Our Spring topic will be… Historical Heroes!

We all know some made up superheroes, like Spiderman and Black Panther, and they are truly amazing! These heroes can fly, swing through cities, or have super-human strength which helps them to save the world. Whilst they are great, there are other heroes that have lived throughout history. They might not have the special or magical powers like you have seen in films, but they do have something incredibly special about them, they have done something in their lifetime which has had a huge impact on others. Some of the heroes that we will learn about have become famous over time because of the way that their work has influenced the way that we live, or the things that we do, even today in 2023!

This will be an exciting topic for us in Year 2, as we will be able to research these individuals and learn all about why we remember them. We will also be able to learn more about different time periods and begin to develop our understanding of global and British history even further. We will also be able to compare different heroes and consider their significance, which allows us to begin to make our own historical judgements. We will continue to use historical sources to find out more about the past, and be able to make up our own conclusions about time periods and individuals.

I would like you to consider what makes a hero, and think about your own heroes. Read the questions below and post your answers on the blog. I look forward to reading your ideas!

  1. Can you think of a historical hero that we might be learning about?
  2. What makes this person a hero and why do you think that we should be learning about them?
  3. Who do you think is a hero and why?

25 comments on “Historical Heroes

  1. Emily 🦸‍♂️ says:

    I am so happy to learn about heroes. I bet it’s gonna be so fun. I don’t think none of you two is gonna hate it. but the most exciting thing that we’re learning about is more things from year three last year.

  2. I know that historical heroes is very fun to learn about.

  3. l think it is really fun too.

  4. GENESIS Y2 says:

    I think learning about superheros for filth and vacum was amazing I wish I could be a super hero or just a hero .

  5. I love doing learning and listening.

  6. Genesis y2 says:

    I think learning about heroes is really fun to learn about in year two

  7. Harmony🦸‍♀️ says:

    The reason I think Florence Nightingale is a hero because she help people in the 1st world War

  8. Genesis Y2 says:

    I like hero”s and superhero”s I think that the messege that Brad 40 done to the Mayor was really important because there are 2 supervillan”s called Filth and vacuum who are destroyinng the world .I liked writing a messege to the Mayor it was super fun to do .

  9. I think we are learning about super heros because of Filth and Vacuum . I know we arealso learning about just normal heros because anyone can be a hero .

  10. GENESIS Y2 says:

    I liked learning about filth and vacuum because it is really interesting to learn about and i also liked it when the people were laying on the beach then filth came to the beach and started putting toxic slime everywhere then some people got stuck in the slime. I liked it when we learnt about steel man even though we haven’t seen steel man. i am really enjoying filth and the vacuum and when they destroyed the world in the book. I love writing about them and how filth and vacuum plotted to destroy the world together as a team. I love it when we learn about different things that we already know about , it is really fun to me and we are really lucky to learn about different things in our school. Anyone can be a hero or superhero.

  11. GENESIS Y2 says:

    l like to learn lots about heroes and superheroes.

  12. Genesis y2 says:

    l like learning

  13. Florence Y3 says:

    I hope you will like learning about historical heroes topic. It’s very fun.

  14. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    This was a really amazing topic. I enjoyed learning about historical heroes. The assembly is really fun when you dress up as historical heroes.

  15. Genesis Y2 says:

    I enjoyed learning about historical heros too!!!

  16. I am so happy to learn about Florence Nightingale. I’m really happy to learn about her.

  17. genesis y2 says:

    Florence nightingale was a superhero because she made some good changes in the hospital by cleaning sheets and giving them some food to eat. she even saved peoples life who were in the Crimean war .Before hospitals were really bad so 100s of people were lying on the floor and were all sharing blood , howsoever their was only like 5 beds. so today we remember her for all she has done.

  18. InesC year 2 says:

    Florence nightingale lived in a wealthy family . She was a bit different from her family because she just read books . In her time ,only boys were allowed to go to school and the girls stayed at home doing chores and sowing dresses. But Florence’s farther saw how much she was reading that he taught Florence . But when year’s past when Florence was an adult she wanted to be a nurse. she knocked on the door to ask her father.

  19. I am enjoying learning our assembly script lines

  20. InesC year2 says:

    I am so happy to be learning about Florence nightingale and Mary Seacole but we haven’ t learned about Emily Davison or Queen Elizebeth yet

  21. lnesC year2 says:

    l really enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale

  22. l really like learning about Historical Heroes

  23. Joseph A says:

    My favourite hero was Florence Nightingale, because she nursed the soldiers during the Crimean War. And then nursed the poor.

    I think St Joseph is a hero because being the dad of Jesus and spouse of Mary!

  24. Guerlain says:

    I am loving learning about historical heroes like Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole and we started a bit of Elizabeth the first.

  25. Genesis y2 says:

    l like to be learning about Mary and Florance it was really fun and it is good that we remeber what she had done in the past because if she was not alive that time people will still be sharing blood and not be eating cooked meals and that will be not good and they had to breath the same air because l think they had no having fresh air windows so they had no fresh air and l think that is disgusting for me to be doing all that. It is good now that nurses are more trained so that people can come out looking looked aftered and well.

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