Rabbit said it’s the end of the world because the trees were falling and the tree my was climbing the hill.
    7. The phrase means nothing could get any worse.
    8. Castor canadensis charecter is bit rude smart and scary.
    Task 3
    Dam means a barrier prevervting the flow of warter held back by a dam.
    Horrified means to cause to feel horror.
    Stunned means to make senseles or dizzy by or as if by a blow.
    Ruin means complete collapse or destruction.
    Shrugged means to draw or hunch up the shoulders usually to express doubt unworn or lack of interest.
    Habit means a costume charecter of an occupation rank of function.

  34. Miss Jones says:

    Super work Gabriella 🙂

  35. Grace anne says:

    1. Rabbits knees began to tremble because he was scared.

    2. Rabbit thinks a monster was eating a tree.

    3. Bear believes that breakfast fixes things.

    4. Woodpecker is packing to go to south.

    5. A monster is eating all the Carrots.

    Task 2

    1. Rabbit says it is the end of the world because the monster was coming through the bushes.

    2. The Phrase means at least nothing can’t get any worse.

    3. Castor candadensis has two long teeth and has some long fingers.

  36. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Graceanne 🙂

  37. Task 2
    A/The rabbit thought the world was ending because all the trees were falling.
    B/ nothing can get worse.
    C/Castor Canadensis is a bit mean ,loner and rude.

    Task 3
    Ruin meahs destroyed.
    Habit means regular practice.
    Dam a barrier that holds back water.

  38. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Jiana.

  39. Miss Jones says:

    Great English work Angie, your handwriting is so neat and tidy 🙂

  40. Miss Jones says:

    Good word work Eugenia, well done.

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