Hello Class 4!

I hope you are all okay, I am missing you all a lot!

Today I am in school so I won’t be able to approve and reply to your comments as often but do not worry I will check them when I can and once I am home I will check them all again! Well done for continuing to work on the blogs every day! You are doing so well and I am SO proud of you all!

As always, on Tuesday in English we are looking at grammar to help enhance our writing! Today we are looking at conjunctions!

Conjunctions are joining words that link together parts of a sentence.
The three main coordinating conjunctions are ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’.
They can be used to join together two clauses in a sentence. However, the clauses need to make sense on their own.

For example:
He had a terrible back. He carried on fetching wood.
You can add the coordinating conjunction ‘but’ in between these causes so the sentence reads:
He had a terrible back but he carried on fetching wood.

Remember though, you can often leave out the subject word in the second coordinating clause.
For example:
He had a terrible back but carried on fetching wood.

In this example you can remove the word ‘he’ from the second coordinating clause.

Click on this link below for further explanation:

Task 1: Re write the sentences below using ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’, ‘so’ or ‘because’

1.) His legs hurt. His back ached.

2.) Miranda looked at Ferdinand. She realised she loved him.

3.) Prospero felt happy. He was also nervous.

4.) The music rang out across the forest. The birds sang.

5.) Should he set Ariel free. Should he keep Ariel trapped.

6.) Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano. They wouldn’t listen.


Task 2: Write 5 of your own sentences using ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’, ‘so’ or ‘because’ making sure your sentences like to The Tempest.

Fancy a challenge? Look below at all of the coordinating conjunctions. Can you write a sentence using a different coordinating conjunction each time. Make sure your sentences make sense!

I look forward to reading your work!

From Miss Lee 🙂



27 comments on “English – Tuesday 19th May 2020

  1. Hello miss lee. These are my sentences…

    1. His legs hurt and his back ached.
    2. Miranda looked at Ferdinand and realised she loved him.
    3. Prospero felt happy but also nervous.
    4. The music rang out across the land and the birds sang.
    5. Should he set Ariel free or should he keep him trapped?
    6. Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they wouldn’t listen.

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Holly! You have used appropriate coordinating conjunctions in your sentences for task 1! Now have a go at task 2!

  3. Hello class, are you all well. I have completed both tasks. Here they are:

    Task 1:
    1. His legs hurt and his back ached.
    2. Miranda looked at Ferdinand and she realised she loved him.
    3. Prospero felt happy but he was also nervous.
    4. The music rang out across the forest and the birds sang.
    5. Should he set Ariel free or should he keep Ariel trapped.
    6. Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they wouldn’t listen.

    Task 2:
    1. Palm trees bent and swayed like dancers in the howling gale that tore off their branches.
    2. Caliban knew that this was a trap set by Prospero but Trinculo and Stephano didn’t.
    3. Prospero couldn’t see where he was going because a thick fog had decended.
    4. Miranda was bored so she went to look for Ferdinand.
    5. Would Prospero prefer to stay on the island or go back to Milan.

    1. For your sake, I have used my magic to make a wrong become a right.
    2. I wanted to go to the park but my brother didn’t.
    3. Anya didn’t want to go to the cinema, nor did Geraldine.
    4. It is strange, yet it is true.
    5. My foot and my back hurt badly.
    6. Would you like to eat a sandwich or some fruit.
    7. It started raining heavily, so we got soaked.

  4. Miss Lee says:

    This is great work Sophie! Well done for doing both tasks and the challenge! Just be careful that you have used a coordinating conjunction accurately in all of your sentences. Remember the clauses that are joined must make sense on their own.

  5. 1.His legs hurt and his back was aching
    2.Miranda looked at Ferdinand so she realised she loved him
    3.Prospero felt happy but he was also nervous
    4.The music rang out across the forest and birds the birds sang
    5.Should he set Ariel free or should he keep him trapped.
    6.Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they wouldn’t listen.

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Well done for doing the first task Albert! You have used coordinating conjunctions in all six sentences.
    Just check in sentence 2 that the conjunction you have used makes sense here.
    Also make sure you have used appropriate punctuation. One of your sentences sounds like a question to me but it ends with a full stop.

  7. I have done the sentenses in my yellow book.

  8. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Ella! ☺️

  9. Task 1:
    1) His legs hurt and his back ached.
    2) Miranda looked at Ferdinand and realised she loved him.
    3) Prospero felt happy but he was worried.
    4) The music rang out across the forest and the birds sang.
    5) Should he set Ariel free or should he keep Ariel trapped.
    6) Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they wouldn’t listen.

    Task 2:
    1) Prospero is a great duke but his brother doesn’t think so.
    2) There was a big ship wreck and they crashed into an island.
    3) The ship was strong yet it did not survive the storm.
    4) Ferdinand and Miranda were in love so they got married.
    5) Prospero is going to get killed so he needs to watch out.

