Good morning Year 6 and Happy Thursday!

Thank you to Laetitia who drew this picture to cheer us up!



Anyway, today we’re going to do some writing! I’m so excited to see what you’re able to write. Today is for practise. That means that you can write your opening sentence or first few sentences on the blog and then I can give feedback. Then you can finish your writing in your Home Learning Books, making sure you proof read and edit as you go!


I love reading what you write-I really do!

Task (to complete by Friday afternoon)

To write a free verse poem about the situation today. Expressing our feelings in writing can help us make sense of what is going on. Keep these poems that you write and you can read them back in years to come!

Your poem should focus on a central theme. On Tuesday, you thought about what this theme could be and produced a mind map to explore your ideas:

  • The sounds, smells and sights of nature
  • Your family
  • The empty streets and empty buildings
  • The acts of kindness that we read about or see about.
  • The NHS heroes
  • Rainbows

Remember, a ‘Free Verse Poem’ has no set rhyme or rhythm.

The success criteria may help you.

Success Criteria:

  • Choosing words that fit the topic, mood and audience
  • Choosing meaningful vocabulary
  • Checking my spelling using a dictionary
  • Use figurative language (metaphor and personification)
  • Effectively uses repetition in the poem
  • The poem has a clear message


 For support, refer to this article-click here

Good luck and I look forward to reading the start of your poems!

Have a look at Shun’s beautiful poems here-Free Verse Poems

Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy xx


32 comments on “English-Thursday 21st May

  1. I have started writing my poem. It is called boredom:


    Nothing to do,
    This is boredom.
    While stuck at home,
    All so dull.
    Lockdown is tedious,
    Nothing to do,
    This is boredom.

    How is it? The message is supposed to be about how boring lockdown is.

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Charles 🙂 Yes, you’ve certainly captured the ‘boredom’ message! As you move forwards, could you include lines about looking outside/what you hear?

  3. Thanks for the idea!

  4. Hi Miss Gorick, here’s my poem:
    NHS Heroes working so hard and determined to fight the virus.
    Happily, they have their effort supported by the public.
    Struggling every day by the number of patients.
    Clapping begins every Thursday at 20:00, the whole country claps for #clap for our carers.
    Always prepared to do God’s mission and sometimes they fear but they have God by their side.
    Researching information, they try to invent a vaccine.
    Even though they aren’t wearing capes and they cannot fly, they are always prepared for an alert.
    Receptionist, who welcome the ill patients, to the teams who work 24/7 all deserve a big cheer.
    Say a giant cheer Hooray to our heroes
    (The first letter of each sentence will read vertically as NHS CARERS? )

  5. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Anahi! Thank you for submitting your poem-I’m really impressed and found it powerful to read (especially with it being Thursday). Like I said to Timothy, I will collect all these poems so we have a ‘time capsule’ of this unique time.
    Perhaps you would like to write another poem to submit on our blog tomorrow?

  6. ?‍?Timothy?‍?????? says:

    Hi Miss here is the start of my poem:


    You just live it
    Sometimes it sucks
    Like now
    Able to go out
    Yet still stuck at home…

    I hope you like the start Miss!

  7. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Tim 🙂 Thank you for submitting the start of your poem. I found this poignant to read and I think your use of short lines increases the effect on the reader. I look forward to reading the rest-I will keep all your poems as a ‘time capsule’!

  8. Good morning!
    Here is my poem:


    Lockdown is tedious,
    boring, controlling.
    Lockdown is a cause
    of sadness, upset.
    Lockdown is the thing
    that cages us in.
    Lockdown is dominating.

    Lockdown is something
    no human wants.
    Lockdown is something
    all humans need.
    Lockdown is a way
    to keep us safe.
    Lockdown is helpful.

    Lockdown is a chance
    for all key workers.
    Lockdown is a time
    to help those in need.
    Lockdown is the thing
    that protects the NHS.
    Lockdown saves lives.

