Geography Task
Maps and Grid References
Click HERE for a printable version of this task
Our Geography focus today is:
To study maps and use grid references correctly.
What is a map?
A map is a two-dimensional drawing of an area.
Maps can show the countryside, a town, a country or even the whole world.
They are used to help plan routes from one place to another, or to find certain features such as castles or hills.
Different types of map are used for different things depending on whether you are walking, driving or even flying somewhere.
Maps can be on paper or on a mobile phone, tablet or computer.
Task 1 – Maps and Directions
Explore more information about maps HERE
Read the information and watch two videos. Then complete activity 1.
Task 2 – Grid References
What is a grid reference?
A grid reference tells you where something is on a map.
There are two parts to a grid reference:
The 1st letter or number tells you how far across the map something is.
The 2nd letter or number tells you how far up the map something is.
Task 2
a) Click HERE to find out more about using grid references on a map. Watch the video and play the game to support your learning.
b) Click HERE to find the coordinates on this treasure map.
You can record your work in your yellow homework or print off the worksheet.
Extension Task
Can you create your own map using grid references? You could do a treasure map, map of a park or even a map of your local area!
Click HERE to print off a template.
Hi miss!! I loved watching those videos now I know where I am going even if we use a phone or tablet!
Have a good day everyone!
That’s great to hear Reuben! I’m glad you enjoyed the Geography task today 🙂
Hello miss Jones I finished the template.
Well done Matthias!
hi Miss
I really liked this task !
I sent you my treasure island map and also my extension task is a Map of Regents park zoo , can you have a go at finding all the animals on the grid? i really enjoyed doing it
Great map work Penelope! I have uploaded your map to the blog, some of your friends might like to have a go at spotting the animals!
Hi Miss Jones
This is my second favourite task in the whole of year three. I loved it. For the extension I made my own Island with these features: an acid lake, a forest, a savahna, a desert, plains, mountains, rivers & lakes; a boat, treasure and a flag. I also did a mainland just off the map; the coordinates for this are mainly minus numbers in ‘y’ axis.
I’ll post a picture of it.
Captain Hobble*
* I twisted my ankle a few days ago
Hi Julian, I’m so glad to hear you really enjoyed this activity!!
Thanks for sending in your map, it was great 🙂
Hello Miss Jones I love this projekt. My mum printed the sheet and I made a very good map.
Well done Malgosia! 🙂
Hi Miss Jones!
I really enjoyed this task!!!
I had so much fun colouring the map and designing it.
I had a go at the extension task with my brother. I loved doing this task. Can you find the treasure on my map?
Have a good afternoon.?
Hi Chloe H, I’m really glad that you enjoyed it! Thanks for sending your map through, it is so neat! I have uploaded it so your friends might like to locate the different places.
I loved videos I want to watch it agian.
Great to hear Gabriella!
Hi Miss Jones I really liked todays geography task I had fun making my own map it was really fun thank you.
I am glad you enjoyed it Chloe K 🙂
The videos was fun I like It because It is very Interesting If you guys are safe
Well done Graceanne!
Hi Miss Jones I really loved the TASK it was so fun this is my favourite blog.
Great news Karolina, I am so glad you enjoyed it!
Well done Emi for making a map of the local area! Remember to include your numbers and letters on the grid to locate places accurately.
Good effort Louis at creating your own map for the Grand Prix!
Hi Miss ,all done
Great Jiana ?
Thanks for sending in your work Jiana, well done for completing two maps! I like your dessert shop idea and your local map, great effort 🙂
Hello Miss, I have sent you the map of my holiday place, on the seaside.