Hello Class 4!

Yesterday we started a new book: The Bolds Go Wild

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! This week our English tasks will be based on the first chapter of this book.

Click here to revisit chapter 1: The Bold Go Wild Chapter 1

Today’s blog will focus on Grammar…


Beginning and ending a sentence:
Capital letters are always used at the start of a sentence. Every letter in the alphabet can be simple (lower case) or capital (upper case). At the end of a sentence we put punctuation. Depending on the type of sentence, this could be a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark.

A verb is a word used to describe an action, state or occurrence. Verbs can be used to describe an action (doing something). For example, the word ‘jumping’ in this sentence: They can also be used to describe a state (being or feeling something). Or a verb can be used to describe an occurrence (something happening).

Sentence Subjects:
The subject of a sentence is the person, place or thing performing the action (the verb). For example: The postman delivered the letters. In this sentence the verb is ‘delivered’ because that is the thing being done (the action). Therefore the subject is ‘the postman’ because that is the person doing the action.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun (the name of a person, place or a thing). For example: The towering trees swayed in the wind. In this sentence, ‘towering’ is the adjective because it is describing the trees.

Task 1:
Answer these warm-up questions about our class text. Before posting your answers on the blog or sending in a photo of your work, check that you have included accurate punctuation.

Task 2:
All of you are very good at using adjectives to add more detail to your writing. However, I want to challenge you to be more adventurous with your choice of adjectives. Remember in class we always talk about choosing adjectives that really help our reader to imagine exactly what something looks like.
I always use this example in class… Imagine the most beautiful cake you have ever seen in your life. All of us pictured different cakes. Some of use imagined chocolate cakes covered in sprinkles, others colourful rainbow cakes with decorative icing and some of us imagined a classic Victoria Sponge. The word beautiful is an adjective but it doesn’t help our reader to imagine exactly what we are describing.

Can you write some sentences to describe the images below? You may need to write more than one sentence for each using more than one adjective. Pick your adjectives carefully to ensure you have described each image in detail.

Just as Task 1, before posting your work or sending it in, make sure you check your punctuation carefully!
I look forward to reading your work!
From Miss Lee 🙂



46 comments on “English – Tuesday 9th June 2020

  1. Hello Miss Lee, I completed both tasks in my Yellow Home Learning book. I will send you a picture of both the tasks.


  2. Miss Lee says:

    Great! Well done Sophie!

  3. Elisa ?✨?? says:

    The Bolds were a family of hyenas.
    The Bolds jumped in puddles.
    __ _______ is a grizzly bear.
    Mr Bold is funny!
    The weather was rainy.

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Elisa! Now try task 2!

  5. 1) The Bolds were a family of hyenas.
    2) The Bolds splashed in puddles.
    3) Mr McNumpty is a grizzly bear.
    4) Funny.
    5) The weather was muddy.

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Super work Ciana! Now try task 2!

  7. Giordano says:

    1 The Bolds were a family of heynas.
    2The bold stompped.in the puddles.
    3 MR MCnmpty is a grizzly bear.
    4 Mr bold was Funny.
    5 The wheather was rainy and muddy
    task 2:
    1 the sun set looks fascinating it makes the seas reflection and its shiny..
    2 the forest looks very long very wide it looks like it has lots of great green leaves.
    3 Big Ben looks very tall very pointy and it has a very big clock.
    4 the rain looks very strong and it looks really good with the leaves behind and also the umbrella looks really good with the rain getting off the umbrella.

  8. Miss Lee says:

    Super work Giordano! I can tell you have been working hard this morning!

  9. Task 1:
    A)The Bolds were a family of hyenas.
    B)The Bolds played in puddles.
    C)Mr McNumpty is the subject of the sentence.
    D)Mr Bold is funny.
    E)The weather was very rainy that day.

  10. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Vincent! Now try task 2!

  11. TASK 1
    The bolds jumped in puddles

    Mr mcnumpty was a grisly bear grisly is the subject

    Mr bold is usually happy and joyful

    The weather was rainy

    TASK 2
    The sunset was a beautiful dark and bright orange ,glazed in the sky ,The tired sun comes down To have its rest

    The misty dark mysterious forest lying there growing one time at a time

    The colossal clock big and Bold standing out.it strikes twelve and a massive bell will give it a BANG and BOOM

    The rain is dull so is the sky the clouds are grey and water drops coming from the sky failing straight on a umbrella.