    Lockdown is dominating.
    Lockdown is helpful.
    Lockdown saves lives.

    This is LOCKDOWN.

    I hope you liked it!

  9. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Chiara! Thank you for submitting your poem. It is really effective to use the repetition of ‘lockdown’ but I like how you have focused on the difficulty but also the necessity of the current situation.
    Well done Chiara-you have demonstrated great maturity.

  10. Hello,
    Here is my fist verse:


    Everywhere you look,
    Everywhere you go,
    No humans in sight.
    Gatherings and crowds seem alien,
    Schools and offices open is madness,
    Empty and deserted puzzles me,

  11. Miss Gorick says:

    Thank you Luke 🙂 I think this will be a very powerful poem. I like the repetition in the first two lines. Well done and I look forward to reading the rest.

  12. ♡ Lola ♡ says:

    Good morning everyone,
    I dont really know what to call my poem so I was wondering if someone could help me name it?

    There is less pollution in the air,
    More animals free,
    There is less pollution in the air,
    That us humans can finnaly breathe,

    The earth is getting cleaner,
    And thats because of this virus,
    Its such a shame we had to have a virus,
    To notice how much damage we were doing to our world,
    So from now on lets look after our world,
    And hopefully for ever,
    There will be less pollution in the air!

    I hope you like my poem!

  13. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Lola 🙂 I really like the theme that you have focused on-it certainly makes the reader think.
    Hmm…I will have a think about a good title. Perhaps your title could link to ‘healing’ or something like that.

  14. ⚜️Jade⚜️ says:

    Hello ?
    This is the start of my poem:
    We see them everywhere,
    On windows high above and windows low below.
    We see them color the window,
    These beautiful signs of hope.
    They sit there staring out at all the empty streets.
    They are the only thing that remind us to have more faith.

    A girl is coloring her own ready to put it up,
    As the day passes she misses her class.
    Her funny and caring teachers and her funny and friendly class.
    As the day passes by she becomes more and more bored.
    Nobody to play with nobody to make her laugh.
    No Jada,Charles,Sergio,Javier,
    No Lola,Shun,Chiara,Haleema,
    No Laetitia,Eliza,Alfie,Ethan,
    No Timothy,Aryan,Gaspard,Luke,
    No Anahi,Antonia,Ariella,Jeanne,
    No Maryana,Gabriel,Paloma or Elly
    But most of all no Miss Gorick or Mrs Healy to support her everyday…

    (So sorry if I forgot somebodies name)hope you like it.

  15. Miss Gorick says:

    Ah Jade-that is a lovely poem! You have really reflected ‘life in lockdown’ through your use of language. I will put these altogether to capture this moment in history. Well done 🙂

  16. Good morning Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy,
    I have written quite a few free verse poems, I hope you enjoy!


    They leave home,
    They risk their lives.
    Stand in dangers way,
    All in favour of their country.
    To save lives,
    To keep us safe.
    We clap,
    We clang our pans.
    For the NHS HEROES!

    By Shun

    The Empty Streets Of London Town

    Every day people scurrying by,
    Late for work.
    Late for school,
    But now…
    All the streets of London Town,
    Are silent….
    No one rushing past,
    No one running by.
    Just a silent London Town.

    By Shun


    Every day we took the outdoors for granted,
    Polluting our Earth with fossil fuels.
    Throwing our rubbish in the Ocean,
    Releasing harmful gases in the air.
    But now,
    Everyone is stuck indoors.
    Yearning to enjoy the Summer sun,
    I can’t help but think.
    This is our fault,
    We brought this upon ourselves.

    By Shun


    Beautiful creatures that God has blessed us with.
    Beautiful creatures being taken,
    Taken for useless things.
    Ivory tusks being used for decoration,
    Costing an animal’s life.
    Fur being worn,
    Life being lost.

    By Shun

    I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I loved writing them!


