History Task

Click HERE for a printable version of this task

Today we are going to travel back in time to World War 1…

During History, we will continue to explore food in the past, travelling back in time to World War 1 to find out about peoples diet.

In our previous History task, we explored food rationing and found out about some of the types of food eaten during World War 1.

Our History focus today is:

To study the changes in diet from the past and find out similarities and differences in our food today.

Watch this video to recap on food rationing:

Explore more information about diet and meals in World War 1 HERE


Your task today is to design your own food menu from World War 1.
Use your research and findings to help you select appropriate meals during that time.
You may like to include starters, mains and deserts.
Record this on a piece of paper or in your homework book and upload a picture of your work. You may also like to type this up on the blog.


Can you find a recipe for one of the dishes included in your menu. Write down the ingredients required and method to make your chosen dish!



Chloe H



Chloe K




21 comments on “History Task – 12.5.20

  1. In 1918, new laws set by the government introduced rationing, a way of sharing food fairly. Sugar, meat, flour, butter, margarine and milk were all rationed so that everyone got what they needed. Each person had special ration cards, even King George and Queen Mary. The cards could only be used at certain shops.

  2. Clemence says:

    This is my world war 1 menu, I made it on an app called pages.

  3. Clémence says:

    I found a recipe for the chocolate potato pudding.
    Ingredients :
    2 table spoonfuls mashed potato
    1 table spoonful cocoa
    1 table spoonful sugar
    Almond or Vanilla flavouring
    Method :
    1. Mash the potato thoroughly.
    2. Mix the cocoa, sugar, and flavouring.
    3. Use a spread in place of jam.

  4. Mrs Casey says:

    Thank you Clémence and Reuben. I have yet to find some flour, I wonder if I should use mashed potatoes instead..

  5. In World War 1 every one ate stuff like oats and stuff like that and 15 million people died in the world died because of world war 1. The government said to them that they need to share food. They gave them some ration cards. The ration cards can only be used at certain shops.

  6. Starters:
    Potato and leek soup

    Main Meal:
    Toad in the hole or fish and potato pie

    Water or milk

    Treacle pudding or suet pudding

  7. Mrs Casey says:

    Great menu Patrick, especially Toad in a Hole.

  8. Ingredients



    Heat oven to 220C. Wash and slice all vegetables into large roasting tin. Spread everything out to a single layer, add butter and roast for 45 mins. Toss once or twice until the vegetables are roasting and brown round the edges. Place the tin on a low heat, then add the tomatoes. Bring to a simmer and gently stir. Serve from the tin into a serving dish.

  9. Mrs Casey says:

    Sounds delicious, Chloe!

  10. Julian Edward Darwen’s WW1 Restaurant


    Potato bread with apple sauce

    Courgette sprinkled carrots and turnips

    Mushroom and pepper ( red ) paste


    Billed beef with biscuits

    Potatoes ( 3-12 pp ) and bean soup

    Broccoli pizza
    Broccoli sprinkled over mushed and dried potatoes with cooked
    Biscuits and jam


    Sprouts ?SOLD OUT ?

  11. Mrs Casey says:

    Great selection of food, Julian. Shame about the sprouts ?

  12. Holly☄???????❄️ says:

    Tea / milk / sugar

    Main meal:
    Meat and potatoe stew andvegetables

    Apple pie

  13. Menu:
    Milk + a pinch of sugar

    Main course:
    Leek + potato soup

    Apple tart

  14. Miss Jones says:

    Wow Well done Class Three on your menu’s! I can see you have researched the food dishes carefully in World War 1!

  15. Menu
    Bean soup and bread

    Toad in the hole
    Mutton stew
    Biff stew
    Fish and potatoes pie

    Raisin pudding
    Suet pudding
    Treacle pudding
    Apple pie


  16. Graceanne says:

    They eat Beans soup., Bread before them up. Fresh fruit and veg, Beat bread Hard to find there were long queues outside shops on Sundays to eat meat. Will put in the eat fish pudding.Pudding is Treacle pudding Potato pie,Then baked raisin pudding. Toad in the hole and potatoes.

  17. Gabriella says:

    World War I people only had one meal a week with meat usually on a Sunday.
    Food they had
    bean soup and bread
    toad-in-the-hole and potatoes
    Mutton stew
    fish and potato pie
    Pudding they had
    treacie pudding
    suet pudding
    baked raisin pudding.

  18. Matthias says:

    Hello Miss Jones, this is my menu:

    – Porridge with cream,
    – little pieces of meat
    – bits of bread with butter

    – Meat sandwiches
    – Egg with beans on toast
    – Bread

    Rock cakes


  19. Miss Coleman says:

    Dear Year 3,
    I am so impressed with your research and thoughtful menus. I have posted any photos of your work on the Blog as Miss Jones is working at the Hub today. I know Mrs Casey has loved reading your menus and Miss Jones is looking forward to seeing them later. Well done!

  20. Orla has completed her history task and we have uploaded it.

  21. Miss Jones says:

    Excellent work Class Three! I have just enjoyed reading through all of your menus! Very impressive. I can see you watched the video and researched into popular food dishes during this time. Would you like to make any of them?! 🙂

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