  12. Miss Lee says:

    Fantastic work Albert, well done!

  13. Tijne Y4 says:

    Hi Miss Lee,
    Here are my answers to the warm up questions.
    Task 1:
    1) The Blogs were a family of Hyenas.
    2) The Blogs jump in puddles.
    3) McNumpty.
    4) Funny.
    5) The weather was rainy.
    Task 2:
    1) A sunset
    As I was sitting in the sand on the beach I could see the beautiful sunset. It shined as bright as a light .The sky’s colours went to yellow then orange then red and lastly a dark pink.As the sea had a dark blue colour I could see the sun sink in the sea.
    2) A forest
    As I was walking though the forest in the early morning I could see the sun shining though the thick, thin, small and tall trees. The grass was bright green.
    3) Big Ben
    As I walked past Big Ben I could see the colossal gold clocks on all the sides. The sky was bright blue just a few dark and light clouds.
    4) A rainy day
    As I walked in the cold rain I could see the rain splashing on the floor. I could also see it dripping of peoples umbrellas.

    Thanks, Tijne

  14. Miss Lee says:

    Brilliant work Tijne! I enjoyed reading your sentences for Task 2! I love the phrase ‘I could see the sun sink into the sea.’

  15. As the sun is setting the sky turns orange. The clouds start to dissappear the sky turns black.

    In the the forest a slit mist covers it so now one can enter. As the wind whistles and saws the wood is creeking and crackling.

    As the colossal clock ticks the hours go by. When the clock reaches 12 you can hear the sound of bells ringing and ringing until it stopes.

    As the rain drops it drops onto the leaves, dripping and dropping on the floor. As the rain begins to faid the leaves start to dry.

  16. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Ciana, these are fabulous sentences!

  17. The bolds jump in puddles
    Mr mcnumpty is a grisly bear.
    The best word is funny.
    The weather was very wet

  18. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Holly, now try task 2!

  19. Mayowa(=^-^=) says:

    Miss Lee I have done task one and two.

  20. Miss Lee says:

    Super well done Mayowa!

  21. Elisa ?✨?? says:

    1.) A sunset
    It is a peaceful time of the day where you can relax quietly under the blinding and warm sun. A time when you could look at the colourful sky, pink, red, orange and yellow.
    2.) A forest
    This forest is cleared by some of the well-separated, slim trees and breezy wind swishing past through them. The swishy grass and the sun blazing on it!
    3.) Big Ben
    Large, dark and heavy clouds towering on top of the shiny, lofty Big Ben . The wide, visited and brown houses of parliment.
    4.) A rainy day
    The wet, soggy, and dirty water from the rain dripping onto the green bushes. Then a navy blue umbrella popped out and splashed away the rain.

  22. Miss Lee says:

    Wonderful descriptions Elisa! Very well done!

  23. The Bolds were a family of Hyenas.
    The Bolds jumped in puddles.
    Mr McNumpty is a grizzly bear.
    The word funny describes Mr Bold.
    The weather was rainy that day.

  24. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Stella, now try task 2!

  25. At sunset
    The sun was reflecting its golden figures against the calm sea.
    It shown in the blue stars night. The sun glazed in the horizon while lodes of different colors red, orange, yellow, indigo and dark pink all slowly appeared and made a wonderful sight. The cloudy sky started to darken into a marvelous color; navy blue. The sun was falling a sleep. GOODNIGHT SUN! (You have to shout so that the sun can here you well).?

    A forest:
    The dark woods were full of rustling noises like serpents and owls and tigers? Though at the very center is a fountain of light shining on the the running waterfall where the water slides through the leafy rocks. The water as clear as a skyblue transparent crystal or diamond ?.

    Big Ben:
    The giant clock on the building next to the parliaments strikes 12:00
    Ding dang dong. Your ears would explode if you were next to it. It is so loud the whole city can hear it. Oh tea time uuup uuup.

    A rainy day:
    The rain was dripping everywhere! If you stayed 2 minutes under the rain you’d think you just took your shower or you jumped in a deep swimming pool. You better take an umbrella!

  26. Super sentences Stella! Well done!

  27. ⁰⩌⁰???amarissa???⁰⩌⁰ says:

    Hello miss ⁌⁚
    1) The Bolds where a family of hyenas.
    2)The Bolds splashed in puddles.
    3) I have underlined Mr mc numpty.
    4) The adjective that describes Mr Bold, is funny.
    5) The weather was rainy.