  10. Miss Lee says:

    Well done for doing both task 1 and 2 Pablo! Excellent work! I like your first sentence in task 2… His brother definitely doesn’t think he is a great Duke!
    Make sure you have used correct punctuation. One of your sentences sounds like a question so it should end with a…

  11. Hello miss,
    this is task one:
    1) His legs hurt and his back ached.
    2) Miranda looked at Ferdinand and realized she loved him.
    3) Prospero felt happy but he was also nervous.
    4) The music rang out across the forest because the birds sang.
    5) Should he set Ariel free or should he keep Ariel trapped.
    6) Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano wouldn’t listen.

    This is task two:
    Stephano was a drunk butler because he drank to much alcohol.
    King Alonso is shouting everywhere in the island so that his son may hear him and return.
    Prospero is powerful as he know how to do marvelous magic and strong sorcery.
    Miranda and Ferdinand are a couple for they married.
    Miranda nor Ferdinand would want to separate.

  12. Task 1

    1. His legs hurt and his back ached
    2. Miranda looked at Ferdinand and realised she loved him.
    3. Prospero felt happy but He was also nervous.
    4. The music rang out across the forest so The birds sang.
    5. Should he set Ariel free or Should he keep Ariel trapped.
    6.Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but They wouldn’t listen.

  13. ??????amarissa?????? says:

    Hello miss lee??
    1)his leg hurt ? and His back ached
    2)Miranda Looked at Ferdinand,and realised she loved❤️❤️ Him.
    3) prospero felt happy,but he was also nervous ?.
    4)the music ? rang out of the forest ? and the birds ? sang.
    5)should prospero set Ariel free???should he keep Ariel trapped?
    6)caliban tryed to warn trinculo and stephano ?but they wouldn’t listen…

  14. His leg hurt and his back ached
    Miranda looked at Ferdinand then she realised she loved him
    Propero felt happy but he was nervous
    The music rang across the forest so the birds sang
    Should he set ariel free or should he keep her trapped
    Caliban tried to warn them but they would not listen.

  15. Task 1️⃣:

    1.) His legs hurt and his back ached.

    2.) Miranda looked at Ferdinand and she realised she loved him.

    3.) Prospero felt happy, but he was also nervous.

    4.) The music rang out across the forest and the birds sang.

    5.) Should he set Ariel free, or should he keep Ariel trapped.

    6.) Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano, but they wouldn’t listen.

    Task 2️⃣:

    1.) Trinculo stoped and stared as he saw the beautiful royal robes shining.

    2.) Goddesses sang and spirits danced, life couldn’t get any better.

    3.) The happy couple, Miranda and Ferdinand, ran away, leaving everything else behind, but what they didn’t know was that it wasn’t yet a happy ending.

    4.) Ferdinand carried log after log, his arms aching and his forehead sweating.

    5.) Miranda looked away in the distance, smiling at the young man coming forward and he smiled back.

  16. Paolo ??? says:

    Task 1
    1.) His legs hurt and his back ached.
    2.) Miranda looked at Ferdinand and realised she loved him.
    3.) Prospero felt happy but was also nervous.
    4.) The music rang out across the forest and the birds sang.
    5.) Should he set Ariel free or should he keep Ariel trapped.
    6.) Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they wouldn’t listen.

    Task 2
    – There was once a Duke in Milan called Prospero but his brother plotted against him and ruled over the city.
    – Caliban was plotting against Prospero but this last one used spirits to trick him.
    – The storm was fierce but everybody was safe on the island ?.
    – Prospero had to choose whilst in his library if he wanted to be Duke or if he would give his powers away.
    – Prospero gave his dukedom to someone else because he was too sad about what happened to his wife.
    – Prospero saw Ferdinand working harder and harder so he knew that Ferdinand loved Miranda so much.

  17. Elisa ?✨? says:

    1. His legs hurt and his back ached.
    2. Miranda looked at Ferdinand and she realised she loved him.
    3. Prospero felt happy but he was also nervous.
    4. The music rang out across the forest so the birds sang.
    5. Should he set Ariel free or should he keep Ariel trapped.
    6. Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they wouldn’t listen.

  18. TASK 1
    1.) His legs hurt and his back ached.

    2.) Miranda looked at Ferdinand and realised she loved him.

    3.) Prospero felt happy but was also nervous.

    4.) The music rang out across the forest and the birds sang.

    5.) Should he set Ariel free or should he keep him trapped.

    6.) Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they wouldn’t listen.

    Task 2
    The dogs made loud barking noises while chasing Trinculo, Stephano and Caliban.

    Prospero made a storm and watched the ship sink.

    Prospero was a wise Duke of Milan for everyone loved him.

