Help the astronaut reach his rocket ship by writing all of the numbers to 20.

Once you have done that, do a countdown from 20 back down to zero before your rocket ship blasts off into space!

When you have finished, treat yourself to Miss O’Connell’s favourite number song.

20 comments on “Maths – Ordering and writing numbers to 20

  1. James could write all the numbers in order and count backwards.

    He enjoyed the song too.

  2. Miss Savage says:

    Well done James ??

  3. I have done ✅ the exercise and now the astronaut ?‍? is in the rocket ? in space amongst the planets and the stars ⭐️!

  4. Miss Savage says:

    Great work Cesar ?

  5. Mikey enjoyed practising numbers. Great song Mrs O’Connell!

  6. Miss Savage says:

    Well done Mikey ??

  7. Hi teachers! I wrote all my numbers correctly and did the countdown. Mummy and I enjoyed the song, especially because it went all the way to one trillion!

  8. Miss Savage says:

    Great song isn’t it? Maybe Marcus could have a go at using the song to write out his numbers to twenty. One, two, three, etc.

  9. Ms O'Connell says:

    Hi everyone..singing along to the big number song ! Miss singing it together.

  10. We loved the numbers song!
    Rocco can count to twenty, going back was a bit tricky but he could do most of it.

  11. Miss Savage says:

    Well done Rocco ?

  12. I wrote all the numbers in order and the rocket went blast off – I sang along to the numbers song

  13. Miss Savage says:

    Fantastic Ryan ?

  14. I was able to write all of my numbers to 20 but found it a bit hard to count backwards. I’ll have to practice! I liked the song too.

  15. Ms Pereira says:

    Well done Harlow!

  16. Ruby-Mae says:

    Hello Ruby-Mae counted backwards and forwards and wrote the numbers. She is enjoying the song.

  17. Ms Pereira says:

    Well done Ruby-Mae! I also enjoy the number song.

  18. This morning I learned to count backward but I found it difficult.
    Forward was easy!

  19. Ms Pereira says:

    Well done Maya! I agree that counting forwards is easier than backwards. Keep practicing it and it will become easier every time you do it.

  20. Amber jackson says:

    Amber wrote out the numbers 1-20
    And then we counted down to launch the rocket into space.
    Then we spent some extra time practicing her 2’s and 5’s which needed some help.

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