  28. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Amarissa! Now try task 2!

  29. Hello Miss Lee
    Task 1:
    1.The Bolds were a family of hyenas.
    2.The Bolds jump in puddles.
    3.Mr Mucnupty.
    4. Funny.
    5. The weather was bad that day.
    Task 2:
    1.The sun us going to sleep turning of its blinding lights of the day gifting its place to the moon.
    2. The deep green forest is dark because of the trees covering the bright light of the sun.
    3.Big ben is the collosal,loud and ancient clock attached to the Houses Parliament.
    4.The clouds are crying all of their hard rain out of their teary eyes because they can’t stand it anymore

  30. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Martin! Great work!

  31. The Bolds were a family of hyenas.
    The Bolds jumped in puddles.
    Mr McNumpty.
    The weather was rainy.
    1) During my walk I saw the most outstanding sunset. The sky looked like molten lava.
    2) I came across a magical forest covered in thin and tall trees.
    3) The Big Ben looked majestic among the sparse blue sky.
    4) Shiny raindrops falling from the grey sky on an open umbrella.

    Miss I am learning a word a day from a new book. Sparse is one of the words I learned.

  32. Miss Lee says:

    Brilliant work Pablo! A word a day… What a good idea! Can you use the word sparse in a sentence?

  33. Task 1
    The bolds are a family of hyenas.
    The bolds jumped (or played) in puddles.
    |Mr McNumpty| is a grisly bear.
    The weather was wet and cold.

    Task 2
    The forest has lots of creepy, tall trees and is dark and mysterious.
    The sunset is beautiful and a mix of orange and pink.

  34. Miss Lee says:

    Good work Rafael! Well done! Can you also describe Big Ben and the rainy day?

  35. T1)
    1) The Bolds were a family of hyena.
    2) The Bolds love puddles.
    3) Mr McNumpty is a grizzly bear.
    4) funny.
    5)The weather was rain.

    1) A lovely and beautiful viewing. Great for a date.
    2) A dark and creepy place. Never go in alone.
    3)”What’s the time Fred?” “Look at Big Ben, Gerald!”
    4)Cold dark and a wet time!

  36. Miss Lee says:

    Good work Alfred! Can you describe Big Ben using adjectives?

  37. Raimundo says:

    Hello Miss Lee, Hope everyone is having a great ? day!

    Task 1:
    1. The Bolds are a family of hyenas.

    2. The Bolds love puddles.

    3. Mr McNumpty is a grisly bear.
    4. Funny.

    5. The Weather was Rainy.

    Task 2:
    1. A lovely and beautiful viewing. Great for a date.
    2. A dark and creepy place. Never go in alone.
    3.” What’s the time Bob?” “Look at Big Ben, John, the time is on there!”
    4. Cold dark and a wet time!

  38. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Raimundo! I hope you are having a great day too!
    See if you can write your own sentences to describe the pictures.

  39. Paolo ??? says:

    Task 1

    1) The Bolds were a family of hyenas.
    2) jumped
    3) Mr McNumpty
    4) funny
    5) rainy

    Task 2

    It is a very colourful and calm sunset.
    This forest is quiet with very tall trees.
    The sky above the Big Ben is cloudy.
    The rain today was heavy and the weather stormy.

  40. Miss Lee says:

    Well done for completing both tasks Paolo! I agree the sunset is very calm!

  41. I have finished I will send it in.

  42. Thank you Ajay!

  43. Talk 1:
    1. The Bolds were a family of hyenas.
    2. The Bolds jumped in puddles.
    3. The subject is Mr McNumpty.
    4. Funny.
    5. The weather was rainy.

    Task 2
    1. The sunset looks calm. The sky looks neon and bright.
    2. The forest is peaceful. Rather quiet aswell.
    3. Big Ben is a big, tall and shiny building. Also noisy sometimes.
    4. The rain looks strong, cold and rather gloomy.

  44. Great work Clare! Well done!

  45. 1) A sunset : You can see in the middle of the dark sea half of a shining sun. I can also see a pinky sky with some red clouds above the calm salty sea.
    2) This picture shows a forest of high trees straight as rulers. The ground is covered with a layer of green moss
    3) This picture shows Big Ben? I can see a grey cloud in the blue sky. Big ben is really tall.
    4) This picture shows a rainy day. On the picture there is a wet umbrella . Behind the umbrella there are some trees. The umbrella is blue.

  46. Hello Louis!
    Great work, well done!

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