    Prosperos wife died and now he has locked himself in the library.

    Alonso and Antonio wanted to get Prospero but they wanted to get him at night so nobody saw them.

    Antonio got so mad yet he wanted to kill Prospero but he didn’t.

    Was Milan a better place to live or the small island?

    Caliban, Trinculo nor Stephano were good people.

  19. Tijne Y4 says:

    Hi ? Miss Lee,
    Here are my sentences using ‘And,’but,’or,’so,’ or ‘because.’
    Task 1:
    1) His legs hurt and his back ached.
    2) Miranda looked at Ferdinand because she realised she loved him.
    3) Prospero felt happy but also nervous.
    4) The music rang out across the forest so the birds sang.
    5) Should he set Ariel free or should he keep Ariel trapped.
    6) Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they wouldn’t listen.
    Task 2:
    1) Prospero loved magic so he had to practice to be good at it.
    2) Antonio is Prospero’s brother but he’s not a kind brother.
    3) The story The Tempest is a great story so I can’t wait till next week so I can see the last part of the story.
    4) Ferdinand loved Miranda because Miranda loved him.
    5) Will Prospero, Miranda and Ferdinand get help to go back to Milan or not.

    Thanks, Tijne

  20. Task 2:
    1. Alonso is the King of the Naples but also Ferdinand’s father.
    2. Prospero is the main character in the tempest and Antonio’s brother.
    3. Ariel is Prospero’s spirit helper because he is trustworthy.
    4. Miranda fall in love with Ferdinand, so they love each other.
    5. Caliban is one of Prospero’s servants because Prospero is a duke of Milan.

  21. 1. His legs hurt and his back aches.
    2. Miranda looked at ferdinand but she relized that she loved him.
    3. Prospero felt happy but he was also nervous.
    4. The music rang out across the forest and the birds sang.
    5. Should he let Ariel go free or should he keep Ariel trapped.
    6. Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they would not listen.

  22. Caliban tried to tell Trinculo but he would not listen.
    Should he set Ariel free or kept her trapped.
    Prospero felt happy but he was nervous.
    His leg hurts and his back is aching.
    The music sounded across the forest and then the birds sang it.

  23. 1) His leg hurt and his back ached.
    2) Miranda looked at Ferdinand and realised that she loved him.
    3)Prospero felt happy? but he also felt sad.☹️
    4) music ? rang out of the forest ? and the birds ??? sang.
    5) Should he set Ariel free or keep him trapped?
    6) Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they wouldn’t listen! ?

  24. Hi Miss Lee ?
    Task 1
    1. His legs hurt and back ached.
    2. Miranda looked at Ferdinand and she realised she loved him.
    3. Prospero felt happy but was also nervous.
    4. The music out across the forest and the birds sang.
    5. Should he set Ariel free or should he keep Ariel trapped.
    6. Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano but they wouldn’t listen.

    Task 2
    1. Sebastian and Antonio were planning to kill the king but they got caught.
    2. Prospero and Miranda were stranded on an island and he made the storm.
    3. Ferdinand agreed to be a slave so he could see Miranda every day.
    4. Stephano was a drunken butler of Alonso because he drank to much wine.
    5. Prospero may want to become duke of Milan or become a wizard.

  25. (^¬^)Mayowa(*-*) says:

    Hello Miss Lee,

    Task 1
    1) His leg hurt and his back ached.
    2) Miranda looked at Ferdinand and realised that she loved him.
    3) Prospero felt happy but he also felt sad.
    4) Music rang out of the forest and all the birds sang.
    5) Should Prospero set Arial free or keep him as his servant.
    6) Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and stephano but they wouldn’t listen.

    Task 2
    1) Prospero is the Duke of Milan but his brother tricked him.
    2) Prospero is very good at magic so he practises every day.
    3) Trinculo and Stephano stotoped outside Prospero’s cave and didn’t say a word
    4) The dogs were dogs but the size of wolfs.
    5) Antonio and King Alonso pushed Prospero and Miranda out to sea but they survived.

  26. Raimundo says:

    and’, ‘’, ‘or’, ‘so’ or ‘because’
    1.) His legs hurt (and) his back ached.
    2.) Miranda looked at Ferdinand (and) she realised she loved him.
    3.) Prospero felt happy (but) he was also nervous.
    4.) The music rang out across the forest (so) the birds sang.
    5.) Should he set Ariel free or should he keep Ariel trapped?
    6.) Caliban tried to warn Trinculo and Stephano (but) they wouldn’t listen.

  27. Mayowa (*^ω^*) says:

    Hello Miss Lee,

    For the first two sentences I should have written Prospero is the Duke of Milan and the people in Milan like him.
    Prospero is very good at magic because he practices it every day.
    Outside Prospero’s cave Trinculo and Stephano were looking at the robes but didn’t dare say a word??.

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