Good morning Year 6! Well done for your work yesterday 🙂

Today we are focusing on Grammar. For a starter, please complete the questions below in your Home Learning Book.



For our writing this week, we are going to be writing ‘Non Chronological Reports’. You may remember that back in January, when studying ‘Holes’, we wrote non chronological reports about Yellow Spotted Lizards. This time, we will be writing about elephants!





Part 1

Look at the non-chronological report below. Can you identify the features? In your Home Learning Book, I would like you to identify the feature and explain why this helps the reader. Click here to find the report

E.g. Heading-the heading ‘grabs’ the reader’s attention and tells them what the article will be about.

Part 2

Conduct some research about Elephants-think carefully about your subheadings and write notes in your Home Learning Book. Organise your notes clearly under your subheadings-this will be very helpful for Thursday!

E.g. Habitat, appearance, life cycle, diet, habits.


Useful websites

10 unforgettable elephant facts!

BBC Bitesize-click here 

Useful videos

BBC Newsround- click here 


Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy xx

To see Paloma’s work, click here! Paloma Y6 English

For a printable version of the blog, click here Tuesday-English

17 comments on “English- Tuesday 12th May

  1. Hi Miss Gorick, we have done the same grammar already on the 5th of May.

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    I’m so sorry about that-I have updated the blog. Thank you for letting me know!

  3. Can’t wait to get started!

  4. Hi miss,i think we did the EXACT same one last week in our home learning books,(the spag sheet)

  5. Miss Gorick says:

    Oh no, I’m sorry about that! I will change it now-my mistake.

  6. :) jade (: says:

    Hello Everyone,
    i have completed my Elephant facts and would like to share one of them that i really like.
    Elephants way up to 14,000 pounds and their brain can be about 13 pounds, which means the elephants only actually weighs 1,000 pounds and the rest is the brain!

  7. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Jade 🙂 check again, are you sure your numbers are right?

  8. I already started the other spag sheet in my book! Do I have to do it again?

  9. Miss Gorick says:

    Oh no, sorry Ariella! No, don’t do it again just try the sheet below. Thank you ☺️

  10. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    I have done the grammar and i have done my plan for the non chronological report.

  11. Miss Gorick says:

    Well done Elly 🙂 You have worked hard this morning!

  12. ♡ Haleema ♡ says:

    Done! I have completed all of my work for this subject!

  13. Miss Gorick says:

    Great work Haleema! Now enjoy a relax this afternoon 🙂

  14. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Paloma 🙂 Thank you for sending in your English work. Well done for answering the questions correctly and for completing your research (you have also drawn a beautiful elephant!)
    I have added your work on the blog above.

  15. ?Maryana says:

    Hi Miss
    I have completed everything

  16. Miss Gorick says:

    That’s great to hear Maryana, well done! How did you find the tasks?

  17. Quite easy

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