

Lesson:2,3,4 (Volume of cubes and cuboids)

printer-friendly version: Thursday maths blog


Good morning Year 6!

Today we will look at volume of cubes and cuboids.


Volume is the amount of 3-dimensional space something takes up.

There is a link between counting cubes and the formula (? × ? × ℎ) for calculating the volume of cuboids.
The formula is the same as calculating the area of the base and multiplying this by the height.

The volume is found using the formula:

Volume = Length × Width ×  Height

Which is usually shortened to:

V = l × w × h

Or more simply:

V = lwh

The result is in m3 (cubic metres) because we have multiplied metres together three times.

Each small cube takes up 1 cubic centimetre of space. It means that the dimensions of each small cube is 1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm. This is its volume and can be written as 1 cm³. 

Although the cuboids may have the same volume, their dimensions may be different.

Please look at: BBC Bitesize: Volume of a cuboid

BBC Bitesize: Finding the volume of a cuboid

Once you have watched the video and completed the worksheets, consolidate your learning here:Volume of cuboids task cards

Then, if you are feeling confident why not try the extension White Rose Maths Volume of cuboids  ?

Please write in the comments if you have any questions!

Good luck.

Mrs Avdiu xx

Today is not my working day so Miss Carruthers will kindly respond to the blogs. If you send any files, please ensure these are sent for the attention of Miss Carruthers on Wednesdays and Thursdays 🙂





8 comments on “Maths – Volume (Thu 18.6.20)

  1. Done.

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Ethan! Did you try the extension as well?

  3. Hi Miss,

    I finished the Maths No Problem and the extension

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done! How was it?

  5. Done!

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Tim 🙂

  7. Hello Miss,
    I did the maths no problem and I also did the extension. I am also going to 5 bars of Mathletics. I found the extension quite easy as I am good with volume

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m glad you feel so confident with this topic!

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