  17. Miss Gorick says:

    Wow Shun, 4 poems! I loved them all-I think children in this class have a real talent for poetry.
    You have chosen 4 powerful themes and used beautiful language to have an effect on the reader. I really enjoyed reading these and found them very poignant.
    Well done 🙂

  18. Jeanne Yr 6 says:

    Hi Miss here is my poem:
    Lockdown time!

    Here we are,
    stuck inside,
    Nothing to do,
    nothing to hide,

    When day is high,
    stay safe,
    stay home,
    is all we cry,

    It’s Thursday now,
    and clapping time,
    Now it’s Friday,
    boredom awaits,

    This is life for now!

    Is there anything I could improve? The message is about the main things that are happening during lockdown.

  19. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Jeanne! Thank you for submitting your poem. You have clearly conveyed emotion using language and repetition. Perhaps you could include a final verse which looks to the future once this is all over? Also each line needs to start with a capital letter.

    Well done Jeanne-I’m really impressed.

  20. Hi Miss here is my poem beginning:

    Colours of Hope

    Schools with no children
    Parks with no people
    Teachers with no students
    VE day with no victory

    Hope you like the beginning.

  21. Miss Gorick says:

    Nina-this is great! I really like that you have used repetition in each line so far as this really emphasises your theme to the reader. Your title also suggests that you are now going to focus on some of the positive/hopeful things that have come out of lockdown. Is this right?

    I can’t wait to read on.

  22. Laetitia says:

    Good morning Miss Gorick! Here is my poem, it’s quite short:


    NHS are our heroes
    We just don’t notice them
    While NHS are fighting for our lives
    We realise

    How we clap at 8pm
    Clueless to what the world would be
    Without them
    We realise

    They don’t wear capes
    They don’t have powers
    As we stare onto the empty streets
    We realise

    NHS are our heroes
    We just don’t notice them

  23. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Laetitia! Thank you for sharing your poem. Your use of repetition, especially ‘we realise’ makes the reader think and creates a powerful tone. Well done 🙂 You have written a beautiful poem.

  24. Elly Marron(●'◡'●) says:

    I will send my poem through upload homework.

  25. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Elly 🙂 Thank you so much for your beautiful poem. I found it very poignant to read but I was very impressed by your maturity,

  26. Hi miss ,here is my first poem:
    Quarantine Queen

    I am thy Queen.
    Thy quarantine Queen.
    I make lives miserable,
    As miserable as can be.
    When I hear kids laughing,
    I want to crush their hearts,
    When I see adults smiling,
    I make their lives a living hell,
    Because I am thy queen .
    Thy quarantine Queen.


    The streets are lonely,
    With no one at all.
    The wail of kids.
    Sad kids.
    The tantrum of kids.
    Angry kids.
    The silent crying of kids.
    Scared kids.
    But we are all here.
    We are all in this together.
    No matter what.
    We will all still be here.

    Thankyou !hope you liked it!! 😉

  27. Miss Gorick says:

    Wow Ariella! What a powerful but poignant poem-I really like how you have used repetition to build emotion. Well done Ariella 🙂

  28. Sergio ;) says:

    Here is the first verse of my poem

    Awake both day and night,
    Saving the people of this land
    We are enemies with the virus
    But friends with the NHS
    We clap and cheer,
    Supporting the NHS.

  29. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Sergio 🙂 I’ve really enjoyed reading your 1st verse. I especially like the way you have contrasted ‘enemies’ and ‘friends’. What will you call your poem?

  30. Jeanne Yr 6 says:

    Hello Miss Gorick
    Thank you for your advice. I will make sure I listen to your advice and make my poem better.

  31. ??Eliza?? says:

    I wish

    I wish I could see the plants,
    I wish I could see the mountains,
    I wish I could feel the animals.

    The emerald green plants,
    The high snowy mountains,
    And all the fluffy animals…

    I hope you like the first part of my poem.

  32. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Eliza 🙂 I’ve really enjoyed reading the first part of your poem! Your use of language creates beautiful imagery for the reader-well done and I look forward to reading the rest!

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