
In Year 1, we are learning all about Transport.

What is your favourite mode of transport and why?



22 comments on “Favourite Transport

  1. My favourite transport is the aeroplane because I love to look out of the window and see the breath-taking views below. Also, I love aeroplanes because they help me to travel far, far away and see exciting new places!

  2. Charles Year 2 says:

    My favourite transport is trains.

  3. My favourite transport is cars.

  4. My favourite transport is a sub-marine because I like the way you can see underwater. There are windows so that you can see lots of colourful fish and I can see an octopus and a squid.

  5. My favourite transport is the aeroplane because you can see from high above the mountains, lakes and the beaches from the sky.

  6. My favourite transport is a car because it has windows and you can look out of them and see where you are going.

  7. My favourite transport is a Ferrari because it is super fast and when I am bigger I would like a really fast Ferrari .

  8. My favourite transport is an aeroplane because up in the sky you can see everything outside and you can also see inside it.

  9. My favourite transport is the train because I can go to the buffet.

  10. My favourite transport is a ship because it can sail over the sea and you can sleep on it.

  11. My favourite transport is a plane because I get to go far away to see new exciting places.

  12. My favourite transport is the aeroplane because I can fly over the whole world.

  13. My favourite transport is an aeroplane because you go really high and you can look out the windows and when you look down every thing looks small on the ground.

  14. I like helicopters because they can go up and down and backwards and forwards. I have never been on one.

  15. Charles year 2 says:

    My favourite transport is buses.

  16. My favourite transport is an aeroplane because aeroplanes can bring me to
    different countries.

  17. My favourite transport is a taxi because I get to sit on a special seat! Also I like taxis because they are fun and sometimes they are bumpy!

  18. My favourite transport is an aeroplane because I get to watch movies and look out of the window.

  19. Dylano Year 3 says:

    My favourite transport is all of them!

  20. Davin Marvello Paulus says:

    I love airplanes, too

  21. Douha troudi says:

    My favorite transports IS car🚗

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